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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Lost in the excitement of last night's come from behind victory is the two game saving catches made by Shane Victorino. The Flyin' Hawaiian is doing it all for the Sox this season. He's hitting .283 with a modest .708 ops, but his base running has been great. And now it's been pointed out to me, in an article I haven't been able to locate this morning, that Victorino, through the first quarter of the season, is the best defensive player in all of baseball.

Just went to look at Fangraphs and found that he has an unbelievable 8.8 uzr, translating to 54.8 over a full season. While that's not a pace he, or anyone else can maintain, anybody, anybody ringing up a 54.8 uzr for a full season would have to warrant MVP consideration.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Interesting, DD, how you quote my post in full and then make a comment that has nothing whatsoever to do with my post. Makes one wonder if what someone writes is, to you, nothing more than fodder for your goading and instigating. Sorry, I'm not biting.

Let's see, my post does two things: 1) It addresses an injury and 2) it jokes around with Joe. What does your post say about those two things: nothing. "Pathetic summation" of what? I didn't summarize anything. Just trying to start a flame war as usual.

Once again, I invite you to ignore me, but then, what would you have to live for?

No, it's not a two way street, K. DD never makes a statement here having to do with baseball. He's only responds to our posts and, in every case, it's either a direct insult or an invitation to a flame war. Again, I'm not biting.

Rumps, you are nothing but an insult machine. I can go thru this thread and make a Post longer than Merlot's longest post (now that's long) of all of your insults to me, lggy, Joe, Beav and CCF.

And reread your post about last night's game. It's simply ridiculous.

1. It was insulting of Joe. But of course your insults are always "kidding".

2. If you want to talk about attendance, there's not too many fools going to the 3rd world stadium called Fenway. It was falling apart the only time I saw a game there 17 years ago. Average attendance is probably around 33,000. Look at the attendance numbers rumps. I don't see a game where 40,000 attended.


3. Noesi and his relievers pitched well, and the Yankees failed to get hits when runners where in scoring position. You know rumps, your pathetic bashing of the Yankees gets really old.

4. Red Sox lucked out last night, having been whipped by a good pitched game by Alex Cobb. Fernando Rodney is not having a good year.

. I make plenty of statements about baseball, rumps. You think you do. And insults? You give it out more than anyone here.


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Feb 9, 2004
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On a side note, these reunions never get old for me to watch. This is f'n awesome!! Great job by the TB Rays.


Click the video on the lower right hand corner, hopefully MLB won't remove it.

Here's another video of it from MLB.com, also includes a pitch just a bit inside by Doubront tonight! Hahaha.


Great story. Hopefully, they will station Lt. Col. Adams state side so he can be with his family. Thank you for sharing it, K.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
1. It was insulting of Joe. But of course your insults are always "kidding".
With Joe, it goes both ways. We have fun with each other. You, however, are just an angry dude, here only to incite flame wars. Sorry, not biting.

2. If you want to talk about attendance, there's not too many fools going to the 3rd world stadium called Fenway. It was falling apart the only time I saw a game there 17 years ago. Average attendance is probably around 33,000. Look at the attendance numbers rumps. I don't see a game where 40,000 attended.
Tough to get 40,000 into a park that holds 37,000, but that's lost on you as you try to instigate. Still not biting. BTW, Sox are third in all of baseball with an average house at 87.7% of capacity. Yankees are a sad 11th at 74.3%. And that includes all the empty seats sold to corporations on the public dole.

3. Noesi and his relievers pitched well, and the Yankees failed to get hits when runners where in scoring position. You know rumps, your pathetic bashing of the Yankees gets really old.
Not hard to pitch well when you're facing a lineup that has Jason Nix batting second.

4. Red Sox lucked out last night, having been whipped by a good pitched game by Alex Cobb. Fernando Rodney is not having a good year.
Yes, they certainly did. Three walks and a hanging change-up. About time some team other than the Yankess had some luck.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
How can you tell the red sox won the night before?

rumples has his usual homer post at the crack of dawn, this is because he had nothing to say for the majority of the last 1.5 seasons. Making up for lost time i guess lol.

btw, about time allstar middlebrooks did anything, is he even hitting .220 yet?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Totally false, DD41 has a ton of baseball knowledge and has offered it on many occasions, you just fail to respond to it w/o a sarcastic remark, so he gives it back to you sarcastically, tit for tat my eastern european lady loving pal. That reminds me, Joe.T is nervously waiting for his date with the gorgeous Valentina tonight so i told him to read the baseball thread over and over for all the homer-isms in red sox land.... it worked! (ps Joe, loves them EE's as well!) :D

On another note, me hears that Michael Pineda is about ready to pitch a 4 inning game at the Yanks spring training facility in Tampa.


