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H1n1(swine flu)

backdoor joe

Oct 19, 2009
Just wondering how many places have put together a plan to help stop the spread of this virus.
considering all the turnovers ,the odds are greatly increased in getting this flu.
So far i only notice 1 place that is using hand sanitzer.
as soon as you walk in the front door at lavanda massagemariana asks you for your hands and squirts some hand sanitzer on your hands.
thats a great idea, i believe.
Any other places doing the same thing...let me (us)know.

EDIT: This poster is actually Massage Lavanda shilling for themselves. Any review posted by this member should be discounted as a fraud.
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backdoor joe

Oct 19, 2009
we should promote the shot for everyone.girls and clients (

We should promote the flu shot for all the working girls

EDIT: This poster is actually Massage Lavanda shilling for themselves. Any review posted by this member should be discounted as a fraud.
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Aug 27, 2007
My Goodness Daddy you are so right about this H1N1 Panic.
All below information could be found on the Web ->
The Ordinary flue kills between 250,000 & 500,000 a Year World Wide!
These are the numbers from - l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé
So why is the media making such a big Hype about this dam flue, which has less death than the simple cold or flue, with a total of 2,000 deaths in 5 Months.
I hope this helps people relax about this small flue.

Here is food for thought => The antidote for this specific Flue H1N1, was found and ask to be Patent in 2007. WTF??! Someone is making money. :confused:


New Member
Jan 31, 2009

I saw a great article that explained in proper factual terms how overblown this H1N1 thing is. It gave stats and pointed directly to those that we benefiting including Donald as his interest in the pharma companies. Anyone seen or know where I can retrieve this article... I did a delete in my email.

That'll learn me.

backdoor joe

Oct 19, 2009
maybe there just not telling us the whole truth and that is why they are insisting on us taking the shot...
little do we know

EDIT: This poster is actually Massage Lavanda shilling for themselves. Any review posted by this member should be discounted as a fraud.
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covert agent

New Member
Nov 20, 2005
Smart asses

All the guys who are down playing the H1N1 virus and using this wild notion that it is just a scam from the drug companies are just smart asses who dont know what they are talking about.
The H1N1 virus killed 18 millions people in 1918, I dont want to scare you but ..... The fact of the matter is, the reason for the vaccine is not necessarily for you individually, but it is to prevent a wide spread contamination so that the more vulnerable persons wont die. So stop thinking in terms of your precious selves, but think about the more vulnerable of our society, the children, the sick and our mothers and fathers. If you have a member of your family who has cancer, thats for them that you get vaccinated, not for you !!
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covert agent

New Member
Nov 20, 2005

H1N1 is a variance of that virus, by the way. They are all Influenza A viruses with subtypes H1N1, H2N2 (russian flu), H5N1 (bird flu), etc, read Wikipedia.
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New Member
Jun 9, 2008
The swine flu season has really just begun. The most vulnerable are young people. It makes sense, in my opinion to take the vaccine so that even older people who are somewhat resistant to its most dangerous effects won't spread it to the young. I agree, its good to be suspicious of Big Pharma but vaccines have cleared up many devastating diseases around the world and saved millions of lives. Small pox is a thing of the past and so is polio.

covert agent

New Member
Nov 20, 2005
Your story

Your story is sad, but latest studies show no link between MMR and autism. Parents assume there is a link because they are looking for a cause. But the fact remains that autism is still difficult to diagnose early in life.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2005
Your story is sad, but latest studies show no link between MMR and autism. Parents assume there is a link because they are looking for a cause. But the fact remains that autism is still difficult to diagnose early in life.

You know, I was once accused of being a double poster for you Covert, simply because I used the word "vendetta".

Now, I take the association as a compliment because you're intelligent.
Enough with Jenny McCarthy science already.


New Member
Jun 9, 2008
Autism rates are rising and continued to rise even in countries where vaccines were suspended for a time. This includes Quebec and Japan. There is no link between autism and vaccines of any kind that I know of and the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the occasional bad reactions. I think we've forgotten what its like to see kids walking around on crutches after having survived polio, but I am old enough to remember this.
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