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What's The Worst Emergency Situation You Can Have During Covid-19 Crisis??


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I was thinking about this question in the abstract 3 or 4 days ago, along the lines of what could go wrong now that would be really inconvenient. The things that came to mind were plumbing (water heater) and electrical (furnace, refrigerator, oven). Little did I think I would actually have an emergency situation of an even worse kind- dental emergency!!!!!!!

Yesterday I woke up with a searing toothache in my lower right first molar from the front. As the day went on it got worse. I called my regular dentist, who is a personal friend. He told me if it gets worse to call him this morning and he would see me first thing as he is only doing emergency appointments. Last night I could not even sleep the pain was so bad. It was next level pain I have never had before, with the tooth hurting without chewing pressure or hot or cold touches.

So I saw my regular dentist at 9:00 a.m. this morning. He took x rays and did a nerve pulse test on the tooth. He told me the root is dead and I will need a root canal, and if there is a fracture not seen on the x ray when the filling on the tooth is removed, the tooth will need to be extracted. He then told me he did not do root canals or extractions, but that a buddy of his in the next town over did. So he called the buddy root canal specialist, and it turns out that he is also doing emergency appointments and he can see me this afternoon. So I was able to get an emergency appointment this afternoon with the root canal specialist.

So I am now eating a late breakfast which may very well be the last meal experienced by this tooth, not that I am chewing anything on the right side of mouth, because I can't. If I even let a small gulp of hot coffee swish over to that side of the mouth, there will be a jolt of pain that will make me jump out of my chair.

So the rest of my day will be devoted to dreading getting a root canal or extraction, then experiencing it, and then going to the pharmacy to pick up the obligatory pain killers meds once the local anesthesia wears off. I suppose the only thing worse would be catching Covid-19 during these dental visits.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Number one would be losing a close relative or friend to covid19.
Number 2 would be a fire burning down my home.
Number 3 would be losing power for several days.
Number 4 would be not being able to re-fill my medication prescription .
Plenty of other bad new scenarios too.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Worst scenario
Going to the hospital
Nobody can visit you
If you die. You die alone


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
The worst will be to have a medical emergency, going to hospital with high chance to be infected with COVID in the crowded ER on top of your original medical problem


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Eager, sorry to hear about your tooth and glad that you were able to get it fixed.

Now buck up and be a man and skip the oxycodone. Tylenol should be all you need.

Charlie Smart

Active Member
Jun 12, 2015
The Godswoods
Sorry to hear about the tooth...make sure the Dentist has plenty of laughing gas. Regarding worst case...having to go to the hospital in this environment especially if you need higher level care in any type of ICU facility...doctors and staff all fatigued, COVID likely rampant, and rooms and equipment in tight supply.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Update: I did not have to have the tooth extracted, but they did have to do an emergency root canal procedure. The cost was $1,570, a gut punch, but I have money in my HSA to cover that.

CR: I was given a prescription for Tylenol with Codeine, 8 pills with 30 mg codeine mixed with Tylenol. The anesthesia has worn off and so far the post-procedure pain is not as bad as the pre-procedure pain, so I am using regular extra strength tylenol and saving the codeined pills for bedtime. I am washing the ES tylenol down with a coconut rum cream. The two working in tandem should do the job for now.

Marching orders are to only chew lightly on right side of the mouth until my regular dentist can put in a permanent crown in 4 weeks when the tooth heals. That will be another $1500 gut punch which will tap out the balance of my HSA. The entire $3200 balance will be shot between these 2 dental procedures.

Thor Jr

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2008
Asgard Or North America
I have had 4 root canals in my life and so i feel your pain. Right now i am having a bleeding issue, my lower gum is bleeding a lot and i wake up in the morning and im spitting blood out and i have an upset stomach. I do not have pain, just a mild discomfort. When i brush my teeth, i have a little pain in this area and lots of blood. I dont think its an emergency yet, but it could become a problem. Since theres people out there really sick or worse on death bed, i will not make a big stink about this for now.

Stay safe and healthy and dont speak moistly....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Thor Jr.,

That could be the sign of an infection. Interestingly, both my dentist in the morning appointment and the endodontist before the afternoon appointment pinched the gum area around the root canaled tooth, which was the lower right first molar from the front of the mouth (it is #30 on the tooth anatomy chart). I had no pain in that area- although a gum infection is what can start the need for a root canal. The pain was in the actual tooth and the reason for it was fractures in the tooth but not extending into the roots and pulp. Both the dentist and endodontist told me that if the fractures extended into the roots and pulp, I was possibly looking at an extraction and a visit to a 3rd specialist- the dreaded oral surgeon, practitioner of tooth excision and removal.

I was fortunate to get both appointments yesterday because my dentist is a 40 year personal friend since childhood. While you may not have such a connection most dentists here are working to handle emergency situations and your situation sounds to me like it qualifies as an emergency. I would get it checked out. At least call your dentist and seek his or her advice.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I have had 4 root canals in my life and so i feel your pain. Right now i am having a bleeding issue, my lower gum is bleeding a lot and i wake up in the morning and im spitting blood....

For you my friend kissing and DATY are out of the question till you recover. Sorry about your situation.
BTW anti-biotics should help and a deep root cleaning would most definitely help.

Harcourt Mudd

New Member
Jun 7, 2011
Do not get into any car accidents or have a broken leg, if you do not have life threatening injuries you are low priority at the hospital.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
1500$ for the tooth?? Holy ... I would had it just gone personally... thats way too much money for one single tooth... at that price you could replace it by a gold one :p

I think most scenarios been discussed already, the worst is obviously dying alone in hospital. Fire in your place as second probably...

In any case i hope nothing bad happen for me during this time...:/


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Being forced to seek medical care at a Hospital/Clinic and then getting infected with C19
Another shitty scenario would be if my car broke down , not really a good time to be using public transportation I think


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Fortunately EB’s emergency could be handled at the dentist’s office. Currently any medical problem that requires a hospital visit is fucked. Elective surgeries have been suspended at many hospitals so unless you’re going to die because of the problem in 72 hours then your case isn’t a priority. And yes, Covid-19 is running rampant at hospitals so for those who believe in Herd Immunity, you know where to go :crazy:

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Worst scenario
Going to the hospital
Nobody can visit you
If you die. You die alone

i think Willis hit the dick with a stick. Can’t get worse than this. A shitty way for a celebrated life to go and not being able to say goodbye


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
My brother was supposed to start chemo last week.
It has been put off indefinitely due to fears of an influx of Covid cases.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
My worst situation would not be a toothache but losing one of my kids.

Pink Floyd

Oct 22, 2007
I needed my high blood pressure meds, but I was too afraid to go sit in the doctors office. So the pharmacist extended my meds. I think they can do this, but only for people that have been buying the same meds, and for meds like high BP medication.
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