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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Vaccines don't work based on what you have heard or what kool-aid you have consumed. It's science. It's immunology. A vaccine is not a suit of armor or a hazmat suit. Instead a vaccine has created a primed, awakened immune system ready to respond to an antigen.
Inflating stats, locking ppl up, forcing masks, and using vaccine passports is not science, that is politics. Do not confuse the two.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
We are discussing the science of vaccines and suddenly you divert to an anti-government rant. Is it possible to stay on subject just once without an anti-government tirade?
How is that even possible when so much of covid is politics? You cannot remove one from the other because the two are interwined. And also doctors who openly challenged the political narrative were silenced, they were threathened to get fired. So how can you separate the two? You cannot cherry pick what to discuss, that is anti-science.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Just because the government says so does not mean it is true. One has to use critical thinking and observe the reality. The main reason why severe disease is because the newer strains of covid are less lethal, not because of the vaccines.
Why doing so much assumptions without any data to support them. We all know vaccinated people are more protected against severe disease. Hopefully most "at risk people" are vaccinated. Unfortunately, vaccines are less efficient on older people (80+) which immunological response is not as efficient as in 60 years old ones. For those people, "Paxlovid", an antibody drug is often the only way to help. Those infos, you will not find on conspiracy theorist sites but are easily accessible for people looking for scientific knowledge and not trying to push hidden political agenda. Observing reality is nice but understanding and explaining it needs more research and more knowledge. Not everybody is able or willing to do objective research when those are contrary to what they want to propagate to support their hidden agenda. Take out politic from your posts and we will see that not so much will remain.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Why doing so much assumptions without any data to support them. We all know vaccinated people are more protected against severe disease. Hopefully most "at risk people" are vaccinated. Unfortunately, vaccines are less efficient on older people (80+) which immunological response is not as efficient as in 60 years old ones. For those people, "Paxlovid", an antibody drug is often the only way to help. Those infos, you will not find on conspiracy theorist sites but are easily accessible for people looking for scientific knowledge and not trying to push hidden political agenda. Observing reality is nice but understanding and explaining it needs more research and more knowledge. Not everybody is able or willing to do objective research when those are contrary to what they want to propagate to support their hidden agenda. Take out politic from your posts and we will see that not so much will remain.
Point well taken. What I can say is those who are quadrupled vaxxed still got infected. Imagine being promised a product and it is not doing what it was supposed to. This is how I see it. To conclude, ppl are entitled to do what they want with their bodies. Those who want to take the vaccines are free to do so, those who want to wear a mask are free to do so. Just leave me out of it, all I ask is to be left alone... No forced masks and no vaccine passports. I can take care of myself, I already have parents, I do not need the government to be my Grandma. Does not matter the reasoning, freedom is a right not conditional. My problem are with the mandates. That is all I got to say.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Point well taken. What I can say is those who are quadrupled vaxxed still got infected. Imagine being promised a product and it is not doing what it was supposed to. This is how I see it. To conclude, ppl are entitled to do what they want with their bodies. Those who want to take the vaccines are free to do so, those who want to wear a mask are free to do so. Just leave me out of it, all I ask is to be left alone... No forced masks and no vaccine passports. I can take care of myself, I already have parents, I do not need the government to be my Grandma. Does not matter the reasoning, freedom is a right not conditional. My problem are with the mandates. That is all I got to say.
Once again the vaccine is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. A vaccine cannot prevent an airborne viral infection. What a vaccine can do is train and prepare your immune system to fight this virus. Once your immune system has produced antibodies to the virus through vaccination, you are ready to immediately produce sufficient neutralizing antibodies to a vital antigen that can keep you out of the hospital or the morgue.

So do what you want. Nobody cares. But please stop spreading misinformation about how the vaccine works and how effective it is.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Once again the vaccine is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. A vaccine cannot prevent an airborne viral infection. What a vaccine can is train and prepare your immune system for this virus. Once your immune system has produced antibodies to the virus through vaccination, you are ready to immediately produce sufficient antibodies to a vital infection that can keep you out of the hospital or the morgue.

So what you want. Nobody cares. But please stop spreading misinformation about how the vaccine works and how effective it is.
The only one misleading people is the government. The problem is the politicization of a virus for personal and political gain. Vaccines is intended to protect the person getting the vaccine. This is common sense. If I do not get a tetanus shot it does not mean my friend will get tetanus. Besides forcing vaccines to make money, this is the government trying to put blame on someone else for their negligence. The mandates were also put in place because the healthcare system is broken. Capacity has not been increased to manage this rapid population increase (via excessive immigration and entrants of refugees). Hospitals were not overflowing, they just do not have enough staff to handle all these patients due to their mismanagement. This is a problem 30 years in the making. Mandates are very destructive to a society especially for a virus with less then one percent mortality. Legault has imposed a curfew on us twice even though no science backs up that curfews are effective at slowing down the spread of covid (covid only spreads at night? Lol). Yet he still did it. Quebec did have the most covid cases and the worst healthcare in the country so he imposed a curfew. This was him playing politics just to show he is doing something. Btw you never questioned as to why the covid vaccine contracts are kept secret? Up to today the details has not been released.

The ones benefiting the most from the mandates are also the ones pushing the most for the mandates which is the government and pharmaceutical companies. Does not matter the reason, mandates should never happen ever. Freedom is a right, not conditional. The constitution and bill of rights shall not be suspended for any reason especially not for covid.

