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Are reviews getting too long?


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
I like the long and the short, everyone has their own style of doing it and theyre both good, i like variety not cookie cutter approaches. As long as theyre honest and include the bad as well as good!


New Member
Jan 23, 2017
I did have a conversation with an SP about how sometimes the play -by-play aspect of a very detailed review can come off "creepy" especially if she can connect the Board Handle to a specific date. Meaning they did position A then B for 7 minutes then SOG1 then they took a break then she did C and then then did D for 12 minutes then finally E. Finished SOG2 doing F for $60 extra.

Both style of reviews have their good and bad sides of them. Too short and you actually have no idea if the provider is any good, I also agree that too long reviews sometimes tend to fall more on the crude side of description. It's very pleasant to know that a client enjoyed their time with me but I always prefer them to stick to the description of their feelings during the date instead of actual actions that were done. There are some services that I could only offer to an exclusive clientèle and that if advertised lengthily in a review could frustrate others when I might refuse them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
Long reviews are the best. It allows the reader to get the girl's vibe and not just stats
I enjoy reading long detailed reviews when doing my homework, I usually do this at my coffee shop
so if everyone started writing short reviews, it would be boring and all the girls will seem similar with just stats

I think we should keep it as it is, since we have a good amount of both. I admit if everyone wrote long reviews.... it would take a while

I write medium length reviews, and i appreciate reviewers who have summaries in theirs.


Jan 9, 2012
The lenght of a review does not bother me.
What I might disagree with - more or less - is the way some reviews are made.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
There are some services that I could only offer to an exclusive clientèle and that if advertised lengthily in a review could frustrate others when I might refuse them.

Or it could convince more to become exclusive ;)


Thor Jr

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2008
Asgard Or North America
I believe the review should reflect the time you had, and the longer the review the better the experience in my opinion. I have written both short and long reviews and i do so for 2 reasons and one being to inform merbites of the service provided by the ladies and second and most important to me is to let the ladies know i had a great time and their company was much appreciated. Some of the info may or may not be useful to all, but i know the ladies read reviews and would like to see something nice written about them once in a while, not to just see about what a great bbbj she gives or see numbers about their service, these things are good for us for reference but it wouldn't hurt to write something nice along with your finger scale rating. I am not a novelist, and may not know the difference between a noun or a verb but i do the best i can and i do know if i had a good time or not and this is what i jot down.

God bless the ladies of Montreal.

Thor Jr


New Member
May 2, 2012
When there is too much fluff in the reviews I just turn off and go elsewhere. All is needed is the facts and maybe a 1 to 10 rating on pertinent facts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
When there is too much fluff in the reviews I just turn off and go elsewhere. All is needed is the facts and maybe a 1 to 10 rating on pertinent facts.

Maybe you can show us how to write a proper review, eh? Been around 5 years and all you have written is a one-sentence review on one massage girl? And now you are complaining that the reviews are too long for you?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Maybe you can show us how to write a proper review, eh? Been around 5 years and all you have written is a one-sentence review on one massage girl? And now you are complaining that the reviews are too long for you?

Hungry i think many are here on the board for the wrong reason. They do not understand the fantasy side of this hobby and instead are trying to replace a void in their life. That void is lack of sex plain and simple. So all they want is who can deliver them a quick fuck at lowest price, while being the best looking one.

No wonder they do not want to read your long detailed review.

I love to read how someone had a great sex experience because of one of the princess montreal has to offer. Simple.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Jalimon - I don't care if anyone reads anything I write. This particular guy needs to go back to the blue board from whence he came. Has this guy really been lurking for 5 years and now he is active to complain about long reviews?

I will say the following: The women in Montreal are stellar. Stellar I say and I have hobbied nearly all over the world. You may pay a little more compared to some places but you will never find the level of consistent, quality service that you will find in Montreal and it is getting better in my opinion.


Oct 31, 2011
Perth, Australia & Eastern Canada
... I will say the following: The women in Montreal are stellar. Stellar I say and I have hobbied nearly all over the world. You may pay a little more compared to some places but you will never find the level of consistent, quality service that you will find in Montreal and it is getting better in my opinion.

Agreed! My experience as of late with Montreal women is good. Although I have an indy I keep returning to over and over again! As for the price... Its not expensive for the quality of service and that you pay for. Probably the cheapest for me, with such good service.

I find more variety in Toronto (mostly ethnic variety), but the price is roughly $50+/ hour higher.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
And then you get reviews like this, opposite end of the spectrum, and this is the starting thread. Copy and paste from a different board.

Finally went to meet this lucious blonde this morning and let me tell you the pics on the website don't do her justice enough! Very open personality and she accommodated my special needs, might have been a bit strenuous for her but I had an amazing time.

Basically tells you nothing.


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Long reviews tend to have too much fluff which always has me thinking how much of the story is real or exaggerated.

That's why I just pick out the important info concerning her attitude, if it was more or less sensual, and if her pics are accurate.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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I love long reviews when they are well written. No brainer right? But not often the case.
As a kid my dad had a subscription to Penthouse letters. I used to lose myself in the steamy stories. More than the actual pictures... this might be why I appreciate them from time to time.

I also agree that if there are no details than its just air. But I do want to know more than just the physical stats. Knowing that tastes vary (your 9 might be my 4 and vice-versa), I appreciate the effort of getting more than just the basic rundown and stats from someone that can actually get it across in his review.
As we all know, our money can buy time with all kinds of women. But even the divine 10s (physical) which could be perfect for some can cause great disappointment in my session. I need more than that... I want more than just a pretty girl... I want a real pro that will give me more than just consent, more than just giggles at my stupid jokes but someone that will sexually turn me on. They are rare. It will take me more for me to actually crave her beyond the initial encounter...

On those rare occasions where I do relate with some of the guys on this board and able to recognise familiar elements that truly turn me on and that is when I'll actually pull the trigger.

Here's an example review I find exceptional :

For the longer reviews, I would admit that I'd really appreciate the ;TLDR (Too Long Didn't Read) with a synopsis of the encounter and a standardised scoring baseline. I think we should have a standard way of presenting those ratings as well. I think TER had a good idea with how they present the information. Sadly they have come to become very biased and riddled with shiller reviews.

Just my 2 cents


I really enjoy erotically inclined reviews as long as they also include standard stats.
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