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Computer speakers - Altec Lansing speakers that will blow you away for $99

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
I would like to let you guys in on a good thing. I purchased before Christmas a set of speakers for my computer that blew me away. Everyone that heard these speakers were blown away and many went out to buy a set for themselves. At $99 I gave 4 sets away as Christmas presents and everyone I gave them to were very happy and told me so.
Today I was at Future shop and noticed that they still had some around, I was told by the sales person that they were liquidating them because the speakers were the less desirable flat black color and that the new model was replacing this model.
Do yourself a favor and go take a listen at Future Shop. For the sound you get, they are a bargain.

Check them out.
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Jul 4, 2003
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I picked up a set of these on sale a year ago, and I couldn't agree more. The sound is absolutely incredible. The subwoofer under the desk can rattle the drawers! (the desk drawers, not mine. LOL )

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
They can be used with laptop computers.

If you are planning to use them at home, they would work as well on a laptop as it would a desktop computer.


New Member
Jul 12, 2009
there good speakers but it sounds like u have been using the old school no subwoofer ones for years cause any of the new generation ones with subwoofers over $100 are exceptional and have been around for a couple years


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Those are decent speakers for the price. Not many people need anything more than that for their computer unless they're using it as a media center. The 5.1 surround setups are great until you realize you have to find somewhere to put 5 speakers plus a sub. The 2.1 sets are perfect for most of us and great to use with laptops. Logitech also have some decent sets for good prices.

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
You can use it for you flat screen TV as well.

I have one set attached to my flat screen TV, you do not need much more than that and you get great sound.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Just bought myself a set of these speakers at The Source for $84.99 & they sound great!!!

Thanks GTA refugee for the post!!! :D

p.s. But that 'humming' noise in the background when i'm not listening to anything can be a tad annoying......hope i'll get used to it.
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New Member
Jul 10, 2003
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Any advice on home theater speakers ("Tannoy", Speakercraft, etc.)?

Looking for a 5-speaker set-up. I hear some of these might get really expensive, since you also have to add one or two sub-woofers.

Any links would be appreciated, reviews, etc. would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I started out with a Yamaha receiver and went 100% Yamaha after that with the speakers and subwoofer. It ended up being expensive only because I didn't buy it all in one shot. Don't get me wrong, I really like the sound, but if I was to do it all over again I would have purchased a soundbar or an "all in one" system at Costco instead of piecing it all together. Depending on how serious you take your home theater set up will determine just how much money your going to spend. Just a decent receiver can run you $400 - $500 where a soundbar could cost around $200 - $300 and possibly do the trick. Hope this was helpful.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
My set of speakers do not hum, maybe you got a defective set?

I don't think i did. Many of the reviews i've read on that particular set of speakers have mentionned the same thing. However, with some fine-tuning (e.g. putting the level of 'base' in the middle), you can pretty much get rid of the 'hum'. I guess i must be getting used to them, since the humming barely bothers me anymore....i hardly notice it. I still think those speakers are a great buy!

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
It could be a ground loop, try moving the speaker cables around.

I will. I also read that some people have got rid of the 'hum' by plugging them them directly into the electrical outlet (as opposed to plugging them into a power bar, etc) on the wall. However, my room doesn't have many of them available, so it's no can-do for that piece of advice.

I've also noticed that if i put the 'base' volume at a lower level, most of the humming noise will be gone. If i lower it totally, it'll come back. Worse if the 'base' is at its full capacity. Ideal setting for the base (not to have the humming sound) is to put it at around the 9 to 11 o'clock setting. I got that tip from several users that posted their experiences with those same speakers. Right now, my ideal setting is having the 'base' at the 9 o'clock setting, and the 'trebel' at full. I also got that recommendation from a user.


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
I have been playing around with the sound for my desktop cpt/26" monitor/TV combo. What I concluded in the end was the Samsung monitor/TV came with a really bad sound chip but so-so speakers. The problem with bad sound has generally got a lot more to do with the cheapie sound chip than the cheapie speakers. With hdmi cable, the monitor/TV speakers sounded horrible. Same set up but with external speakers getting its signals from the earphone jacks of the monitor/TV did not make things any better. Finally, I had to go back to DVI for the image part and regular speaker jack off the desktop cpt for the sound. If anybody is having bad sound from their monitor while going through a hdmi cable, I suggest you try using DVI route.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Doc, manufacturers often change the product slightly to use-up the parts they can get their hands on. What I suspect is not all speakers have the same power cube and the set you have includes a cheaper-built power cube. You could try to find a similar power cube (same voltage, same plug, same polarity) and see if it helps. Look around your place, you could be surprised...

Or if you know your way around with a soldering iron and have some electronic knowledge, you could cut the DC cord and add a 100uF capacitor in parallel. That would filter-out some of the noise.
Apr 16, 2005
No question about it. Got a set a 2 months ago and they perform way above their price range. Not worth paying the big price for Bose when you can get a great sound for 1/5 the price.
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