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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
If it's 1 thing that OMICRON shows us is that current travel protocols DON'T WORK.

What we need is strict 10 day quarantines for ALL travellers. Every passenger should be treated as a vehicle for the virus unless proven otherwise. Facilities would be run like biohazard facilities so everyone working there gets suited up. Ensure no contact, and quarantine hotels are run by the military/police. Yes, in effect, those hotels are prisons. On day 8 they get tested and only after a negative result are they released.

Either we have facilities like that or we build more hospitals. I know which one I'd prefer. And oh yeah, the traveller pays for it, not the government.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Wetnose , where do you dream up your paranoid repressive ideas ? China?

Do you know the origin of the word "quarantine"??? It comes from Italian - being quarantina = 40 days.

During the days of the Black Death (15th century), the Venetians would force ships to sit in the harbor for 40 days - not allowed to dock, until the ship proved that there was no infection. Nobody called it repression back then. It was just sensible, which seems to be rarer in this century.

So my idea is not original. It's from 14th century Italy.

Given we're now looking at a possible lockdown, I'd far prefer inconveniencing 1000s than risking 1,000,000s of lives, untold mental anguish and MILLIONS of dollars in economic damage. Omicron might prove to be mild, but what if it's not??? What if the next variant is far more vicious and infectious?

Look at Australia, which had strict quarantine protocols like I described. The results speak for themselves: Canada has 788 deaths/million. Australia? 84.

9 Canadians died of covid compared to 1 Australian. Think about that.

That's like going to war with 1000 Canadians and 1000 Australians. The Canadians stagger back with 100 survivors. The Australians get to go home with 900.

Not bad for an idea from 14th Century Italy, huh?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Do you know the origin of the word "quarantine"??? It comes from Italian - being quarantina = 40 days.

During the days of the Black Death (15th century), the Venetians would force ships to sit in the harbor for 40 days - not allowed to dock, until the ship proved that there was no infection. Nobody called it repression back then. It was just sensible, which seems to be rarer in this century.

So my idea is not original. It's from 14th century Italy.

Given we're now looking at a possible lockdown, I'd far prefer inconveniencing 1000s than risking 1,000,000s of lives, untold mental anguish and MILLIONS of dollars in economic damage. Omicron might prove to be mild, but what if it's not??? What if the next variant is far more vicious and infectious?

Look at Australia, which had strict quarantine protocols like I described. The results speak for themselves: Canada has 788 deaths/million. Australia? 84.

9 Canadians died of covid compared to 1 Australian. Think about that.

That's like going to war with 1000 Canadians and 1000 Australians. The Canadians stagger back with 100 survivors. The Australians get to go home with 900.

Not bad for an idea from 14th Century Italy, huh?
Quarantine has been put in place since 1832 in Canada and for Irish immigrants in 1847 for the Typhus and up to 1937 for other possible pandemics.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
A nanny state being justified in the name of public health. That is what society is voting for. This is going too far.
I do not want to be dramatic, but given the few debates i had recently, it looks grim. It seems as if our democracies are going to be the first victim of this pandemic. People are going along, and it looks like we will reach a point of no return soon. If our governments get away with this behaviour, god knows where it will end. We might start living in eras of terror so that they can tighten their grips over us. Security, health, economic, all kinds of terrors. At this point, I am just hoping that democratic behaviours and tendencies have a natural resilience and can withstand these current violations.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I just heard that not a single one of the major news networks carried the supposed big Covid announcement. I think they all figured out he is a stupid fucking moron. When Dr. Fauci has something important to say, they will probably carry that.
That is great except for the fact that Fauci is more of a mouthpiece for which ever President is in power than a doctor.
I think they should have gotten rid of this I’ll say what ever they want as long as you keep my face in front of the camera leprechaun.
He can always get a job throwing opening pitches at ball games lol.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
I do not want to be dramatic, but given the few debates i had recently, it looks grim. It seems as if our democracies are going to be the first victim of this pandemic. People are going along, and it looks like we will reach a point of no return soon. If our governments get away with this behaviour, god knows where it will end. We might start living in eras of terror so that they can tighten their grips over us. Security, health, economic, all kinds of terrors. At this point, I am just hoping that democratic behaviours and tendencies have a natural resilience and can withstand these current violations.

The conspiracist nutcakes may want to wrap their cellphone in tin foil. Google has been tracking this and publishing since the beginning of the pandemic


