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Italian mafia owns 80% of mtl construction contracts!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007

apparently the 20% that isnt run by them must not be outbidding them, so i cant see them inflating things 35%, and as long as its giving a lot of you (montrealers/canadians) good paying jobs who cares whos at the top?


New Member
Jul 8, 2005
From what I saw on the news lately, there will be investigations for collusion happening soon.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Construction has always been sort of fixed at all sorts of levels.

It is easy to lose your shirt on fixed price contracts.
If the the prime contractor chooses some low ball electrician that doesn't know what he is doing, or goes belly up or has crazy employees etc a 2 million dollar or ten million dollar or whatever building construction can be delivered grossly late at a substantial financial loss to everyone involved. Even cause unrelated loses and lateness on other jobs and other subcontractors.

So the trick is to only deal with people you trust & know. You can thus cover each other in the long run.
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New Member
Jul 8, 2005
Construction has always been sort of fixed at all sorts of levels.

It is easy to lose your shirt on fixed price contracts.
If the the prime contractor chooses some low ball electrician that doesn't know what he is doing, or goes belly up or has crazy employees etc a 2 million dollar or ten million dollar or whatever building construction can be delivered grossly late at a substantial financial loss to everyone involved. Even cause unrelated loses and lateness on other jobs and other subcontractors.

Thats why in large jobs, bid bonds and insurances are required to prevent contractors to go bankrupt in the middle of an unfinished contract.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
i just saw a poll saying 90% of Montrealers want an investigation. Be prepared for a regime change in city hall. Thanks.

I am just soo mad that teh mafia makes us pay higher taxes (because over the profits, they have to make extra to kick up to mafia bosses and city officials). Our lives coudl cost so much less if it were not for them.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Funny hey ? How our current 'Democracy' is apparently the best way to run a country ?



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Be prepared for a regime change in city hall.

Who should one vote for? Vision's Benoit Labonte resigned in a cloud of black smoke and their present leader Harel is an autocratic fanatic.

Project Montreal's Bergeron is even crazier than Harel.

Tremblay is right about being the most qualified to clean up Montreal (as he knows who the thieves are), but he'll play all three blind monkeys if he is re-elected.
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
There is no such thing as mafia or mob.

It's our family. It's ours. That's why we call it Cosa Nostra

Sure there have been people calling it other names too: "The Mob," "The Outfit," "The Shop Front," "The Arm," "The Syndicate," "The Organization," take your fre*kin' pick.

But here it's called Our Family.
And how well you do inside the Family depends on how much of an earner you are.

So you see, it's only business !

The public is fooled into thinking we are a bunch of thugs thanks to the media, but we are men above all -- honorable, educated, business-savvy men.


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Aug 16, 2003
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Article from Today's G&M.

Police probes, Mafia allegations in the Palermo of Canada Fresh claims of corruption revive old shadow over Montreal October 23, 2009 By INGRID PERITZ
MONTREAL -- Allegations of corruption have been swirling like effluent through Montreal's body politic in recent weeks, and today Montrealers have reason to wonder just how deep the muck really goes.

In a single day yesterday, Mayor Gérald Tremblay admitted in a report that he feared for his family's safety. An opposition politician, who resigned Sunday over payments from murky backers, said a "Mafia system" controls Montreal city hall.

And the Quebec government, under relentless pressure to call a public probe into questionable ties between the construction industry and municipal officials, announced a beefed-up squad to root out corruption.

Collusion, bid-rigging, brown envelopes at city hall: The claims are enough to remind Montreal of its old reputation, coined almost a century ago, as "the rottenest city on the continent." Or as one columnist put it yesterday, Palermo.

So far no one in Montreal has been charged, and Mr. Tremblay is not under suspicion. But with a municipal election only nine days away, many Montrealers feel they face a Hobson's choice at the polls. Both main parties have now been tainted by allegations of shady dealings.

Mr. Tremblay's administration is the subject of a half-dozen provincial police investigations. Earlier this year his former right-hand man admitted he vacationed while in power on the yacht of a construction entrepreneur whose firm was then part of a winning consortium for a record $356-million water-meter contract.

News reports suggest the mob controls most Montreal road-work contracts, and a select group of 14 companies use coded language to fix bids and inflate prices on public-works projects.

Until this week, some disgruntled voters considered supporting Louise Harel, a former Parti Québécois cabinet minister who presented herself as the clean alternative to the mayor. But on Sunday, her running mate, former Board of Trade president Benoît Labonté, resigned after disclosures he accepted clandestine cash for his leadership bid from the same shadowy milieu his party had been criticizing. He then shot back yesterday by dishing further dirt, including charges of widespread fund-raising violations and the claim of Mafia controls of city hall.

Mayor Tremblay held an impromptu news conference late last night to condemn Mr. Labonté for spreading rumours and hearsay instead of going to police. "I can't accept that his insinuation that I tolerated an illegal system," he said.

"We've always heard these rumours in the municipal world, any time I was in possession of any facts, I went to the police."

The accusations all have a familiar if distant ring for Montreal, a city with a long and colourful history of corruption. Every few decades a new administration or commission of inquiry comes in to clean up, dating back to 1905 when Justice Henri Taschereau condemned the "infamy" of corrupt police practices.

Yet the latest revelations suggest the corruption issue, like potholes and Mount Royal, never disappears from the city landscape.

