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Best reason to cross the canada border seeing a escort


New Member
May 4, 2016
so i visit montreal every week and every time i use just like weekend vocation and stuff and i got turn back today also falgged cuz they found out what i really going for(3 hours investigation). it means i lied to the customs and they really piss even they dont give a shit what i am going to do. any advice guys?

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Might i suggest hobbying where you live perhaps?
If i read between the lines, you were screened at the border..
You say they found out what you were coming here to do, so it might be safe to assume that they found some evidence of the sp world in your phone or laptop?....
And maybe you then fessed up thinking you haven't yet done anything wrong?...
If my assumptions are correct and you gave a verbal admission of coming here to see sp's, you are most likely in a file..and will be turned away every time.
If my understanding of border crossings is correct, they are at the liberty to refuse anyone, anytime..

This is pretty weird, how could you get caught coming here for sex with your dick still in your pants??
Jan 11, 2014
Border gaurds are checking cellphones if they have any reason to think you are up to something.So deleted logs and text with any escort or agency.


New Member
May 4, 2016
Might i suggest hobbying where you live perhaps?
If i read between the lines, you were screened at the border..
You say they found out what you were coming here to do, so it might be safe to assume that they found some evidence of the sp world in your phone or laptop?....
And maybe you then fessed up thinking you haven't yet done anything wrong?...
If my assumptions are correct and you gave a verbal admission of coming here to see sp's, you are most likely in a file..and will be turned away every time.
If my understanding of border crossings is correct, they are at the liberty to refuse anyone, anytime..

This is pretty weird, how could you get caught coming here for sex with your dick still in your pants??

i guess i cross too many times without a appropriate reason and get them suspicious. but i did not say i said i am going for massage so they just let me go with only flagged. and they do check my fuckinng phone witch i reallyuncomfortable with but had to do it.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have made numerous trips to Canada and there is a way to answer questions without arousing suspicion. Keep the answers vague. I always say "weekend vacation." They don't know how to ask proper follow questions. I tell them I have no agenda and just want to have a relaxing weekend away from work. When hit with these artfully vague responses the border guards, most of them, simply don't have the skills to think on their feet and formulate proper follow up questions. They then move on to the important questions on alcohol and tobacco and firearms. The answer to the question about the purpose of your visit is not required to be answered in a detailed fashion. Details, especially those of the fake variety, get the person unskilled at thinking on his feet into deep trouble. I have seen it happen.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Amazing how much easier it is to get in and out of Europe for U.S. citizens than it is to and from Canada.

I have never had anyone blink an eye travelling all over the globe
Only in Canada

Best Regards


New Member
May 4, 2016

There is probably good food for though in this thread and the attached article.

Make a list of complete non-hobbying things you are going to do. The casino, Mont Royal, biosphere, bike riding, crescent street, cathedrals, restaurants, etc., etc. Most hobbyists actually do a lot of that stuff, but if you don't just buy a $1 used travel book off of Amazon, bring it, and memorize some stuff.

Consider keeping your notes and conversations in electronic places inaccessible through a simple cell phone search, like the private message section of Merb. And delete the pre-trip text message conversations in your cell phone with escorts and agencies.

It baffles me as to why anyone would mention anything remotely sexual to a customs agent. Anyone can make a mistake, but hobbying in the States involves constant hassle and lying. Traveling to Montreal involves very minor lying and hassles.

Amazing how much easier it is to get in and out of Europe for U.S. citizens than it is to and from Canada.

I have made numerous trips to Canada and there is a way to answer questions without arousing suspicion. Keep the answers vague. I always say "weekend vacation." They don't know how to ask proper follow questions. I tell them I have no agenda and just want to have a relaxing weekend away from work. When hit with these artfully vague responses the border guards, most of them, simply don't have the skills to think on their feet and formulate proper follow up questions. They then move on to the important questions on alcohol and tobacco and firearms. The answer to the question about the purpose of your visit is not required to be answered in a detailed fashion. Details, especially those of the fake variety, get the person unskilled at thinking on his feet into deep trouble. I have seen it happen.

i guess white will be much more easily crossing the border cuz today what i saw in the waiting room there only some middle east guy, black guy, and me the asian guy. fuck this shit.