DD never makes a statement here having to do with baseball. He's only responds to our posts and, in every case, it's either a direct insult or an invitation to a flame war. Again, I'm not biting.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Michael Pineda is about ready to pitch a 4 inning game at the Yanks spring training facility in Tampa.
Just think, iggy, Hector Noesi has done more for Seattle than Pineda has for New York. Nice deal.

Actually, iggy, while you and joe and special k and I may joke around with each other, poor DD just gets angry and flames away. I just hope I'm not in the next car from him when his road rage takes over. Nice to hear Joe's bookie is giving him the night off to overspend on just one of Montreal's fabulous young women. (I just spent the same $240 for two hours (she overstayed by 30 minutes) with an "old friend" who left me gasping for breath as usual. One of these times, she's going to be the end of me.)

Middlebrooks, btw, has a .211 batting average and a .674 ops. He's earning $498,000 this year. The corpse if Ichiro Suzuki, at the same time, is hitting .239 with a .608 ops. He's making $6,500,000 in the first year of a 2 year deal. "Holy Cow," said the ghost of Phil Rizzuto.


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Feb 9, 2004
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With Joe, it goes both ways. We have fun with each other. You, however, are just an angry dude, here only to incite flame wars. Sorry, not biting.

Really? I like to hear Joe's response to your alleged love fest with him. I am not angry. You are the most explosive guy on merb, rumps. We all know that. You have had many tantrums on here.

Tough to get 40,000 into a park that holds 37,000, but that's lost on you as you try to instigate. Still not biting. BTW, Sox are third in all of baseball with an average house at 87.7% of capacity. Yankees are a sad 11th at 74.3%. And that includes all the empty seats sold to corporations on the public dole.

37,000? 37,000 is a minor league park, or 3rd World Stadium in a First World country.

If you do simple math, rumps, using your numbers, rumps, NY gets more attendance than Boston.

Boston - 37,000 * .877 = 32,475 average,

New York - 50,291 * .743 = 37,366 average.

New York averages almost 5,000 more attendance than Boston. So why are you constantly harping on NY's attendance. I know. You're an instigator,

Not hard to pitch well when you're facing a lineup that has Jason Nix batting second.

Jason Nix batted 2nd last night, probably his first time since he's usually batting 7th, 8th or 9th. Robinson Cano batted 2nd for the past 4 or 5 games. What's your point? You have none.

Yes, they certainly did. Three walks and a hanging change-up. About time some team other than the Yankess had some luck.

Yankees have had good pitching and have hung in tough games. It's been more than luck, rumps.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hahaha,,,, i knew when writing my post you would bring up Ichiro .....quick, i better go get a lotto tic. :)

Actually i have talked to dd41 off of merb a few times and trust me, he is not angry, not at all and is actually very calm.

Nice to hear you had a good time with the "girls" ;)

Should be an easy win for the red sox tonight against Worley and his 7.15 era.......... pffffttt....... ok time to hit the road, enjoy!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Couple of interesting items in George King's article in this morning's NY Post
George King said:
Last night’s battery against the Mariners at Yankee Stadium left before Robinson Cano made the final out with Brett Gardner on third of a 3-2 loss that was witnessed by an announced crowd of 35,392.
As King well knows, the Yankees aren't fooling anyone with their phony announced totals. When I was at the House that Ruth Didn't Build on a gorgeous Friday night two weeks ago, the announced crowd was 38,090. As the Yankee fan sitting in front of me and I concurred, there couldn't have been over 25,000 in the joint. 19,000,000 in the metropolitan area, and that's the best they can do.

George King said:
So, now as they inch past the quarter pole with possible injuries to Pettitte and Stewart, you have to wonder if the smoke and mirrors the Yankees have used so well are drifting and cracking.
Yep, the Post's own beat writer knows that what I've been saying for weeks is dead on.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
quick, i better go get a lotto tic. :)
OK, just don't let Joe pick the numbers or you might just be doing some odd jobs for his bookie, as well.

Nice to hear you had a good time with the "girls"
Actually, just girl. Lucille didn't join us for this one. (BTW, you haven't lived until you've had a bbbj with the likes of Lucille on duty. I didn't think my heart could take it the other night.)

Should be an easy win for the red sox tonight against Worley and his 7.15 era.
Should be, though would you have thought the Yanks would drop 2 of 3 to Seattle after surviving King Felix's start? Go figure.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello BOYZ!

