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Castro is Dead


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Good riddance.
He was master of marketing. A ruthless dictator who put anyone in jail who did not toe the party line. Executed opposition.

Treated his people like shit. Let them live in poverty to satisfy his own ego so he could be the darling of the Anti American clique.

Narrow minded self righteous dictator seen as a freedom fighter by idiots.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
OK westwoody tell us how you really feel about the guy
I met Fidel about 12 years ago in Havana at a Canadian embassy party.
I`ll tell you as parties go I`d take a VIP party over a Castro reception anytime.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I m reading how Colin Kaepernick is morning the death of Castro. What is it with Hollywood and celebrity leftists and their love for the opposition of freedom that would enslave them? Why are left wing dictators so fashionable and in vogue with this set? If my kid came home wearing a Che Geuvara shirt I would put my foot up his or her ass. Somone explain why this is so appealing to the left in this country? I know how to get them. Go up to JZ and say "oh your still idolizng that guy? Hmm, My hero's are Stalin and Mao Tse Tung. They killed far more innocent people (collectively maybe 90 million+) than any of the Cuban communists."


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Let`s see who among world leaders attends his funeral.
Trudeau for sure and probably Obama.


Sep 14, 2011
Don't forget he outlasted 10 U.S. Presidents and he never lost a vote - I mean a singular vote. Ok. Maybe he lost a few votes but he rectified that with a bullet.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Canada has long been a friend of Fidel Castro and Cuba, which is why hundreds of thousands of Canadians have been vacationing in Cuba for decades. Cuba also has a much better health care system than the States have ever had.

Although Fidel Castro had good intentions when he took power from the corrupt Fulgencio Batista dictatorship, things didn't turn out as good as he originally had wished. He unfortunately became as corrupt and brutal as the dictatorship he had toppled.

But personally, i'll regard Fidel Castro no differently than i regard George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, two of the most evil persons to ever hold power.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
But personally, i'll regard Fidel Castro no differently than i regard George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, two of the most evil persons to ever hold power.

Very well written Doc Holliday. I second.


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
Although Fidel Castro had good intentions when he took power from the corrupt Fulgencio Batista dictatorship, things didn't turn out as good as he originally had wished. He unfortunately became as corrupt and brutal as the dictatorship he had toppled.
In order to protect a system he had to take drastic measures, specially you're next to USA. On the other hand, Bush and Cheney gained from a conflict abroad. At least cubans have a universal health system and illiteracy is nearly 0%. What did americans export to Iraq? Democracy? So that in a few years they elect a jester(Donald Trump)?

Now about Castro wealth, I am sure he has more than most cubans, I don't doubt that. But to say that he has 900 millions, that's pushing it, sounds like propaganda. It is a fabricated exaggeration by the establishment. Keep getting fingered, one day you'll wake up and realize you've been raped.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Canada has long been a friend of Fidel Castro and Cuba, which is why hundreds of thousands of Canadians have been vacationing in Cuba for decades. Cuba also has a much better health care system than the States have ever had.

Although Fidel Castro had good intentions when he took power from the corrupt Fulgencio Batista dictatorship, things didn't turn out as good as he originally had wished. He unfortunately became as corrupt and brutal as the dictatorship he had toppled.

But personally, i'll regard Fidel Castro no differently than i regard George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, two of the most evil persons to ever hold power.

Cuba has not even close to the healthcare system of the U.S. that is sheer propaganda perpetuated by the left.
Free access and 1 doctor per 170 people doesn't mean it's better. Why do you think foreigners have been bringing in basic medication that has been in short supply in Cuban hospitals.
The fact that you are equating a murderous human rights violating dictator to Bush and Cheney completely shatters your credibility on these boards. The height of ignorance if I've ever seen it.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Love to see the Cuban ex pats in Miami celebrating the death. They know the truth. Something those on our left seem to ignore.
Twitter keeps crashing it's blowing up on this news. Maybe one day the people of Cuba will once again taste freedom and be able to earn a decent living.
How old is Raoul?


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
i'll regard Fidel Castro no differently than i regard George W. Bush and Dick Cheney

George Bush and Dick Cheney didn't put people in prison for trying to leave the United States.

Some worker's paradise! So nice the workers were not allowed to leave.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Great quote by Sen Tom Cotton

"Fidel Castro created hell on earth for the Cuban people. He will now become intimately familiar with what he wrought"


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
The fact that you are equating a murderous human rights violating dictator to Bush and Cheney completely shatters your credibility on these boards. The height of ignorance if I've ever seen it.
Casualties of war in Iraq range from 150k to 1M, Bush went against UN council...who's the ignorant here?