Nov 25, 2014
I'm curious, how did you get caught? Can you give us more details? Did they search on your phone?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I'm curious, how did you get caught? Can you give us more details? Did they search on your phone?

In the USA or on the US side, there is no legal right to search anyone's cellphone without a warrant, something PUA should know if he is a US Citizen: (I think there was a recent limited exception carved out for criminally charged terrorists as a result of the incident that happened in San Bernardino, California).

Whether Canadian law is the same I don't know, but I would claim it as an invasion of my privacy. I found this which indicates Canadian border guards' authority to search cellphones is being tested in the Canadian Courts:

Unless firm law has been established in Canada further to the above article, it's an invasion of privacy that needs to be claimed. I suspect what happened is that they got suspicious of PUA, asked him for his cellphone, and he turned it over voluntarily and without protest. As soon as the border guards saw the link to MERB in his favorite places, they said "you're outtttttaaa here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sort of like ejecting a pitcher from a baseball game after finding pine tar in his glove.

Also, if you have MERB in your favorite places and save names of contacts in your phone like "James of Euphoria" and "Franky of Vogue", you are guilty of indiscretion and not using common sense aliases as opposed to having obvious red flags in your phone. Failure to use common sense usually leads to problems with LE/border guards more than anything else.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have never had anyone blink an eye travelling all over the globe
Only in Canada

Best Regards

Same here, majority of the time when I return to Canada there is an issue of some sort.

Philip J. Fry

Dec 9, 2010
It is the border guards on the American side that make trouble. Ever since 911 they think they have dicks. They treat people like crap.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
It is the border guards on the American side that make trouble. Ever since 911 they think they have dicks. They treat people like crap.

Personally I have never had an issue with the American side and I used to go there a lot to get car parts for my son plus visit a niece, ask where I am going and wave me through, I even have criminal convictions which I am suprised that have not come up, they are over 25 years old though.


Aug 2, 2011
I've never had a real issue crossing either the US or Canada borders either by bus, car or plane
Questioning at the airport seems to be the lightest especially with the kiosks now at YUL airport
As an American, more questions arise when entering Canada vs coming home
I often do get ask if I know any friends in Montreal (I usually say no) and how much cash I have
For answers on why entering Canada that work for me: just visiting, vacation, going for the food, its cheap (currency), hockey/soccer/football games, concert, bachelor party (esp when entering for a weekend in the warm months), festival such as jazzfest/illsoniq/new city gas


Aug 4, 2015
Personally I always found the us agents the biggest jerks, especially after 9/11 but even before then. I remember crossing a small border in Vermont and Montana, we were the only car in line, had my family with me, and the guy was questioning me like I was trying to smuggle explosives or heroin in. I was in the military at the time and I still got tripped up by his questions and rudeness. So I can understand OP messing up - now I'm mentally prepared for interrogations and angry attitudes so I can answer back the right way, with confidence, sincerity and respect. Without those 3 (and sincerity and respect are VERY hard to show to some of these guys who don't show it back to you!) their suspicions will get raised.


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
I'm a Canadian citizen and also a naturalized US citizen. I moved away from Mtl (to USA) almost 2 decades ago. It was only after I left la Belle Province that I discovered the "hobby". My family is not anywhere within 1000 km of la Belle Province. For a period of 15 years, I came back to Mtl up to 6 times per year. Eventually, I lost touch with my friends in the city and can no longer use my friends as an excuse to be here. What if the officer calls "my friends"?

I have never had a problem going back to state-side because I have the proper documentation. I went through the alphabet soup visa routine, all the way to becoming a US citizen. Plus, I was carrying a Canadian passport. The officer just says "you must be going home". One time, the US officer was so friendly. He wanted to know more about my work (not in an interrogating fashion). I spent 10 min chatting with him.