DD...It's a 2 way street!!!!!!

SK, that's true and we are all part of it. Personally, I'm disgusted with this...it's you...no, it's you bullshit no matter who has been worse in anybody's opinion. It's all just partisan BS if we all play the game. I know I call out Yankee fans on baseball points all the time. We all try to get at each other on subject, but if people could drop the childish na na na na na na poses and be honest about the opposition maybe we could talk baseball before all this F*cking idiotic finger pointing shit descends to blaming Anglos or associating a hard slide with bombing victims.

Lost in the excitement of last night's come from behind victory is the two game saving catches made by Shane Victorino. The Flyin' Hawaiian is doing it all for the Sox this season. He's hitting .283 with a modest .708 ops, but his base running has been great. And now it's been pointed out to me, in an article I haven't been able to locate this morning, that Victorino, through the first quarter of the season, is the best defensive player in all of baseball.

Victorino has been a pretty good pickup for the Sox. It would be nice to see others play up to their league normalcy then things could be competitive more often. But right now they are like two different teams in 2013.

Who are the real Red Sox?
Posted by Adam Kaufman May 17, 2013 08:24 AM


To alter a bar from Eminem, will the real Boston Red Sox please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?

The Red Sox got off to a scintillating 20-8 start to their 2013 season, which has been followed by an up-and-down 4-9 stretch as the showers have fallen in May. It would seem the city’s sports teams aren’t limiting that Jekyll and Hyde behavior to a certain squad on Causeway Street.

So who are the real Red Sox? Well, coming off a disastrous 69-win 2012 campaign, it’s not the club that began the year with a .714 winning percentage. The good news is, it’s not the team with a paltry .308 effort either.

Let’s examine the drop-off or, as many have called it, "market correction."

Simply put, the Red Sox offense and pitching success through the first 28-game sample that lasted until May 2 flipped like a light switch the next morning. With the Sox sitting with the best record in the majors, they were scoring an average of 5.3 runs per game while allowing just 3.5. Despite a rash of injuries, some more significant than others, the team was balanced, whether it came to analyzing the starters, the bullpen or its patient pitch-taking batters.

However, as the likes of David Ortiz, John Lackey and Joel Hanrahan got healthier, injuries struck again.

Hanrahan, in his first and likely only year as the team’s closer, was lost for the season on May 7 with what resulted in Tommy John surgery and a procedure to repair his right flexor tendon. His limited time on the mound was poor (9.82 ERA, 4-of-6 converted saves in 7.1 IP), but the comfort of consecutive All-Star seasons with the Pirates still provided room for optimism had he been able to return. Alas, he won’t.

Andrew Bailey, an injury-plagued disappointment in his own first year in Boston in 2012, got off to a great start (1.46 ERA, 5-for-6 in save chances in 12.1 IP) in his rebound season as the Sox replacement fireman before a right biceps strain sidelined him on April 29. Though he appears to be inching closer to a return, his mates are just 6-10 in his absence.

The newly designated closer became set-up man extraordinaire Junichi Tazawa. His numbers this year are misleading. The fourth-year pro is 3-2 with a 2.95 ERA in 19 relief appearances, along with a pair of blown saves, but he’s actually got a 1.20 ERA in 15 innings against the majority of the American League, and a whopping 10.80 ERA in 3.1 innings over four contests versus the division rival Blue Jays.

These men are just three examples of how the impact of the closer role has manipulated the structure of John Farrell’s bullpen. That coupled with adequate starters not named Jon Lester or Clay Buchholz, and the team’s ERA has ballooned well over a run from that opening stretch (3.39) to this recent slump (5.06). Opponents' batting average (.224 to .266), on-base percentage (.306 to .333) and slugging percentage (.371 to .425) have all also risen by a healthy margin from April to May. Mind you, that last set of numbers includes two wins over the Blue Jays by a combined 13-2 margin to start this month.

Without going into a long and convoluted explanation, a look at the OPS (on-base percentage plus slugging percentage) for splits relative to a player’s total OPS is averaged at 100, with a lower total being better for hurlers and higher desirable for hitters. Essentially, the Red Sox pitching staff overachieved in April (92) and has underachieved in May (114).

Concerning the offense, the team’s run-production is down to 3.8 runs per game during its rut as the pitchers have surrendered roughly 5.5 runs a contest. Like I said, those April and May numbers basically just took a long stare in the mirror. In two weeks, the club’s run-differential of plus-49 has dropped by 23 runs. Not good.

