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do you think an sp can stay more than a year in the buisness without using drug


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
i meet myself lot of sp wiith an experience in the buisness more than a year,i can say that at least more than 25%of the sp needs some pills to remain healthy in that buisness.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Some start because of an addiction, but they are usually trashy.. And doped out.(you can sppt them right away)
This is an odd question, frankly weird..?
What chapter are you on by the way :)
I have met many that their only drug is money..and this job gives plenty when your a star.
What do you mean by pills? Like anxiety pills, depression pills etc..?
And you saw them take them in front of you?
(its never a good thing when a girl takes her meds in front of a client :help:)


New Member
Jan 16, 2011
My two cents: It depends how solid is her personality. and how long she works. I know one of the highest SP (concouring for the best GFE escort), she only work once a week, 3 to 4 clients maximum, she use the job just to make side money, and I can guarantee she never took drugs ... She is solid, she knows what she does, and why. I think you have to fine tune your question and make the number of client factor enetring in the equation. When I see young girl, 18-20 yo advertised 12 hours a day in incall, 6 days a week, for 3 weeks a month, sometime 4 ... there I think there is a problem. No once can survive this rythm, even if you were barman ... without any emotional implication. And again, her past history is important.
I was luckyer then you. from my experience less then 10% of the girls I met in the last 2 years clearly took solid drug (Mary excluded) ...


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
The last incall I saw had just made a fresh pot of coffee. Does that count?? :D

Seriously I've only ever met one that obviously looked like an addict. Many "regular" people take drugs and many escorts don't take drugs. I suppose if you already have a drug problem the business can make it worse. A bit like being in a rock band.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I suppose if you already have a drug problem the business can make it worse.

Hello Sciocnarf,

When anyone spends large portions of their life in a certain atmosphere they tend to mold themselves to it, just as anyone will adjust themselves to the behavior mode of being at work or a party. It happens even if it is just a little.

I'd agree that much of the likelihood of one becoming similarly indulgent depends on inner character and strength of purpose. I've known some ladies who escort for college or career money and stick to that without getting into the peripheral indulgences. Others probably find the lifestyle alluring or use them to divert their anxieties over personal issues.

According to some escorts the escorting atmosphere can be overwhelming with the nearness of alcohol, drugs, parties, and the peer influence of companions indulging. Just as some clients become caught up or needy for the fantasy life, no doubt some escorts do also and alcohol or drug use can be a big part of that.

For one basic thing, it would figure that ladies willing to be alone and sexually intimate strangers would also be open minded toward other risky behaviors. Not that it's inevitable, but...



Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Please excuse my sarcastic tone in my post Above.. That may be wrongfully perceived as belittlement.
I just want to know how simon came to find out that a quarter of the sp's he saw were on medication.
That isnt a subject that ever came up in my multiple dialogues with sp's...
"excuse my bluntness, but do you have to take medication to deal with the trials and tribulations of selling your body"..
So i am curious to know how one would find out about a sp's drug consumption.
What comes to mind is asking, seeing them take pills, or searching through their purse.
Can you please enlighten me simon.. Thanks bud.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
first of all they all drink a lot of wine and alcool.The only sp i meet who refuse to drink with me a least a bottle of wine is Kim indy.I REFUSED MANY TIME SP WHO WERE COMING AT MY CONDO AND THEY WERE DRUNK AND ME BE THEY WERE USING SOMETING ELSE.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
How many useless posts does this guy have ?

I cannot even read it, because he is on my ignore list


Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Now.. Now smuler, the guy has the curiousity of a toddler/cat/12 year old girl/and puppy .. All in one.
And these questions cant just asked anywhere. Lol
But simon, you said above 25% of the girls you saw were on pills..
And in your other post, your talking about the girls being alcoholics...
Please be clear, or ask in french if you prefer...
Drugs are drugs.. But being on prescription pills, or street level drugs are 2 very seperate things.
Its 50/50...half are on dope, half are not.
As for prescription pills? Its anyones guess


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
25%of the sp needs some pills to remain healthy in that buisness.