The Canadian customs always want to know why I come back. Many times, I just say visiting friends even though we are not really friends anymore. One time, I got into trouble. I was dressed like a rapper (it was all because of the tuque). I was sent to secondary inspection and given the third degree. The office wanted to see my laptop, phone, the works. He asked alot of questions. Who are these friends? He couldn't find anything and eventually let me go. He almost called "my friends". Another time, I also dressed like a rapper (tuque again). Guess what, secondary inspection. After those two incidents, I never said visiting friends because I don't want the officer to call them up. I just say vacation. I was lucky one time, I was actually coming to Mtl for work.

Lesson: Please don't dress like a rapper. For me, I didn't have time to wash my hair and shower in the morning. So, I put a tuque on to hide my messy hair.


Jan 16, 2016
Personally I always found the us agents the biggest jerks, especially after 9/11 but even before then.

Ditto that comment and I'm a U.S. citizen. However, I had just received my NEXUS card prior to my last trip to Montreal. I got asked twice by Canadian customs if I was bringing any weapons into the country. I laughed at the agent and said, "yeah, right. I coming for vacation, not prison." She chuckled, asked where I was going, how I was getting there, and that was it. When I got to the Canadian airport though, I was "randomly selected" to have my hands swabbed (checking for either gun powder residue or being in contact with explosive materials I presume) flying to and from Montreal. When I got re-entered the U.S., I handed over my NEXUS card, the ICE agents just asked where I was coming from, I told them, and that was it. I hope this isn't a "reversal of fortune" i.e., the Canadian custom agents start getting pricky and the ICE agents began acting in a calmer fashion.

I really got the NEXUS card to get over to Canada a bit quicker since I live in a U.S./Canadian border city and love to eat at several chinese restaurants on the Canadian side. I no longer hobby in the U.S. I 've exported my activities to Canada ("Oh Canada" national anthem appropriately playing in the background right about now....). I had several bad experiences coming back from chinese food with ICE agents. One time, the agent asked why would I go to Canada for chinese. I replied, "because I can." That end that and I was sent on my way. The second time I basically spent about two hours between going over, eating (it was on a week day afternoon) and coming back. The ICE agent asked why such a short trip. I said that the restaurant wasn't busy, I ordered my food, ate and came back. He told me to open my jacket. I asked, "is this a search?" He told me to unzipped my jacket. I told him I make it easy on him and handed over the jacket, emptied my pockets, and placed my wallet and ID on the counter. I got the evil eye, but apparently everything checked out (a lot of the double talk they do is to give themselves time for the computer checks from the LEIN and NCIC networks, along with the ICE/HS databases to come back). After that incident with ICE, I didn't go back over to Canada for 2 months knowing I would be facing these idiots coming back.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have been asked if I am carrying weapons into Canada every single trip I have taken in the last 10 years. That is a routine question, as is your occupation, and the purpose of your visit.

When I went up to Canada in April with some of my buddies driving in one of their cars which had a radar detector, the Canadian border guard warned him to remove and deactivate it, and he did. He was also warned of the applicable fines if he was caught with it. We reactivated it when we got back into the US.


Jan 16, 2016
I have been asked if I am carrying weapons into Canada every single trip I have taken in the last 10 years. That is a routine question, as is your occupation, and the purpose of your visit.

When I went up to Canada in April with some of my buddies driving in one of their cars which had a radar detector, the Canadian border guard warned him to remove and deactivate it, and he did. He was also warned of the applicable fines if he was caught with it. We reactivated it when we got back into the US.

I agree with being asked on the Canadian side about the weapons--ditto here, as with occupation (retired), and purpose of your visit (I said "R&R" my last trip to Montreal and Toronto). I just thought it was odd that I was "randomly selected" coming to and leaving Montreal at the airports for weapons and explosives (the swabbing of the hands). The probability odds for that makes one guess about the issue of randomness...
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