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
George Bush and Dick Cheney didn't put people in prison for trying to leave the United States.

Some worker's paradise! So nice the workers were not allowed to leave.

Sadly tens of thousands of Cubans who opposed Castro's ideology were sent to the firing squads. Fidel himself took part in at least 100 such executions. He was a brutal tyrant with blood on his hands. Now he gets to pay the ultimate price. It's a good day!

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Casualties of war in Iraq range from 150k to 1M, Bush went against UN council...who's the ignorant here?

You're still the ignorant one here. Bush had cause to go in Iraq based upon the intelligence provided to him at that time. The truth of the matter is that the UN Security Council failed the people of Iraq. They didn't enforce sanctions properly. In fact they openly defied sanctions (Oil For Food scandal) and the US was left with not much choice to say the hell with it we're going in without your consent. The UK agreed as did over 40 other nations - Australia Japan Korea Poland Denmark to name a few.


May 3, 2010
Canada was smart not to go to Iraq. The only reason why the USA went to Iraq was to fill the pocket of Cheney and his cronies. I lived in Cuba for a few years, because they so close to the my homeland of Jamaica and i live in the USA too and trust me health care and dental care alot better in Cuba

You're still the ignorant one here. Bush had cause to go in Iraq based upon the intelligence provided to him at that time. The truth of the matter is that the UN Security Council failed the people of Iraq. They didn't enforce sanctions properly. In fact they openly defied sanctions (Oil For Food scandal) and the US was left with not much choice to say the hell with it we're going in without your consent. The UK agreed as did over 40 other nations - Australia Japan Korea Poland Denmark to name a few.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Although Fidel Castro had good intentions when he took power from the corrupt Fulgencio Batista dictatorship, things didn't turn out as good as he originally had wished. He unfortunately became as corrupt and brutal as the dictatorship he had toppled.

I think in his case, that quote from The Dark Knight apply perfectly

You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

In the case of Castro, no matter if he had good intention at first, he then became what he fough against, power corrupt people and honestly i won't mourn him for sure...


New Member
May 14, 2016
Hey y'all,

I saw this thread with only the original post. I had two first reactions. 1. The death won't change anything for the Cuban people on it's own. 2. A political autopsy blame game is useless. Getting irrationally angry about how some people wear Che Guevara t-shirts isn't going to help anyone anywhere especially in Cuba.

Of course most of you heap all the blame for what is going on in Cuba on Castro, mostly true, but U.S. economic and political isolation of the island has helped increase the suffering, whether you admit it or not.

Castro and his policies made Cuba an impoverished third world country with a long suffering population. Does anybody have any positive recommendation besides the jail or shoot all the Liberals nonsense. There are about 11.3 million people who could use some way out of oppression and poverty, aside from the same old stuff that has not worked in 57 years???

It time to get involved in ways real change can be made. Closing the U.S. off from the country completely and trying to squeeze it's government out of existence has failed. Moves have been made by President Obama to get this kind of different policy started and "a 2015 poll conducted by the U.S. firm Bendixen & Amandi International found that 97 percent of Cubans favor the restoration of ties." It's only a start. We tried to make Cuba change by building an embargo wall around it and have had a total failure with that. Time to get involved from the inside.

If you are in the top 25 percent, the US has by far the best healthcare in the world. Plenty of wealthy foreigners come to the U.S. for treatment. Never heard of any rich person traveling to Cuba for medical treatment. For the 25-75 percent group, the U.S. healthcare system is far better than Cuba's, of course. But probably not that much better than Europe or Canada, particularly for those toward the bottom.

Okay fine. But is this a thread about how we are better, or how to help make Cuba better? Are we just reveling in his death or looking forward to an opportunity to help Cubans build something much better? Otherwise why bring up his death?


Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Cuba has not even close to the healthcare system of the U.S. that is sheer propaganda perpetuated by the left.
Free access and 1 doctor per 170 people doesn't mean it's better. Why do you think foreigners have been bringing in basic medication that has been in short supply in Cuban hospitals.
Obviously you've never been to Cuba.

The fact that you are equating a murderous human rights violating dictator to Bush and Cheney completely shatters your credibility on these boards. The height of ignorance if I've ever seen it.

You may be correct. Bush & Cheney were likely much worse than Castro. Just go ahead and google Iraq war.

p.s. The United States have routinely supported repressive regimes throughout the world who've made human rights violations a game. So what does that say about them?
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