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Devilish - Racial Restrictions

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Mar 12, 2006
I called up Devilish @ 5:30P & spoke with Chris for 4 minutes about the menu for the night. He read off the list & told me many of the sp I wanted rearly worked. I told him I was from out of town & he said o.k. maybe thats why you are not up to date on the service providers.

He asked me if I am African-American. I told him I am black....seeing.....I AM CANADIAN !!!!!!! ha....ha... I am not easily shocked....but what happened next caught me by surprise... He said " we do not service African-Americans " This policy was a little shocking coming from an agency owner. In a previous post I acknowledge that it is fine for a sp to choose who she decides to see likewise it is fine for a client to pick the sp of his choice. For an agency to have this policy is beyond me !!!!!

I am not sure if this is a new policy. I have seen several sp from his agency in the past, to name a few: Leah, Cameron, Nikki & Lisa. This board is all about information..... Information is knowledge & knowledge is king.


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May 25, 2004
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Dude, don't feel bad. I am sure it is not a "racist" thing. It's just that many of the girls have black (or should I say African American) boyfriends. They just don't want to run into any of their boyfriends' friends or the boyfriend himself.

On another note, I am sure that some smaller Merbians will be happy with this policy....


Active Member
Mar 27, 2006
thats sucks

Actually what I've heard from sps and other people is that they won't service blacks or les indous(hindus):( because for blacks they say its too big and it hurts.There rough when it comes to sex and for indians they say they smell or dont bathe well.I was shocked when I heard this myself and I told them you shouldnt put all your eggs in one basket.Just because you had a few bad experiences it doesnt mean all blacks or immigrants are bad.Its shame that he said that.A real shame.Goes to show we still live in a discriminatory and stereotypical world.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2006
must be more to the story

This is very hard to believe that devilish as a no black policy. Some girls maybe but the agency.

We need to hear both sides of the story before we rush to judgement.

Nightcrawler out


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Maybe the girl you wanted to see had the "no African American policy", I seriously doubt that the agency has such a policy.


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Apr 4, 2004
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thegreatwalooo said:
Maybe the girl you wanted to see had the "no African American policy", I seriously doubt that the agency has such a policy.

I can attest that this was Mike's policy on this day as I was a witness to it.
Jan 7, 2006
Hi A..piece.

To start off the person that awnsered the phone was me. My name is Mark. Dont want to get the bosses name messed up in this stuff LOL.

For the whole racist comment about the agency I need to say that I would NEVER refuse a client of any race or color. I personnaly have quite a few black friends and Indou chinese ect....

I get many calls a night from many random ppl and have never asked anyone there race and when I say never I mean never. The only possible way to have came upon that specific subject is for you to have mentionned it to me. If you did mention it then I as usual would have awnsered that I would have to look into wich girls would be willing to visit you tonight and that in a very polite maner.

Thanks and hope this clears up this story.



Mar 31, 2005
Actually what I've heard from sps and other people is that they won't service blacks or les indous(hindus) because for blacks they say its too big and it hurts.There rough when it comes to sex and for indians they say they smell or dont bathe well.I was shocked when I heard this myself and I told them you shouldnt put all your eggs in one basket.Just because you had a few bad experiences it doesnt mean all blacks or immigrants are bad.Its shame that he said that.A real shame.Goes to show we still live in a discriminatory and stereotypical world.

