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Do you like Stephen Harper?


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Apr 29, 2004
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Here is an exerpt from an open letter to Stephen Harper:

As with Richard Nixon and Watergate, the crime is not so much the initial blunder (paying Mr. Duffy $90,000 to keep quiet), but the lengths you've gone to cover up the crime. You did tell us some months ago, and repeat it now as a daily mantra, that only your then chief of staff, Nigel Wright, and Mike Duffy, knew about the personal cheque. According to emails uncovered by the RCMP, a number of people, including your current chief of staff and campaign manager, Ray Novak, knew about the cheque.

Stephen, either you're not telling us the truth or you have institutionalized a technique that Nixon made famous — plausible deniability. If the people around you agree to tell you nothing about what's going on, then you can claim to know nothing about anything potentially embarrassing or incriminating. Lucky for you, my friend, we don't have impeachment of prime ministers.

When the New York Times (Aug. 14) has a feature article called "The Closing of the Canadian Mind" and includes these sentences — "(T)he nine and half years of Mr. Harper's tenure have seen the slow-motion erosion of that reputation for open, responsible government … He has consistently limited the capacity of the public to understand what its government is doing, cloaking himself and his Conservative party in an entitled secrecy, and the country in ignorance" — you know you're in trouble. The U.S. used to be our closest ally.


When Jeffrey Simpson in The Globe and Mail, Aug. 19 (hardly a left-wing columnist in a left-wing newspaper) summarizes Duffygate in these searing words — "Throughout the affair — and this the take-away lesson of how the Prime Minister's Office operates — everything in the Harper entourage revolved around image, reputation, damage-control and spin. That the truth might and should be told, openly and immediately, never occurred to any of them" — you know you're in trouble.

You've probably gathered by now that I won't be voting for you, Stephen. Here's why. You're anti-science; anti-facts; anti-debate; anti-change; anti-carbon tax; anti-transparency; anti-CBC; anti-day care; anti-environment; anti-Watch Dogs; anti-Parliament; anti-vision; anti-compromise; anti-legacy; anti-research; anti-press; anti-honesty (anti-ethics); anti-budget officer; anti-Supreme Court; anti-UN; anti-Elections Canada.


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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-Going against the Supreme court ruling on prostitution laws,
-Country in a recession,
-Income inequality in Canada is the worst that it's ever been,

I have had enough of Harper and his arrogant Conservative values, so glad he will be out the door in October.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
...Today Alan and Galip died on a Turkey beach, today Harper's future has ended. Thanks God!

OK, now that the news has confirmed that none of this was the fault of Harper or the conservatives and the NDP plus the opposition used this story for political gain do you not realize that every error in Canada is not Harpers fault.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I'm new to this country and noob when it comes to canadian politics, but why all the hate for him? Anyone care to enlighten?

This is coming from a westerner. People from Quebec and Ontario hate Harper because their own elected provincial leaders ran their provinces into the ground, raised taxes and drove business away, life is not as good as they want and need to blame someone other than themselves. Every province ran under the NDP or Liberals are in ruin and now they expect these sad sacks of government to run a country. " If " the NDP gain power, be very afraid, taxes will skyrocket and many jobs will be lost, but the people will get their free stuff. Pityful. Ask someone that good the NDP or Liberals will do and usually you will not get a reply because they have no answer, just that they hate Harper. Pityful.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
hurt the people of the province and im am talking about taxes and their policy on using their citizens has their own personal ATMs.

You really are misinformed, the provincial taxes have nothing to do with Harper at all, it is all because of your provincial leaders, did you know that if a province is a have not province ( Quebec for 50+ years ) and you raise your taxes that you will get an increase in transfer payments ( reason your taxes are so high ), did you also know that if a have not province gets royalty money from its resources it comes off the transfer payments ( reason why Quebec does not harvest its natural resources, it could be a have province if it wants to ). You people should do a little research on your own before blaming other for the fuckups your leaders do.
Weather kind of sucks today and your basement flooded, Harper at it again...


Jul 15, 2015
Every province ran under the NDP or Liberals are in ruin and now they expect these sad sacks of government to run a country.

Let's be serious Sol Tee nutz, Ontario in ruin?, Québec in ruin? We could only be concerned with Alberta, not because it is lead by the NDP, but only because the Conservative rulled it for too long....
No matter what you think, no matter what you do, Harper is done, he knows it and you should know it too!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Let's be serious Sol Tee nutz, Ontario in ruin?, Québec in ruin? We could only be concerned with Alberta, not because it is lead by the NDP, but only because the Conservative rulled it for too long....
No matter what you think, no matter what you do, Harper is done, he knows it and you should know it too!

Ontario and Quebec have a combined debt of around 500 billion and growing, there is no relief in sight for both provinces so yes I would say they are in ruin. Alberta is very sorry for the revenge vote on the conservatives which let the NDP gain power, we have a long 4 years till we get rid of them ( if it was possible to have an election next week the NDP would get booted out ).
As for Harper being out, I doubt it, polls mean nothing in the end, people will realise that free stuff is not free and JT & Mulcair have no economic plan for Canada.
Could you please state what good your party of choice will do for Canada? it is too easy to trash any political party.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Here are 25 reasons to hate Harper:

Not on that list: He has made us all criminals with C-36.

I can better that with 100 reason to vote for Harper.

As I have said in the past, I dislike every political party and only chose the one " I " think will do Canada good for present and future generations. I do like some of the NDP policies but to pay for these policies there are no cuts planned from outdated policies so taxes will be raised. The NDP plan to heavily increase " big business " taxes to pay for this means that big business will charge more to open shop here, in the end we will be paying more ( seems hard to figure out for some ). The environmental tax grab is the biggest farce going, you actualy think that the taxes will improve your quality of life... really. the Liberals plan to spend our way out of a recession... how is that going for Ontario... not very well.
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