There have been dips across the board, sure, whether it’s batting average (.271 to .246), on-base percentage (.347 to .324) or slugging percentage (.446 to .424), but the Sox still rank among the game’s best at the plate in a number of categories, including runs scored (197, 3rd), on-base percentage (.338, 2nd) and slugging percentage (.438, 4th).

The issue with this team isn’t its offense, no matter how much people want to complain about slow starts for free agent-to-be Jacoby Ellsbury or Will Middlebrooks.

Similar to Stephen Drew, Middlebrooks has turned his luck around of late, Dustin Pedroia’s tearing the cover off the ball at the moment, and David Ortiz is off to another monstrous start, though hindered a bit by a sore oblique and maybe a bruised ego.

As for the recent issue with runners in scoring position, that stat’s like the power play or penalty kill in hockey. Ebbs and flows, peaks and valleys; you get it.

It’s really not a case of running into top-tier opponents during the skid for the Sox, either. As good as the Rangers (27-14) are, and they’re among the best in baseball, the Twins, Blue Jays and Rays (a collective 55-63) are average at best. Borderline mediocre.

Nope, concerns going forward surround the inconsistencies and unreliability of many of the arms. The bullpen has baseball's sixth-worst ERA at 4.32 and while Ryan Dempster and John Lackey haven’t been bad, the 12-0 combined performance of Lester and Buchholz could make an older fan think back to “Spahn and Sain and Pray for Rain” after some time. Shame we can’t place much blame on Alfredo Aceves or Daniel Bard, but even a favorite punching bag gets replaced eventually.

The Red Sox are a good team, maybe very good. They held a share of first place in the AL East from the start of the season until just one week ago, and there’s no reason to think the now-second place division-hoppers couldn’t return to that perch. But, in the end, the highs and lows we’ve already seen in less than two months will likely average out to a very respectable 87 to 93 win ballclub for a team with uncertainty in the bullpen and lingering questions about the back-end of the rotation. Still quite the improvement for what was projected to be a bridge year.

Now cue the “this guy doesn’t know anything” 10-game winning streak…

Actually i have talked to dd41 off of merb a few times and trust me, he is not angry, not at all and is actually very calm.

Whether one likes what was written he's made a few good statistical posts lately. If he keeps doing that it would help to forget that angry political persona that turned dozens against him in those threads.

Yep, the Post's own beat writer knows that what I've been saying for weeks is dead on.

The Yankees have done a great job with the difficult conditions they have faced all year. But taking out both the hyper pro and hyper anti Yankee view, there must come a time when there are too many cracks in the bridge to keep it up if they multiply to the breaking point no team can keep winning against.

..."do simple math, rumps, using your numbers, rumps, NY gets more attendance than Boston."

Boston - 37,000 * .877 = 32,475 average,

New York - 50,291 * .743 = 37,366 average.

This is a humiliating admission the author should have been wiser not to make. New York only draws a miniscule 5,000 more fans in a city that has 7.6 million more people than Boston, besides the fact the drawing numbers are still 13,000 below capacity for the Yankees, and 5,000 below capacity for Boston. It's very sad 7.6 million don't care about..."Yankee Pride".




Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Lost in the excitement of last night's come from behind victory is the two game saving catches made by Shane Victorino. The Flyin' Hawaiian is doing it all for the Sox this season. He's hitting .283 with a modest .708 ops, but his base running has been great. And now it's been pointed out to me, in an article I haven't been able to locate this morning, that Victorino, through the first quarter of the season, is the best defensive player in all of baseball.

Just went to look at Fangraphs and found that he has an unbelievable 8.8 uzr, translating to 54.8 over a full season. While that's not a pace he, or anyone else can maintain, anybody, anybody ringing up a 54.8 uzr for a full season would have to warrant MVP consideration.

Love the guy...he absolutely plays the game right! He's a great clubhouse guy too.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As I said previously it is NOT a real DL situation, it is simply the Yankees being overcautious and having a lot of depth. If it were the stretch run and there was a pennant race going on, they would not have DL'd Pettite, so it is not a legit DL or a real injury. They did not want to send down Vidal Nuno, who hurled 8 scoreless and looked good doing it, so much so that Joe G let him go way past allotted pitch counts. With the Red Sox or any other MLB team that has mediocre pitching depth, Nuno never gets sent down in the 1st place. The Yankees can now give Nuno a couple of starts while Pettitt relaxes and the trap muscle heals up with rest. If you read Girardi's comments last week he was unreserved in saying Nuno would be called back quick if there was the slightest need.

