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Because of the popularity of merbs"some sp-mp are afraid to get reviewed!!!


Time Traveler
Jul 29, 2006
Planet Earth
I agree with you.

But I remember having a discussion with an SP recently where this subject was brought up. In her case, she totally disliked the method used to evaluate an SP, which I agree. Numbers have to go. Instead of using numbers, people should use words. A 6/10 may represent something for one, but be different for others. Poor, average, good or very good sums pretty much everything in that regard (as an example). I am under the impression that words will soothe more then the idea of being totally cartesian.




Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
Reviews are hard to evaluate and only looking at the history of the reviewer we can tell if he as the same taste as us . Some like Barbie others are more girls next door . The negative review is always to be taken with a grain of salt. Nobody can please everyone . The scale should be more 1 to 4 than giving 9 or 10 its more accurate ,1 is verry low 2 below par 3 great 4 awesome .
We should have a standardized form for the review . like 1. booking 2. easy access(parking/walking ) 3 service advertised(extras?) 4 chemistry(great service but no connection) 5 self satisfaction(happy when leaving?).
What makes merb great its the reviews of the women that we meet some are very good at it and I,m always floating when cumming out of a meeting to passionate to give a honest review . No sp or mp should be afraid of a bad review , it happens . Intercourse takes two people and i`m not always the great one in bed but the companion makes the experience awesome. Some clients can have their expectation so high that when the rendez vous arrives ...its just ok or the day of the sp is shit and cant give a good experience. No sp/mp can bat for 100.
Jan 29, 2014
I think it's more that girls are nervous about reviews, because it's just true that a good review will launch a girl's career, and a bad one may kill it...

Of course an SP/MP that gives great service is much less nervous, but when you know you are about to be reviewed, performance anxiety can become a factor, just like an exam at school or an evaluation at work, they are needed and getting a good score makes you feel like a million bux, but they can be quite stressfull :p


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all interesting subject and debate what are the pros and cons of SP reviews .
At the end to they favor the agencies SP and Indies .
OR just the client
The business of escorting has change a lot over the years in Montreal .
Reviews on specialty sites like this one is a proof of it!
They use to be lots of unscrupulous people involve in this industry because the selling of the girl depended on the of the booker only !
Now you have the Internet escort agencies are using Websites to promote to promote there plus using of site marketing tools as merb
Witch is very popular among hobbyist like the title of this thread says !
Merb is like a all in one research tool for clients
Many efforts are done prevent B&S
And SP the would be tempted to offer a poor level of service would last for long now !
That SP that gets positive reviews sees her popularity go up fast !
Obviously no one can please to all ,what the most gorgeous girl would do to please might not be enough.
And like you said TinaMtl we only get one side of the story .
Certain reviewers have more credibility then others its like certain SP provides better GFE experience then others so when I look at reviews I read a lot of reviews I looking for consistency ,I am not the only one that does it !
Will one bad review scrap the effort of the SP not for me
I saw one SP yesterday witch one reviewer had said she was a clock watcher and one said no DFK but most of her reviews where excellent I decided to go ,Had a great experience
As for evaluating through numbers its very arbitrary and numbers do not have the same meaning for all .
I tend to stay away from the numbers but to each is own as long as the board rules are respected each reviewer can and should use the way he is more comfortable with .
Best regards to all


Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
Of course an SP/MP that gives great service is much less nervous, but when you know you are about to be reviewed, performance anxiety can become a factor, just like an exam at school or an evaluation at work, they are needed and getting a good score makes you feel like a million bux, but they can be quite stressfull :p
A hobbyist should NEVER tell that is going to review a sp. It will alter the meeting and not give a true reality of the experience given. An sp should never be expecting for a review and just give the best as she can and respect her own limits whatever says or do the client.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
A hobbyist should NEVER tell that is going to review a sp. It will alter the meeting and not give a true reality of the experience given. An sp should never be expecting for a review and just give the best as she can and respect her own limits whatever says or do the client.

Question: Who cares if a hobbyist tells the an SP that they intend to write a review? Isn't the goal to have a good session? As long as what is written is honest.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Question: Who cares if a hobbyist tells the an SP that they intend to write a review? Isn`t the goal to have a good session? As long as what is written is honest.

I TOTALLY AGREE with is the meaning of this board

I also want to say that if a sp,mp,dancer if she is not feeling well...or sick...or whatever the reason or just not in the mood...she is not suppose to work AT ALL.....cause they should always try their best to impress US and to not disapointed for that case i agree also with amelie that says
because it`s just true that a good review will launch a girl`s career, and a bad one may kill it...
On that quote it depends who merb members did the post FOR ME..and how much bad post versus good post the thread have about her!!!
Also i alwaysss give my honest opinion when i did one encounter...ALWAYS.if you go right now and read my reviews you gonna see that chemistry was there or not..very nice conversation or not...performance wise=MY fault or i always tell the truth of what happen..FOR ME....and also never saw a review in a sp thread that says completely the opposite way that i was for now i think i am right in the meaning of my posting...BUT you could go meet a sp or a dancer that i saw and didn’t like her at alll....or find her not attractive or do find her attractive=beauty is different for everybodyyyy...or also she did more for you then is ymmv...
SO FOR THE CONCLUSION...a sp,mp,dancer, should never be afraid of a review... except if she is not there for pleasing us or simply just a money grabber or a damn clock watcher…soon it would tell like it always have in the past in her thread.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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I have never gone to an MP or an SP and told them that I am a member of the board. I have also never used the possibility of a bad review to get better service. Have I received bad service, for sure like most. I have reviewed as such when warranted but also agree that the service can be subjective. What bothers me more than anything is not going to see an SP advertising on 123 and being deceived by the pics posted, hey, it's a crap shoot most of the time. Where I tend to be critical is where the service provided by an SP has been great and for whatever reason, prices change or the service is less than it has been in the past. In some cases what I fail to understand is if she is no longer interested in giving the same level of service, leave the business ! All of the girls in this business, MP/SP should be aware of the review sites out there and behave accordingly, they should expect reviews, good and bad and try to improve on the level of service if the review is bad. To give a bad review because a girl will not provide a certain service is wrong and should be weighed carefully by all members before casting judgement. These girls also have to put up with a lot of BS from all the guys they meet. I had an SP tell me recently that she had a client come to see her, someone she had seen several times who she did not collect from before the service was provided. Afterwards he told her oops, I forgot to go to the bank machine, I will leave my shirt with you go to the ATM and be right back. As a regular she thought no problem..............she still has the shirt and obviously he never returned, as she works for an incall agency, she also had to cover their share of that call. My point is that the majority of these girls are not able to go to a public forum such as this and post the details of being taken by a dishonest client. I for one would like to see more of them here as members in order that we could get the other side of the story. These people are human beings and regardless of what they have chosen as a profession they should be respected as such, by everyone !


Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
H101 I do agree ! But we all want a good experience . It's like a restaurant review , did the journalist called before and wants to taste everything or was it a unannounced review to really see how the service is made and if the food is as good than in the advertisement !
It's the definition of your miles may vary. At the end of the day most of sp hopes to have treated all the penises (mine also hopes) as best as she could !

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
A hobbyist should NEVER tell that is going to review a sp. It will alter the meeting and not give a true reality of the experience given. An sp should never be expecting for a review and just give the best as she can and respect her own limits whatever says or do the client.

Well put, no class to tell a SP that she will be reviewed on the encounter.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes, but I am not a journalist working for the New York Times. I am a hobbyist. Yes, I want everyone to have a good time. I think every girl should enter an encounter as if they will be reviewed as a result of that encounter. I also think that every hobbyist should write a few lines about every encounter. I happen to enjoy documenting my encounters. Sometimes, It is as fun writing about it as it was doing it. I used to remind the booker "I reveiw on TER or MERB etc." prior to the encounter. I used to say "I am not going to tell you who I am but I review. I don't bother to do this anymore. Sometimes I will say after the encounter "do you mind if I write a review." If it is poor service I will definitely review and I will not say anything.

My point is that if it gets you better service why not say it as she walks in the door? Maybe we all should say this? Like a cop reading a perpetrator their Miranda's. I see about 10-30 something girls a year and I am not rich. I want to have a good time for my hobby dollar. If this is all any hobbyist has to do (announce to the girl that you may write a review) than do it by all means! Just make sure it is honest and fair.


F1 Fan
Jun 3, 2011
I think there could be value in separating out the types of info provided in reviews, along the lines of what Marc7 suggested. To me, there are the facts, or things that are close to facts. These are usually what I'm looking for in reading reviews, questions like:
- is everything legit, or is their some kind of bait & switch or other scam going on (this is more of an issue in the US)
- was the booking process reasonably good?
- was the SP on time (or reasonably close), ready, and did they honor the full time paid?
- if specific services were listed, were any refused?
- if pictures were shown, were they a fair representation? (I know there is some subjectivity there)

I would think that most SPs would have little issue with reviews that stick to those types of questions - that is unless they are trying to pull some kind of scam or misrepresent themselves.

Then there are the qualitative aspects covered in many reviews. I'm less a fan of these since I think a lot of the magic comes down to chemistry between the two (or more) people involved. I also think these are the ones where SPs have the most concerns and objections. TinaMtl mentioned a good list of things where it's a matter of perspective and chemistry. I'm not suggesting that sort of info should be universally excluded, since some hobbyists are clearly interested. But I think having some "middle option" of a "just the facts" review might convince more SPs to participate on that level.

On the question of telling an SP you will (or won't) review them. I've girls bring it up,usually at the end of an encounter where I mentioned I found them on a particular board. Usually where that goes is that the SP asks for a good review. That is typically following a session that went well so I'll often fulfill the request. I have had one girl bring it up requesting no review and I complied there as well. But, I agree that it's bad form for the client to bring it up - particularly at the start of an encounter when it might seem like they are trying to get "leverage".


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
I love reviews but to me two factors influence my reading. The honnesty of the reviewer and the chemistry between the two. I had awsome moments like I had some with less complicity. Not always the fault of the girls when chemistry between the two partners isn't there.
My two cents


F1 Fan
Jun 3, 2011
... I have REALLY underestimated how much goes on through PMs. I've had a handful of times have a random buzz and a guy asking if I was available for 30 minutes. I can only think that some people I have seen offered my address through different channels and I cannot have people just ringing me at a residential apartment building like that...

So that's a reason for no-reviews I never imagined. Bummer that someone would betray your info like that - and amazing that guys would think they could walk up and buzz you like a fast food window. Not cool.

I still think separating out "just the facts" from the opinion could be helpful, but Mitsou makes a good point that it's important to honor a total opt-out for any SP since all kinds of random situations can arise. And, we can't assume that the reason for a no review policy has anything to do with quality of service.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Mitsou - I'm sorry but I don't get it. What does a review have to do with your address being given out and people buzzing your for a 1/2 hour?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
Mitsou - I'm sorry but I don't get it. What does a review have to do with your address being given out and people buzzing your for a 1/2 hour?

She mentions it in her response.

Someone see's a Mitsou review, they PM that person to get some of her info privately.

No review, no person to PM because you don't know who saw her. Simple.

Not cool.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
OK but she gives out her information on her web site correct? This seems a bit convoluted but OK.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I get it. They contact you by PM and then you provide your contact info after screening.
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