So what you want nobody really cares. The truckers retaliated and most people are not interested in a return to mandates. I got two doses, I stop there. The beauty of freedom (something you do not believe in, you pull a lot of things from the Communist Manifesto) is that you are free to wear a mask and get vaccinated. No one will prevent you, I ask the same courtesy in return is to not force me to wear a mask or to get vaccinated. The principal is very simple. You do you and I do me. That is all I got to say on this.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
The COVID pandemic was real and not a hoax.

Vaccines are safe and effective.

Public health officials and government agencies are not the enemy. Their goal was to save lives. With the benefit of 20-20 hindsight were some actions taken ineffective and failures? Of course.

In the US were COVID deaths 35% higher in red states than in blues states? The answer is YES.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Drs. Drew Weissman and Katalin Kariko were awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for their messenger RNA research that helped make leading COVID-19 vaccines possible. Congratulations and thank you.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
A Florida man and his 3 adult sons were found guilty for selling a toxic industrial bleach as a fake COVID-19 cure through their online church. The jury found all 4 guilty of conspiracy to defraud the United States and deliver misbranded drugs. Two sons were sentenced to 12 years 7 months, and their father and a third son were sentenced to 5 years.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
What has happened the last two years should have never happened. The Sweden handled it is the model all countries should have followed. A law to ban vaccine mandates and all other covid mandates would be a step in the right direction but that law could always be repealed by a future government.

Canadians deserve clear constitutional language to protect personal medical decisions and the right to live your life they way you want instead of being forced for the greater good against politicians and bureaucrats.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
COVID is still there..still plus de 50 décès/semaine/QUÉBEC...i know people all around me qui l'ont/nothing serious but yesterday i went for my 2 shots flu/covid on appointment/no waiting/well took not even 30 min...mostly des
personnes âgées....j'étais hésitant...BUT finally content de l'avoir aucune séquelle à date.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Can this tread get closed already?
I'm curious to know how many people have gotten sick recently. I know covid seems to be having another wave, my family and I have gotten it recently ourselves. Not realizing it was covid, and thought it was just the common cold till about the expected quarentine time was already done. Was just a drying throat felt like from the electric heaters being turned on for 4 days before I started to actually feel ill and took a test. And haven't thought about getting a booster in the last year. Have recieved the shot something like 6 times while working in pharmacy and being one of the people who arranged others to recieve the shots. It kind of became an out of sight out of mind issue. But apparently another wave has hit the population, and it isn't something being as followed any more, so was curious if anyone else has gotten sick with it.
And apparently it is such an issue that strikers are catching and sharing it, and are told sick or not they still have to be on the picket line, or they won't be counted and will suffer consequences for not showing up. Explained to me by someone who just quit the school board for being sick and forced to be out in the cold when they should technically have been quarentining themselves.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
i know a multitude of people being sick from around july aug sept and oct. myself within that mix. none were covid. plus the covid is weakened strain for quite some time now, it's not nearly even as fatal as the first variant.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
COVID is still there..still plus de 50 décès/semaine/QUÉBEC...i know people all around me qui l'ont/nothing serious but yesterday i went for my 2 shots flu/covid on appointment/no waiting/well took not even 30 min...mostly des
personnes âgées....j'étais hésitant...BUT finally content de l'avoir aucune séquelle à date.

I took my fourth dose last Monday. My third dated Jan. 2022.
I took it because in the last months I developped breathing problems.
Today, on Youtube I saw a video from Tucker Carlson Podcast about Covid vaccin.
He was citing Bret Weinstein, an American biologist that said on his own podcast that Covid 19 killed 17 million persons in USA I'm not sure. The truth is that it saved infinetely more lives than it ended.
On the comments on Youtube, some posters wrote that their entire relatives died soon after receiving the vaccin !
I checked the web and its credibility doesn't run high.
Does anyone think that Carlson has credibility ?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I took my fourth dose last Monday. My third dated Jan. 2022.
I took it because in the last months I developped breathing problems.
Today, on Youtube I saw a video from Tucker Carlson Podcast about Covid vaccin.
He was citing Bret Weinstein, an American biologist that said on his own podcast that Covid 19 killed 17 million persons in USA I'm not sure. The truth is that it saved infinetely more lives than it ended.
On the comments on Youtube, some posters wrote that their entire relatives died soon after receiving the vaccin !
I checked the web and its credibility doesn't run high.
Does anyone think that Carlson has credibility ?
I have had five doses and I had Covid not long after my fourth, lost all sense of taste and smell for 3 months but otherwise had mild symptoms with no fever and just a slight cough for a couple of days.
I don’t believe the vaccine is more harmful than any other vaccine, you will always have a tiny percentage that it will effect adversely.
I believe that it helps to keep you alive and out of the hospital even though it may not protect you from getting it. If I didn’t believe that I would not have gotten 5 shots.

It should however be everybody's own decision whether to get vaccinated or not.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
I took my fourth dose last Monday. My third dated Jan. 2022.
I took it because in the last months I developped breathing problems.
Today, on Youtube I saw a video from Tucker Carlson Podcast about Covid vaccin.
He was citing Bret Weinstein, an American biologist that said on his own podcast that Covid 19 killed 17 million persons in USA I'm not sure. The truth is that it saved infinetely more lives than it ended.
On the comments on Youtube, some posters wrote that their entire relatives died soon after receiving the vaccin !
I checked the web and its credibility doesn't run high.
Does anyone think that Carlson has credibility ?
No. Zero credibility. Total BS.
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