You guys really need to pay attention to the roster depth and what is going on with the team if you are going to comment on the moves being made. You guys are like cowboys shooting into the air, with no real target and the bullets falling back to Earth with the forces of gravity. Watch your heads.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Very well said Merlot, hey rumples, are you paying attention?

KURODA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow what a gem! Hey SK, how much is sling box again????

Update....... nevermind SK, found my answer about slingbox!

Hello BOYZ!SK, that's true and we are all part of it. Personally, I'm disgusted with this...it's you...no, it's you bullshit no matter who has been worse in anybody's opinion. It's all just partisan BS if we all play the game. I know I call out Yankee fans on baseball points all the time. We all try to get at each other on subject, but if people could drop the childish na na na na na na poses and be honest about the opposition
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Feb 9, 2004
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Whether one likes what was written he's made a few good statistical posts lately. If he keeps doing that it would help to forget that angry political persona that turned dozens against him in those threads.

Come on, Merlot. What does my politics have to do with anything? Angry? Why, because I don't agree with you and others here? Politics shouldn't be discussed in the baseball thread, although I saw rumps trying to sneak it in in one of his recent posts.

The Yankees have done a great job with the difficult conditions they have faced all year. But taking out both the hyper pro and hyper anti Yankee view, there must come a time when there are too many cracks in the bridge to keep it up if they multiply to the breaking point no team can keep winning against.

..."do simple math, rumps, using your numbers, rumps, NY gets more attendance than Boston."

Boston - 37,000 * .877 = 32,475 average,

New York - 50,291 * .743 = 37,366 average.

This is a humiliating admission the author should have been wiser not to make. New York only draws a miniscule 5,000 more fans in a city that has 7.6 million more people than Boston, besides the fact the drawing numbers are still 13,000 below capacity for the Yankees, and 5,000 below capacity for Boston. It's very sad 7.6 million don't care about..."Yankee Pride".



The reason why New York has not drawn as many fans as maybe a few years ago, is because of a couple reasons:

1. The ticket prices at the new Yankee stadium is more, probably much more. Families don't have the $ to spend $200 to $400 or more for decent seats. Ok, there are the bleacher seats and seats on the top level. I have not been in the new stadium. I watch the games on the Yes channel or the alternative station. The last game I went to was before they tore down the old stadium. I and a few friends paid $38 a ticket to sit in Right field in maybe the 10th row from the wall. Today that seat goes for $93. You can get seats on the 3rd or 4th level, which is pretty high up and pay $42 to $57. Bleacher tickets are $13 to $21, but I remember from the old stadium they go fast and again you are pretty far out to see a baseball game. I imagine the seats that are not sold are the more expensive seats.

2. Seeing games on TV are cheap. Most Cable plans come with the Yes channel, which is the Yankee station. And the few $ per month per subscriber the Yankees get for the Yes channel probably adds up to compensate for the lack in attendance. Plus, the Yankees have about 4,000 less seats in the new stadium than the old stadium. They built extra boxes for corporations. This revenue probably more than makes up for the revenue loss in less attendance.

3. Minor League teams near Major League cities

So this harping on attendance to Yankee home games is rather lame. It's not how they are making most of their money. I bet if the Yankees did lower their ticket prices they would get more people coming to the game. By the way, the Philadelphia Phillies most expensive ticket in the entire park is $78. You can get very good tickets for $43 a piece. The Phillies probably have been averaging around 38,000 fans per game. This is even low for Philadelphia. A few years ago, you would be hard pressed to get a ticket to Phillies game. I venture to say major league baseball attendance has dropped in the last couple years because of the
1. economy
2. cable access to the games.
3. cheaper alternative of Minor League games near the cities which have Major League teams. In NY, you can travel to Scranton Wilkes Barre, Trenton, Staten Island or Brooklyn to see a minor league game.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Wow!!!! After reading the last two post by the Beav and DD, one can only assume that merb is conducting a contest for the best lame rationalization of the night. What's the prize?

What exquisite bullshit. Good work boys!


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Feb 9, 2004
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Wow!!!! After reading the last two post by the Beav and DD, one can only assume that merb is conducting a contest for the best lame rationalization of the night. What's the prize?

What exquisite bullshit. Good work boys!

No, rumps, you don't insult or instigate. Who's your pusher for all of those hallucinogens you take, rumps?

Hopefully not Lucille or Stella, as i consider both DD41 and The Beav as friends........

Wow! Worley outdueled Clay B.......... unreal!

Damn, I want no parts of those prizes. We all know where those 2 go every night.
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