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Annonce123 Blackmailing


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
I received a text this morning from someone trying to blackmail me for money.

In their initial text they claimed to have a photo of me with a "mineur" along with my licence plate, text messages and money exchanging hands. Wow, quite a lot! they threatened to go to the police unless I pay!

My Response was "Awesome, lemme see a pic!"

They sent back a screenshot of a very short text exchange from June with someone from an ad placed on Annonce123. The exchange was very basic, I asked if pics were real and if service was GFE or PSE, Response was GFE, I said "ok thanks, looking for PSE".

When I saw the screenshot I texted back telling them the attempted blackmail was a criminal offence and to try finding a more legitimate means of making money. Trying to Blackmail me for doing nothing is futile, and was blocking them.

They texted back right away from another number (both numbers were visible) saying that they will ruin my "merrege" once my "wif" finds out.

Little do they know my divorce is almost final and I couldn't care less.

Has anything similar happened to anyone else in the community?


New Member
Oct 2, 2012
It is interesting that you should post this. I was thinking about the risk of blackmail recently. Having said that, it has never happened to me and I am probably at a lower risk (I am not a very active hobbyist).


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
The blackmailers probably assume you are still validly married and will be afraid to go to the cops for fear of being exposed as a cheater. It's probably a form text they send out even to single guys. I liked your tart response that they should find better ways to make money. I probably would not have replied, however, as they think they gotcha. Furthermore someone else may get the cops involved and you don't want the cops calling you in because they see a number of texts. You are also making yourself a possible witness in a criminal case if one develops.

It's fairly clear that the whole predicate for such extortion is exposure to your wife, and nothing else, so based on your circumstances they are wasting time but they don't know that and calculate that a certain number of guys will give in and capitulate to fear of exposure.

My private investigator makes a significant amount of money doing surveillance on cheating spouses in order to gain an advantage in an anticipated divorce proceeding. This of course is done legally and it isn't extortion as one side is looking for a litigation advantage, not money.

I would just ignore any further texts. Contacting the police will only result in a scrutiny of this account and your replies. If I was a cop I would be wondering why didn't this dude call us if they seize the electronic records of these accounts. Cops don't like that and could bring your ass in for questioning.

Remember that any email sent on the Internet is capable of being retrieved and brought to police or used in court. They do not exist in private.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
PSE freak..I hope things work out for you in the end

Since I am just an " accidental tourist " , I can ask this question...

Aren't you worried about using these backpage/ announce sites, as they seem to be shady from many MERB reports ?

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
I think you should post as much info about these people as possible. Their ad, numbers, etc.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
I would but I had deleted the original text from my phone

The 2 numbers that texted me today are:

(438) 807-6955
(438) 832-2187


New Member
Oct 2, 2012
Actually, there are multiple ads from different locations. Woman known as Kathia, claims to be 19 years old.


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
Was contacted by Ashley Madison Hackers for months after the fact... Problem for them is that I am not married. And I never met with anyone from the site anyways. Still had my i for which I was not happy about but oh well. CA OUT!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Ashley Madison hack resulted in some expensive divorces and some big payouts, but it was caused by negligent Internet security by that business.

My business has been a frequent target for hackers in the past. Our IT expert gave us a seminar and rule number 1, which was broken in this case by PSEFreak albeit in an amusing fashion, is do not respond to an email or text from an unknown source. Rule #2 is do not open an attachment that isn't a PDF. Rule 3 is never open links in emails from trusted sources that look like they could be a Trojan horse. We did have our computers infected by a virus when one of my colleagues forwarded an email that appeared to be from a bill collector to our office manager. It was phony.

The Internet is full of scammers and hoaxsters and would be blackmailers. Safest course of action is to ignore it unless you know the source.


Active Member
Feb 28, 2012
Was contacted by Ashley Madison Hackers for months after the fact... Problem for them is that I am not married. And I never met with anyone from the site anyways. Still had my i for which I was not happy about but oh well. CA OUT!

Même chose pour moi. Je n'ai pas répondu et et j'ai éliminé
Same for me. Never answrered and i deleted.


Active Member
Feb 28, 2012
Our IT expert gave us a seminar and rule number 1, which was broken in this case by PSEFreak albeit in an amusing fashion, is do not respond to an email or text from an unknown source. Rule #2 is do not open an attachment that isn't a PDF. Rule 3 is never open links in emails from trusted sources that look like they could be a Trojan horse. We did have our computers infected by a virus when one of my colleagues forwarded an email that appeared to be from a bill collector to our office manager. It was phony.

The Internet is full of scammers and hoaxsters and would be blackmailers. Safest course of action is to ignore it unless you know the source.

Je suis en accord avec vous Mr EB. Vos trois règles sont les meilleures .
I am ok with you Mr EB. I agree it is better i think. Yours three rules are the best
Sorry if my english is not good ...it is not my first language .


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
Did not care much about it and they used so many different email addresses to send the same shit. Thanks for the heads up. CA OUT!


Active Member
Mar 22, 2012
Quelqu'un sait s'il reviennent à la charge avec d'autres no. et pendant combien de temps?

Je me suit fait avoir, il y a environ 6 semaines je les ai texté pour prendre rendez-vous, quand j'ai compris que je me fesait niaiser j'ai tous de suite arrêter de les contacter. Plus tard j'ai vu ce post et j'ai mis les 2 no. ci-haut dans mes indésirables et j'ai attendu qu'ils se manifestent.

Il y as 2 jours j'ai reçu un texto me disant que je recevais un prix de Bell pour ma loyauté avec un lien, j'ai tous de suite deleté le message sans prendre le no. Puis aujourd'hui j'ai reçu un autre texto me disant que j'avais enfreint la loi c36 et bla bla. Pas de menace rien, sûrement qu'ils veulent laisser stressé leurs victimes. J'ai tous de suite mis ce nouveau no. dans mes indésirables et deleté le message sans répondre.

Je me demande jusqu'où ils vont dans leurs menaces avant d'abandonner?

Le nouveau no. est: 438-346-7063

Mod 6

New Member
Sep 11, 2005
(438) 832-2187
Although we usually verify the numbers in PM before allowing you to post publicly but the numbers do match still ongoing ads. One of them is effectively Kathia and she advertises as 18, thus target clients who might want to book the barely 18/underage.

Scams are not unusual because the demand is so high nowadays.
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