I am sick of listenning to this discriminatory BS! The SP's have a right to choose. This issue is about respect for the SP's. I guess rough sex and unclean clients must have their day. !!
Jan 7, 2006
Shed some light

Hello everyone,

I think i need to jump in here and set some things straight!!! First off we have never had nor ever will we have a "no African American policy". We have many clients of different race see our ladies. So who ever thinks we have this policy is mistaken! I am not really sure festival you are up to date on this as Mike was off the last two nights! So as Mark has said he was the one, also it is not up to Mike to make a policy like this it is mine. Secondally believe me it is not us who decides who the girls see, but them. I dont know how many times this has been discussed here in the last YEARS, but almost all the girls in the industry will not cator to colored gentleman. I only have a small handfull that will. So please understand, it is not us that say we have certain rules, but the girls. For example we had a issue last night with a certain client and merb member here who wanted to see one of our ladies. Never did i ask him are you african american. So one hour later i send the lady he choose to him. Well i get a phone call from her saying sorry i dont see colored men, then i receive a call from him. So what do i do, try to send him another lady, but the same thing happens. So we are trying again tonight:cool: . So if you really still think we have a policy of sort why would i try two nights in a row to find him so fun:confused:. Anyways enough of this please and once again for the millionth time we do not have a policy of this nature.





sexe on the beach
Sep 6, 2006
noir, indo, arabe non ! chinois oui !

ce n est pas d hier qu une fille qui refuse des Noirs, ce n est pas le politique de l agence, mais plustot pcq la fille qui ne se sentira pas a l aise avec de tel ou telle personne, alors il faut la respecter comme telle.

Il y a une fille qui m avait deja dit la raison pour laquelle qu elle refuse carrement les Noirs (violents), Les indous (odeur bizzard), Les arabes (consider les femmes inferieures). - C est pas moi qui dit ca, c est elle ! -

Au telephone, quand tu parle avec un ascent, l agence te demande immediatement : t es quel nationalite toi? si t es un chinois, pas de probleme ! pcq il est tres correct et gentil :D . Si tes un noir ? Oufsss , dsl monsieur ! mademoiselle sent pas a l aise avec un noir :( . C est comme ca, que voulez vous, il n y a pas encore de l acommodement raisonable dans ce domain :D
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May 25, 2004
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[FONT=``Comic Sans MS``]Seriously, as much as I care about my fellow man, I really do not care whether or not an agency serves teh black man. And I challenge any white guy out there (who is a regular client of Devilish) to say he will boycott an agency that refuses service to blacks. The reality is that anybody that can afford to play with the ladies of Devilish will continue to do so. To all you whiners out there... Get over it... Life sucks.. Many of these companions that some Merbians hold in such high esteem were introduced to this wonderful industry by their black boyfriends.
I for one will not turn this into some Rosa Parks back of the bus kind of thing.[/FONT]


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Oct 21, 2003
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This is the most ridiculous thread ever.

Call CNN tell them you've been a victim of racism when you called an escort agency. Then start a speech "I have a dream....." then end it by saying "...where everyone can get punani equally". For the love of god, pick up the phone and call another agency.


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Jun 30, 2003
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Chris Devilish Escorts said:
Hello everyone,

I think i need to jump in here and set some things straight!!! First off we have never had nor ever will we have a "no African American policy". We have many clients of different race see our ladies. So who ever thinks we have this policy is mistaken! I am not really sure festival you are up to date on this as Mike was off the last two nights! So as Mark has said he was the one, also it is not up to Mike to make a policy like this it is mine. Secondally believe me it is not us who decides who the girls see, but them. I dont know how many times this has been discussed here in the last YEARS, but almost all the girls in the industry will not cator to colored gentleman. I only have a small handfull that will. So please understand, it is not us that say we have certain rules, but the girls. For example we had a issue last night with a certain client and merb member here who wanted to see one of our ladies. Never did i ask him are you african american. So one hour later i send the lady he choose to him. Well i get a phone call from her saying sorry i dont see colored men, then i receive a call from him. So what do i do, try to send him another lady, but the same thing happens. So we are trying again tonight:cool: . So if you really still think we have a policy of sort why would i try two nights in a row to find him so fun:confused:. Anyways enough of this please and once again for the millionth time we do not have a policy of this nature.




