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Best Weight Loss Product?


Dec 19, 2012
I would not use any product to lose weight. Some of these products are dangerous and unhealthy. You need to be mentally strong and control your eating.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2006
Unfortunately there is always someone trying to sell you some junk full of sugar or starch. which will destroy in a few seconds all the efforts you made.
Adverts, vending machines, adverts, street vendors, adverts, bakeries, adverts and adverts again.
You can't even buy a coffee without having to see some muffin placed right in your face next to the cashier just to tempt you.
I'm here for a coffee, not for you to try to make me fat again !
So you need to learn to ignore all that crap, and if necessary, avoid the places that try to sell it to you.

Also it is very important to eat slowly. It reduces your hunger. Teach yourself to eat slowly or find foods that force you to do so.
Hot soups do the trick. Whole roasted sunflower seeds too.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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A proper balance. In general we don't exercise enough and eat way too much in the way of carbs. I walk about 5km per day, eat a good breakfast, medium lunch and a lighter dinner. I never eat after 7:00pm, even on weekends and stay away from snacking in front of the T.V I have lost 40lbs in the past year and really don't feel hungry most of the time. Being aware of what you eat is a key. A muffin at say McDonalds is over 400 calories and yet many of us see that as a snack ! In order to lose 1 pound you must reduce your intake by 3,500 calories or increase your activity to burn the same 3,500 calories. If you reduce your intake from where it is now by 500 calories per day, this would result in a weight loss of 1 lb per week which is a healthy way to lose weight and keep it off.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
A good workout regimen, great diet, and own a blender. A blender and not a juicer. Drink lots of water.


Aug 24, 2011
a juicer only extracts juice so you lose out on the good stuff (nutrients) which is everything else: the skin, pulp, etc.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
With a blender you consume the whole fruit and vegetable. That means you take in the fiber. With a juicer the fiber is removed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Also when working out go for anaerobic exercises and not just strictly cardio. With anaerobic exercises you continue to burn calories for hours after your workout. Another thing I forgot to mention is to get proper 8 hours of sleep. So don't go playing with your phone or tablet when you are in bed.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Lots and lots of sex is also a great way to lose some weight and build up your cardio. And even better, its fun! :D


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
Proper nutrition, Control you caloric intake, avoid processed foods ,learn how the read the food labels.. snacking is ok but quality snacks under 200 calories, avoid juices, eat fruits and veggies...This chart will help calculate you calories burned. Now you will know how many hours of activity to burn off 3500 calories (1 lb).. Word of advice check with your doctor, and get an ECG avec effort..(threadmill). Clogged arteries and physical effort, not a good combination Remember to burn calories effectively your heart rate should be in the 75-85% maximum heart rate zone for your age.. Good luck positive ,eat well

As far as sex goes...

For the guys..

Target heart rate..


Mar 14, 2009
NB, Canada
My suggestion is simple.... Crossfit 4 to 5 times a week combined with healthy eating habit...

Crossfit is a scam / overcharging fad. But back to the topic, I've lost about 30 lbs since the start of summer. I don't believe in taking any "products" to boost weight loss. The main thing you need is commitment, be it eating or exercise regiment. The key part with any major life change is commitment, be it quitting alcohol, smoking etc...


New Member
Oct 8, 2009
My suggestion is simple.... Crossfit 4 to 5 times a week combined with healthy eating habit...

Crossfit can be dangerous, risk of injury if people are not well supported to do much exercise and movement and must be physically fit as there is sometimes too fast movements exercise and weight load uprising, be watchful

I know many have to, because I'm training for years I further recommend boxing and kick boxing you go to get your money and sweat (in losing fat) cardio and cut very instant, with movements of all parts of your body, and developing your flexibility, endurance and concentration

Lily from Montreal

Only playing that is good in bed is with yourself loll
I do not eat much but am partial to a nice glass of wine with dinner but I found out that as long as I have sex I can eat all I want, that's my cardio, to stretch I discover a goldmine of ballet inspired exercises on Youtube,I do not like going to the gym,for me exercises is a solitary pleasure so I start my day watching gorgeous ladies in leotard :smile: and trying to match them, it is actually harder then it looks.


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
We all tend to over eat , and do not evaluate what a recommended portion is. Should fit in the palm of your hand. A good trick is to reduce, reduce. Get rid of your dinner and eat from a sandwich plate, small soup bowl. This will help cut your intake. Watch your fructose intake ,excess fruits. Processed foods, eat more fermented foods , wont go into détail, read up on your other brain , your INTESTINE . Unbelivible hows those little bacteria affect our eating habits..presently reading..La Charme discret de l' Gulia Enders..
Here is a link to the topics she covers..


New Member
Oct 29, 2008

Lily from Montreal

I never had to watch what I ate when younger,I know not fair loll now that I turn 40 it is a challenge but I try to basically eat half of what I could,in the morning if I feel I could eat 2 toasts, I eat only one and no second serving at meals , unless it is salmon ,I have this craving for salmon and just cannot resist ,I used to put 2 sugar in my coffee with cream now it is 1 sugar with 2% milk..all the little step makes a difference...


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
The secrets to a long healthy life Whisky salads and sex ( If rabbits drank they would live for ever)


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
I never had to watch what I ate when younger,I know not fair loll now that I turn 40 it is a challenge but I try to basically eat half of what I could,in the morning if I feel I could eat 2 toasts, I eat only one and no second serving at meals , unless it is salmon ,I have this craving for salmon and just cannot resist ,I used to put 2 sugar in my coffee with cream now it is 1 sugar with 2% milk..all the little step makes a difference...

Hi Lily, wild caught salmon and not farmed I hope. Smoked salmon with capers and cream cheese on a toasted bagel , delicious, now you have to cut 2% milk to 1%or skim.. Replace sugar with stevia .... Lol


New Member
Oct 8, 2009
Diet with fruits, vegetables, egg whites, fish of all kinds, horse meat, chicken, nuts (almond 10) legume (hummus: Chickpeas I love) and plenty of water with lemon (minimum 2 a 4 liters per day), green tea and supplements like Omega 3 concentrate oil, coconut oil for cooking and put it in shakes, soy milk, almond milk and coconut, ground flaxseed, isolate of protein without sugar and lactose, magnesium, potassium, spices cinnamon, turmeric, ginger and again all products for weight loss and igniting and muscle recuperation

And replace the bread and pasta by the rice which is better and preferably kamut

And watch out for bananas, carrots because they contain a lot of natural sugar biensur but it will do up your insulin levels and lawyers because it is fat even if it is natural

So here

Have a good meal ;-)
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