"People think that we clean the problem up and it goes away," said Jean-Pierre Charbonneau, a former provincial MNA and author of a book on about the Montreal Mafia. "But you need to sweep every day or else dust accumulates and bacteria grows. We're due for a big cleanup, because we let things rot and deteriorate in a dramatic way."

Jacques Duchesneau had a privileged perch from which to glimpse the shadowy world. He was police chief in Montreal in the 1990s and ran for mayor in 1998. During that campaign, he found himself approached repeatedly by legitimate businessmen who told him they were mysteriously frozen out from city contracts.

"They weren't part of the gang," Mr. Duchesneau concludes. "That's when I started to understand."

Mr. Duchesneau, who headed the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority until last year, believes Montreal is experiencing a new bout of an old affliction. "It's the same story I lived through 11 years ago and that existed in Montreal in the 40s and 50s. It's like a cancer."

Veteran observers say organized crime has been adept at making inroads into legitimate circles in cities worldwide. Antonio Nicaso, a Toronto-based author and specialist on the Mafia, says some mobsters have used construction and other industries as a "cover" to gain access to lucrative public-sector contracts.

"Bricks, real-estate and construction were always the sectors the Mafia used to invest the proceeds of crime," he said. While the mob operates this way in cities around the world, it has found especially "fertile ground" in Montreal, he said.

"In Montreal, the Mafia is well entrenched in society, they don't live on the outside at the margins. The real Mafia dresses in suits and attends meetings in boardrooms," he said.

Montreal's municipal party system also creates strong pressures for fundraising, which has been the focus of extensive charges of improper practices. And the messy 2002 mergers - then partial demergers - of Montreal and its suburbs created something of an administrative monster, adding layers of bureaucracy in newly empowered city boroughs, one professor says.

"We don't really know what happens at city hall. We just see the symbolic figure of the mayor, but don't have any direct contact. It allows shadier things to happen," says Julie-Anne Boudreau, a researcher at the University of Quebec who has compared Montreal and Toronto.

The swamp of scandal allegations has left many Montrealers, only 35 per cent of whom bothered voting in the last election, scratching their heads. With both front-running parties under a cloud, some voters are taking a look at third-party candidate Richard Bergeron, a bicycle-riding urban planner who is campaigning to promote public transit. But Mr. Bergeron's oddball views and interest in 9/11 conspiracy theories have turned some voters off.



Fearing for his government's reputation, Premier Jean Charest released the names of three cabinet ministers who allegedly accepted a cruise on a yacht owned by Montreal entrepreneur Tony Accurso who is at the centre of the scandal involving municipal contracts and construction companies.

The Premier named Transport Minister Julie Boulet, junior deputy Transport Minister Norman MacMillan and former Labour minister David Whissell. Mr. Whissell resigned from cabinet amid allegations that his part-ownership in a paving company amounted to a potential conflict of interest after receiving government contracts that were exempted from public tenders.

"We checked the information on these three and it was false. I know of no ministers in my government that went on Mr. Accurso's boat," Mr. Charest told Radio-Canada yesterday. Mr. Charest has refused repeated calls for an inquiry. Instead his government announced yesterday that it was setting-up a special police task force of 60 Sûreté du Québec officers and seven prosecutors with RCMP involvement to investigate allegations of corruption, rigging of municipal contracts, involvement of organized crime and influence peddling.

Mr. Charest's government was caught in a whirlwind of rumours and innuendos after Action démocratique du Québec House Leader Sylvie Roy suggested in the National Assembly that she knew of three ministers Mr. Accurso entertained on his yacht. Ms. Roy refused to say who they were. It has been reported that Mr. Accurso entertained numerous city officials, politicians and union officials on the yacht. News reports showed that his construction companies received the majority of city infrastructure contracts in Montreal and Laval, worth over $200-million since 2005.

Time to Punt

Mar 25, 2009
The Mafia are the only ones that can control the Quebec unions.

Henry Jones

New Member
Sep 28, 2009
They have moved on to other rackets.

Years ago the Mafia use to control the pizza business, if you did not buy your cheese from the suggested supplier you did not get your pepperoni sausage. If you did not get the message after several suggestions you would get burned out. Now the mafia will suggest to the builder that he gets his crew from certain people and then you get a list of suggested suppliers, electrical contractors and plumbing contractors. In which other business do you make an estimate and at the end of a job you ask for 35% more. The Pizzo Pizzu ( the beak ) is everywhere.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
This is why we need anglos from ontario namely RCMP, to get involved.

For good or for bad, only hard nosed anglos are the only ones who can push back this
I-talian criminal element.

The quebecois will not get anywhere with their half assed investigations.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Jimmy Hoffa

Goverments now attempt to legislate to correct, and even mandate corrective education of, the real cause of today's problems.......modern man's (genarically) unethical behavior....

Jimmy Hoffa says hi! Teamsters 101 at work. Different venue, different players.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
This is why we need anglos from ontario namely RCMP, to get involved.

For good or for bad, only hard nosed anglos are the only ones who can push back this
I-talian criminal element.

The quebecois will not get anywhere with their half assed investigations.

Dear Ocean,

Although it seems you can't research on what is a GT after 200posting I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you'll be able to research on René Lemire and Robert St-Jean.

And here's to educate yourself even more

Don't worry for our fellows Quebecois.
Once la moumoutte au parlement will realize they can't go on BS everyone, I'm sure you'll see quite a number of our own 'Pitbulls' have fun digging into all this corruption.

Myself I know some of them who just can't wait to get the green light ! :cool:

Have fun !!!
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