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Cuba open for business

May 28, 2012
Yup, first thing that went through my mind when I heard of the deal Obama made. Interestingly enough it's the first time Obama did something that I agree with. It had to happen some time, it just took him 6 years to come up with a good idea. Now he has to go rest his brain in Hawaii after all of that work....LOL


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Florida better build a wall

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Jun 21, 2003
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Great, all we need is a Starbucks and McDo to open up in Havana...

Now maybe they can get some real car parts to fix their american cars instead of home made MacGyver parts.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Great, now I have to brave the MERB search functions to find all the SP info I can for Cuba. Finally something I can agree with Prez.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hopefully this will lead to the murdering communist bastards that run Cuba to compensate the Cuban families that had to escape to the USA for stealing all their wealth....their businesses, homes, and bank accounts.

I know that there are a few of you MERBites that are in love with the notion of communism. You hate the 1% filthy rich it creates. With communism you don't have to worry about the 1%. .001% become wealthy with communism and the rest are poor. How many people board rafts and try to escape to Cuba? There is the black NJ woman that murdered the NJ police officer but who else but murderers? What is better? Communism or capitalism? Just look at Cuba or Korea.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Cuban butts... :D

Yes, I would consider going there for a hobby trip. I love Cubano people (including the female butt) and food and drink, music etc.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2010
In my head
Hopefully this will lead to the murdering communist bastards that run Cuba to compensate the Cuban families that had to escape to the USA for stealing all their wealth....their businesses, homes, and bank accounts.

That will probably happen the day after the US returns Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California to Mexico...! ;)


Active Member
Sep 11, 2010
In my head
A couple days ago, I read an article (which I can't locate right now, sorry) about how many American car collectors are salivating at the thought of being able to do business in Cuba. Cuba is a real treasure trove of vintage cars. Look for those cars to disappear within a few weeks of the embargo being lifted - if and/or when it is lifted.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Oh Boy, :rolleyes:

The U.S. and Cuba will now immediately begin discussions to re-establish diplomatic relations, including plans to establish an embassy in Havana. Mr. Obama has also directed Secretary of State John Kerry to review Cuba's designation of a state sponsor of terrorism. Additionally, the U.S. is taking a number of steps to significantly increase the flow of travel and commerce between the two countries. Cuba, meanwhile, is releasing 53 additional prisoners at the United States' recommendation.

A number of you seem to be having knee jerk reactions. What is going on is an agreement to move toward what is considered normal relations between the U.S. and Cuba, not a any kind of guarantee of it. Considering the bitter divisions in Congress and the large number of Republicans coming in soon the real possibilities are likely to be very limited. I can't seem to find any definitive explanation of what President Obama can really accomplish in the face of strong opposition and that's probably a good indicator of his real limits. Don't be expecting anything drastic for the next two years and probably longer.

One thing is sure at this time, embargo has been a failure to create the kind of political change in Cuba it was meant to. The older crowd in Little Havana, the bitter and hateful, are delusional. They don't want to settle for anything but total victory and they have wasted over 50 years demanding something they can't get in their life times, if ever. The old guard Cubans in Miami and their supporters have been part of the problem. The younger Cubans of Little Havana are now becoming a majority and they are not blinded by the endless anger of their elders. I'd wager making Cuba economically dependent on the U.S. and the West would have done a lot more to change things than locking the island in an economic fish bowl.

Look for those cars to disappear within a few weeks of the embargo being lifted - if and/or when it is lifted.

According to what I just read the Embargo can only be lifted by Congress and here come the Republicans to take control of both houses soon. If these Republicans stick to the old views don't expect much real change toward Cuba.




Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
According to what I just read the Embargo can only be lifted by Congress and here come the Republicans to take control of both houses soon. If these Republicans stick to the old views don't expect much real change toward Cuba.

Obama' only concern is now to leave a good picture of him for the history and on the way piss off the Republican's majority (or maybe in the other way lol)..

And he played it very well, cause if the congress reject it, Republicans will be seen as the nasty ones in the eyes of the entire world. So imo, they will lift the Embargo. With reluctence, but they will... They are traped..


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

So imo, they will lift the Embargo. With reluctence, but they will... They are traped..

The problem is you are being too logical and underestimating the hardcore Conservatives and those ultra limited Tea Party idiots. There are some disagreements among Republicans but don't underestimate their general ability to be incredibly myopic politically and not care what the world thinks. Immediately after campaigning as the party that would get something done the first thing they came up with was to either focus entirely on getting rid of Obama care or shut down the government, both of which had been the major causes of near complete stagnation. Marc Rubio, a Cuban and considered one of the major 2016 Republican Presidential candidate possibilities, stands against President Obama on this.

Don't bet on much change.




Active Member
Sep 11, 2010
In my head
According to what I just read the Embargo can only be lifted by Congress and here come the Republicans to take control of both houses soon. If these Republicans stick to the old views don't expect much real change toward Cuba.



Everyone knows the embargo has done nothing to change anything in Cuba. Engagement at all levels would have been a better way to change Cuba.
While true that the Republicans in Congress are making a lot of negative noise about this, they are not a completely unified bloc. And, as the 2016 elections approach, this apparent unity may start to fray. Already 55-60% of Americans are apparently in favor of changing or removing the embargo.

Plus, some very large business interests are already agitating for a piece of the action. Look for the business lobbies to pressure the Republicans. What everyone is eyeing is the "after the Castros" era which is just over the horizon. Already European and South American (and Canadian) businesses are positioning themselves to benefit from the soon-to-be "new" Cuba. If Americans wait too long, there will not be much left.

Just the tourism business with its pent up demand in the US probably represents a multi-billion $$ opportunity.

One last point I'd like to make: as you pointed out, Merlot, the younger Cuban Americans seem to be more receptive to change. The Democrats may have found an issue to get young minority voters in Florida out to the polls in 2016. This could be a smart move.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
That will probably happen the day after the US returns Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California to Mexico...! ;)

Yes, that is right. And Mexico did a fine job governing those provinces.

Yes, I forgot. The USA is the ultimate evil. Funny thing, all the defectors want to come here for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
One last point I'd like to make: as you pointed out, Merlot, the younger Cuban Americans seem to be more receptive to change. The Democrats may have found an issue to get young minority voters in Florida out to the polls in 2016. This could be a smart move.

Yes, this is what we need. Four more years of socialism.
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