Montreal Escorts

Don't Call It a Comeback - ( End of May Tour )


New Member
Sep 18, 2015

Bonjour Montreal !

Je rentre en ville pour quelques semaines seulement et j'ai envie de souligner l'occasion comme il se doit. Elegante gamine au coeur tendre, je gravite naturellement vers la celebration de la vie sous toutes ses formes.
Que ce soit une excitante sortie ou un verre de vin en tete a tete, nous sommes en mesure de creer ensemble un souvenir innoubliable.

Suffit de me contacter (details plus bas)

Je pourrai venir te rejoindre ou encore te recevoir dans mon boudoir, au centre-ville.


Availabilities - Disponibilites

Disponible pour rencontres tries sur le volet entre le 22 Mai et le 8 Juin
Select meetings between May 22nd and June 8th


Hi Montreal -

I'm back, but just for a few weeks. Carpe Diem.

Last summer, I took a flight of faith - kind of like a leap, but it lead me further. Originally from Montreal, I moved out West and have now decided to live most of my life in Vancouver. When in town, I can be found running (or eating gelato) along the seawall. I also enjoy finding the best spots to read, in retreat of the hustle and bustle of the city but still hearing it purr. My soul seeks a discrete kind of company, vibrant and glowing - should you feel called to reach out, make sure to shine. I will answer in kind.

Well traveled, I always long to hear travel stories. My wanderlust is easily struck and I will travel for food (and hikes). When I take the time to rest I like to people watch in cafes, and to sit in the shade at outdoor concerts. I think of myself as a free spirit, young demoiselle sucking the sap out of life and chewing with her mouth open - in private only.
In public, I'm naturally almost shy. Introvert but lover of humanity, I prefer discretion to glitz and glamour. I prefer a candle lit dinner in good company to the latest hashtag food trend. Not one to be stuck inside though, I long for the mountains, the ocean and am always ready to go on adventures.

Art that touches me

Leonard Cohen
Frida Khalo
Lhasa De Sela
Gustave Klimt
Amelie Nothomb
Robert Mapplethorpe
Augusten Burroughs
Artisan Doughnuts
Montreal Style Bagels

Reach me via contact form, email at [email protected] or TEXT MESSAGE (discretion please!) at 514.713.5975

About Me

Standing tall and proud at 5ft7

Je suis Québécoise francophone and have the faintest accent when speaking English (fluently)

Verified Provider

Preferred 411 number is: P235543

Overall Rates

1h - 360

1h30 - 480

2h - 600

(subsequent hours + 240)

an evening (6h) - 1300

overnight (12h+) - 2500

(This rate structure was created to reflect the fact that I prefer longer encounters - travel fees may apply if I come to you)

Presence on Twitter @MlleVennes

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New Member
Sep 18, 2015


Bonjour de l'Ouest!

Je finis tout juste mes valises. - Just wrapping up the process of packing
Should the thought of you be added to my luggage - perhaps a particular frill or frock that strikes your imagination, be sure to let me know before I finally close my suitcase.

My availability will be limited during these few weeks due to the fact that I have a lot to catch up with in Montreal. Want to create a little memory for us both?
Simply get in touch :)

A bientot!

Mademoiselle L

[email protected]
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