For the record, I can confirm the above statement by Chris, because I am the client he's referring to. It was the first time I was ever refused by a girl because of the color of my skin (actually the first and second time LOL). I was wondering when my time would come, as I have many friends (Blacks, Asians, Indians, and Latinos) who were refused because of their race. I don't hobby nearly as much as my firends do, but I have seen many girls from Devilish, and was never refused by any of them, so I guess my luck just ran out LOL. I would also like to point out that I've never been questionned about my ethnic backgorund by anyone from this agency.

As for the girls who refused me (Penelope and Alexia), I don't mind because it's ultimately up to them to decide who they want to see, but it would have been nice to know about their restriction in advance. You also have to ask yourself why would you want to see a girl who is uncomfortable with you because of your race, and risk getting crappy service? Am I mad that I got refused by these two girls? No, it's their loss, but I was mad that I had to sit in a hotel room for three hours before finding out. As for the agency, I don't think they are racist, because they went thorugh a lot of trouble to accomodate me tonight, where most other agencies might have only given me a half-assed apology (if that much). Hope this sheds some light on the situation.

BTW for those who want to know, Jamie does not have this restriction. I just spent two hours with her and we had a blast!!:D

Review coming soon...after I recover;)

Good night.


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
Latinofreak said:
"I have a dream....." then end it by saying "...where everyone can get punani equally".

No no, punani should flow from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.


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Oct 21, 2003
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totally right kepler.

I've never been refused, latinos make wonderful lovers.
I've been stolen though, I was mad when it happened, then I started thinking who the fuck am I gonna complain about this? So if you play this game is best for you to assume that there are no rules.
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New Member
Jun 21, 2007
Ca c'est un thread excellent

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Stageofdreams said:
Keep posting these threads.I'm laughing my ass off!
Quel bonne facon de se parler comme des hommes adultes et civilisés. De plus, Chris a bien protéger sa réputation;
des pros vraiment!

De toute facon a la fin de toute l'histoire on sait bien que les etiquettes sont les produits d'étiquetteuses (les étiquetteuses sont pas nécessairement des SP, mon idée se veut est plus large, plus abstraite)

Donc, morale de l'histoire; À bas le étiqueteuses...;) ;) ;)
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New Member
Mar 12, 2006
Believe me gents... what possible motive would I have for bringing up this subject if it was not true...... This is not about any sp in particular because I did not agree to see any of the sp that night with Mark.... as it turned out to be. (sorry for the mixup Chris) I have been around for a while & I am quite aware that many ( not all ) sp will not see dark skin clients. I have said on several occasions that a sp can see whomever she likes for whatever reasons..... Of course I would not want to see a sp who has racial restrictions....this is not about that !!!! Mark should have said I don't have any sp tonight who see blacks (African-Americans) working at the moment... I know what Mark said... He clearly said " Are you African-American & we do not service African-Americans " Look.... I am not trying to damage anyone's business here. Mark..... just admit you made a mistake & move on, don''t try & compound the problem by denying it. Its your business you can cater to whomever you please. I'll just take my business elsewhere.....

This board is for information purpose olny !!!!!! An informed consumer is a smart consumer.
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Jan 7, 2006

Hello AGAIN,

Listen a...piece, as you can see we service african americans as you have seen girls with us before, so what tonight we decided to ban african americans:eek: !!! Also as you can see here we have other clients the same race as yourself!!! Man do you honestly think any agency owner or booker in there right mind would say " We dont service african americans " :D seriously come on. Anyways this is getting really stupid as many have said. So as i said before yes we service african americans " depending on which sp ".

All you have to do is read Anacondas post and the truth is there in black and white as this all happened with Mark as well. So why yes to one and no to the other. Well all i can say is i think the answer is clear;) .




sexe on the beach
Sep 6, 2006
Chris Devilish Escorts

Je sais que ce n est pas de ta faute, tu ne pourrais pas forcer tes filles font les choses qu elles ne trouveront pas du fun ...

mais admettre que la pluspart de tes filles qui n aiment pas des noirs :rolleyes: ?
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