Those are antibiotics.

I've been seeing mostly incalls and some mentionned they preferred working incall, because the people are more quiet and there is less drugs. I have the feeling its more likely to get wild people on outcalls, but that's just my perception.

I do this "job" SOBER!

I like a sober woman, in full control of her abilities. (Cool logo!)

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
And in some ways can you blame the ones that do take dope ?
After all, they never know who could be behind that door when they walk alone down motel corridors.


Aug 12, 2011
Temporary on Earth
I think the opposite is true. Girls that stay sober and cool can manage this business for a long time with minimal damage. I have met a few years ago a very well known Montreal SP that has relatively recently retired in her late 50th and in perfect shape. She told me that with exception of an occasional joint she did not do any drugs no she drunk at work. On the opposite side a well known and attractive SP was a mess after working a year and a half and was kicked out of business precisely because of her drug habit.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
I like a sober woman, in full control of her abilities. (Cool logo!)
Agreed Siocnarf, I prefer a sober woman also. I sometimes do have some wine to share, but never enough to get drunk.
I also agree that Miss Athana has a cool logo. :thumb:
first of all they all drink a lot of wine and alcool.The only sp i meet who refuse to drink with me a least a bottle of wine is Kim indy.I REFUSED MANY TIME SP WHO WERE COMING AT MY CONDO AND THEY WERE DRUNK AND ME BE THEY WERE USING SOMETING ELSE.
Perhaps, simonpaul you should see a higher class of escort. In the four or five years I've been seeing ladies in Montreal (way before I discovered MERB), I've only had two ladies show up drunk or even smelling of alcohol. About half of the ladies accept some wine, and don't even finish the glass. Only one has had more than one glass. The rest prefer water or nothing. To say they all drink a lot of wine and alcohol is erroneous.
Yes I believe that there are a lot of ladies who have survived in this business without using drugs. :nod:

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
And doping themselfs will get them "protected"?

So, because you don't know what's after the next curve... let's start driving drunk or doped. :help:


out of the 6 hobbyists ive met off the board, i would need dope,alcohol,a pill that numbs, and a tetnus shot , to sleep with 3 of them (sorry guys lol)..
So if that were to be the same in half of their clientele..then i would understand.

I do understand your point however, and your right.
That being said.. That comes with the job. (having all types of clients from all walks of life )
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Lily from Montreal

I find very strange that some of you thinks that drugs is part of the equation for a sp to be able to meet...maybe a girl that does it for the wrong reasons and not entirely of her freewill ...I do enjoy a glass of champagne with my friends but it just add to the sensual experience , as chocolate or strawberries loll ,it is not to be able to function...

And I agree with sweetwater...maybe it goes with the kind you meet?

Myself I do not meet at night or weekend because it's a different clientèle..more partylike and like you do not like meeting a drunk girl, what's good for the goose is good for the gander...meeting a drunk guy is a total turn-off , it happened to me once before I laid the daytime resolution...once was enough...I still have to have a lunch meeting where my friend is incapacitated by to much alcohol...
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Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
That is a great point lily, if they need something to cope with meeting a stranger..then they probably are doing it for the wrong reasons to begin with.

Lily from Montreal

I know it's semantic but I rather look at them not as strangers but as friends-to-be ...a rose under any other name ...loll

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
I know it's semantic but I rather look at them not as strangers but as friends-to-be ...a rose under any other name ...loll

With a response like this, i just want to take the day off.. And spend it with you!
Why wasnt i born 10 years earlier:eyebrows: (lilys mature men only policy)

Lily from Montreal

Hum...Guess what I did today? I bend my rule for a pretty boy below 35 guy , I agreed to a meeting today..and guess what? he stood me up...not a word to cancel or anything...snif...I think I am going to start a thread asking why guys do that? book and no-show?
I guess my weekend will start early loll

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
That wasn't me..i utterly despise when a girl does that to i never stand ladies up.
Too bad lily, and you dont book too many a missed encounter could have been a succesful one with someone else instead. Time wasted for nothing!.

So simon, about the do you know 25% are on pills?
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