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anyone have seen this today on cbc ?


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Yes, it was also posted in the sticky thread about news articles.

The police did not say they were going to do more than usual and certainly not a ''crack-down''. They said they have a new team for human trafficking, but nothing to do with the F1 or sex work in general. The only thing really happening is a small group of radical feminists protesting and the media posting the usual click-bait.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
This just irritates the hell out of me:

Shanie Roy, a former sex-trade worker who began working as a prostitute at the age of 16, said she doesn't miss her experiences working the annual Grand Prix weekend.

She said Grand Prix clients, pumped by the atmosphere of the festivities and far from their responsibilities at home, were more demanding than other clients.

"They are asking for more. They really want to have [a good] trip and a bigger experience. They are really going to insist to have something, they are not going to respect your limits," Roy said.

Let's see, so far this weekend I have drank expensive champagne with one client, was paid to sleep and snuggle with another, while yet another gave me three times my published rate. None of these clients were at all difficult or demanding. So yeah, I really feel disrespected. Please! I just wish these assholes would find some other cause to promote and stay out of my business.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
This is the EXACT reason why i love the GT's, not just the big ones but the small one's with friends (guys and sp's) in the "hobby" who "get together" for good clean conversation and fun, drinks and food etc... it is nothing like what the media shows this Industry to be like, especially from people on Merb. Not all are nice guys but from the majority i have met, most are. So much agree with you Tianna, but then again you already knew that. See you in a few days Mon Amie!

This just irritates the hell out of me:

Let's see, so far this weekend I have drank expensive champagne with one client, was paid to sleep and snuggle with another, while yet another gave me three times my published rate. All of these were what I would consider "easy" clients. So yeah, I really feel disrespected. Please! I just wish these assholes would find some other cause to promote and stay out of my business.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Wow Tiannas, you saw 3 clients and none of them got arrested in the big crack-down?


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I think you were quoting an ex-escort.

I was. Ex-escorts turned anti-prostitution activists are the worst. They think they have the right to speak for all women in the industry. So this girl started at 16 and was miserable in the job. That does NOT qualify her to speak as the voice of all escorts, especially those of us who are happy doing this work and just want to be left alone to do our thing.

The media is a joke. Last year I did an interview with CTV news where I spoke of my experiences as an escort. I talked about how happy I am, how great my customers are, about everything positive in the industry. The reporter said the interview was excellent, she was really happy with it. Guess what? It didn't run. No one wants to hear our side of the story, to hear about the good side of this business.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
No one wants to hear our side of the story, to hear about the good side of this business.

people want to see train and plane crash stories sweetie :crazy:

Best Regards



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

So, they are watching this board. SHOCKING! :D

Ex-escorts turned anti-prostitution activists are the worst. They think they have the right to speak for all women in the industry. So this girl started at 16 and was miserable in the job. That does NOT qualify her to speak as the voice of all escorts,...

Is that what she was trying to do, or is that how the media tried to use her. I agree she should not represent the industry on thew whole, or that her case should be exploited to make it seem that way, but I don't see any reason she should not expose what does go wrong otherwise we would be trying to hide part of the real truth for our own ends not unlike the media does. We know the media is one-sided and determined to use what they can find for their slanted goals, still exploitation of lives should be exposed regardless of media abuse.




New Member
Jul 30, 2011
people want to see train and plane crash stories sweetie :crazy:
So long as there is sex, you'd think people would want to hear it, even if it is only a happy story.

Is that what she was trying to do, or is that how the media tried to use her. I agree she should not represent the industry on thew whole, or that her case should be exploited to make it seem that way, but I don't see any reason she should not expose what does go wrong...
That's how she uses the media, not the other way around. She works for one of the local Radfem abolitionist groups supporting the Swedish models. This means she not only speaks for all escorts, she also speaks for all women and denies anything that does not fit her narrative. People working for decrim acknowlege the bad stories as well as the good and many pro- activist have stories much worse than her.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Un ami à moi m'a dit qu'il trouvait cette vidéo très sexy et que ça lui donnait des envies. lol Je n'y comprends plus rien ;-)

Personnellement, je ne trouve pas les criardes hystériques très attirantes. On dirait plutôt qu'elle a besoin d'un exorcisme.


Personnellement, je ne trouve pas les criardes hystériques très attirantes. On dirait plutôt qu'elle a besoin d'un exorcisme.

Il aime peut-être s'improviser prêtre exorciseur de temps en temps. Je ne sais pas. Je lui poserai la question. :D
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