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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
I do not want to be dramatic, but given the few debates i had recently, it looks grim. It seems as if our democracies are going to be the first victim of this pandemic. People are going along, and it looks like we will reach a point of no return soon. If our governments get away with this behaviour, god knows where it will end. We might start living in eras of terror so that they can tighten their grips over us. Security, health, economic, all kinds of terrors. At this point, I am just hoping that democratic behaviours and tendencies have a natural resilience and can withstand these current violations.
One of my favorite Star Trek episodes is The Gamesters of Triskelion. Mostly it's because I love the fight scenes plus it's the one with the spear-wielding hot blond in a silver bikini. It's about a planet where the commoners are forced to wear obedience collars and are pitted against one another in an arena fight to the death all for the amusement of the bored elites who control them.
Thinking about this episode now it's hard not to think about parallels with the way our governments have been treating us for the last 18 months. Ya ok, I know that episode seems like a far-fetched science fiction dystopia, but it makes you wonder. I am kind of shocked about the considerable ease with which governments have been able to brainwash, frighten , indoctrinate and control so many people since the start of Covid. Plus look at how they are pitting us against each other. Go on social media where you will see entrenched Covidians mocking and even wishing death on the unvaccinated. It does seem like the elites are laughing at us, with Dr. Marshall Applewhite Fauci cackling the loudest.
Now that governments have seen how easy it is to control us by simply scaring us about our health, I wonder if they really plan on giving back all of our pre Covid rights and freedoms and really allowing us to "get back to normal".
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Agreed and did you ever watch Demolition Man? In the future it was a nanny state with big brother banning everything in the name of safety, sex is banned, meat is banned, profanity is banned, etc.. This reminds me of the reality we are living in. It also reminds us how dictators like Fidel Castro and Adolf Hitler got in power. They also manipulated the population and spread the political narrative to trick ppl into voting for them. Something similar is happening today. Imagine on the news we got 24/7 repeating doomsday messaging to keep reminding them that the end of the world is coming and the virus is out to get them then the government comes to the rescue with a false sense of security with restrictions and lockdowns. Fear is a very effective control tactic. Ppl are so scared they are lining up for test kits and booster shots. I lost faith in society. I am like Edgar in Demolition Man living underground to have my freedom. I will choose freedom over security any day.
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Nov 14, 2021
One of my favorite Star Trek episodes is The Gamesters of Triskelion. Mostly it's because I love the fight scenes plus it's the one with the spear-wielding hot blond in a silver bikini. It's about a planet where the commoners are forced to wear obedience collars and are pitted against one another in an arena fight to the death all for the amusement of the bored elites who control them.
Thinking about this episode now it's hard not to think about parallels with the way our governments have been treating us for the last 18 months. Ya ok, I know that episode seems like a far-fetched science fiction dystopia, but it makes you wonder. I am kind of shocked about the considerable ease with which governments have been able to brainwash, frighten , indoctrinate and control so many people since the start of Covid. Plus look at how they are pitting us against each other. Go on social media where you will see entrenched Covidians mocking and even wishing death on the unvaccinated. It does seem like the elites are laughing at us, with Dr. Marshall Applewhite Fauci cackling the loudest.
Now that governments have seen how easy it is to control us by simply scaring us about our health, I wonder if they really plan on giving back all of our pre Covid rights and freedoms and really allowing us to "get back to normal".
Check the Stanley Milgram experiment and Solomon Asch's conformity experiments and you'll understand how easy is to control the masses.
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Nov 14, 2021
During this whole 2 years of pandemic I did not stop my "hobby", exchanging fluids ,sex, dfk, daty ....lol ....with more than a dozen of girls in a repeat mode, 2-3 meetings every month. So, I was running a statistic in my mind and I want to share it with you. A girl that works, in a "spa" for example, for 100 days and meets 3 clients per day/ one hour each, that's 300 people..... 300 hours of full contact, heavy breathing, fluid exchanges etc .... now multiply that by 10 and you get 3000 people and 3000 hours.... yes some people are in repeat, but they see the other girls in the same establishment. That is, based on science, the best way to transmit this virus ..... but the goverment closed the gyms (remember the gym in Quebec city that allegedly infected over 400 people lol) and restaurants. None of the girls I was seeing got the covid. "Spa's" should be the principal vectors of spreading this virus, but thank god they're not. I don't want them closed .... but the reality is what it is. Just the other day before Christmas, people were fear stricken and spent 2hours in line to get tested for kvid, I went to test the Omicron with a girl at a "spa" lol..... four days later ....nothing ... I guess natural immunity exists ..... I'm a nonvax rascal :):):)


Nov 14, 2021
I don’t understand what this has to do with being unvaxxed?

There was a classic Twitter video of anti-vaxxers who were having a rally near a homeless camp.

The speaker asked if Covid is so deadly, why aren’t these homeless dropping like flies.

One of the homeless yelled “Because I am vaccinated, you dumb fuck.”

I am a big fan of getting vaccinated and going on with our lives as normal. Maybe you haven’t caught anything from the spa ladies because they are vaccinated.
they started to get the vax only when they introduced the vax pass ... girls want to go out, travel etc. you know .... so from March 2020 to like June 2021 ... they were not vaxxed ... all that period we had Delta "the deadliest corona virus ever" .... I'm just showing some facts, real shit in real life.
You'll know a pandemic is real shit when sex workers don't work and are scared. That's it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
they started to get the vax only when they introduced the vax pass ... girls want to go out, travel etc. you know .... so from March 2020 to like June 2021 ... they were not vaxxed ... all that period we had Delta "the deadliest corona virus ever" .... I'm just showing some facts, real shit in real life.
You'll know a pandemic is real shit when sex workers don't work and are scared. That's it.
Nope not at all, there are many sex workers that all they do is sex work and there is nothing wrong with that.
Pandemic or not, bills have to be paid and even sex workers have to eat and not many other professions that don’t require unique skills and specific degrees that you can earn over $350 hr.
That is why sex workers work during a pandemic.
btw there are many that have quit and found different employment during this pandemic.

I would think something that has killed close to 51/2 million people world wide destroyed many economies, created havoc throughout the world for 2 years now is not a complete hoax.
Perhaps they should stop listening to the scientists of the world and hire massage parlour sex workers to decide what is a real pandemic lol, then again that my not be cheaper, not all scientists earn $350hr.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Hospitalizations just doubled in 10 days, in Quebec. Now @ 614

QC hospitalizations.jpg

Maybe Omicron is not so mild. I wander how many of the 614 are unvaccinated.
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