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Who Are You Voting For On October 19th?

Who Are You Voting For On October 19th?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • NDP

    Votes: 19 48.7%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • Green

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bloc

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 2 5.1%

  • Total voters

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Quebec is an NDP stronghold and expect a lot of votes coming from here.

Just to please my curiosity, if you are voting NDP why? Personally I think they are the worst of the 3 due to tax and spend and more tax but I would like to know what good qualities they have. They have never run a province correctly ( always voted out after a term or 2 due to over taxation and loss of business ) and Muclair can not even balance his personal finances ( remortgaged his house 11 times ).
Again, just my opinion.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
I'll be using one of the greatest voting strategies in the history of modern-day politics:


They're basically all the same: corrupt, greedy and owned by lobbyists and special interest groups. Not as bad as American politicians, but they're getting there. My coin will be flipped in favor of the three major political parties. I could stay home and not vote, but then it'll be wrong for me to complain afterwards since i didn't even vote. Voting for the Green Party or other tiny parties won't work either. It would be a wasted vote. I can't vote for the BQ since i don't reside in Quebec. But even if i would, i would never vote for them since they're the worse thing for the province's good. It's a totally useless party.

So may the lesser corrupt, lesser greedy and the party with still an ounce of a soul remaining win.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
eh ben, il y a près de 10% des membres qui vont appuyer un type qui les traitent de malades sexuels criminels. Il y a vraiment des membres qui manquent d'estime de leur personne.

Je tiens à préciser que dans ce dossier, les libéraux n'ont absolument rien dit et que le NPD s'est courageusement positionné pour la decriminalisation de la pratique.

Le bloc... Kossé ça ?


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Svppp votez n'importe qui au pire ...mais pas Harper ..common la ..Assez de nous faire cross**


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Justin Trudeau gets my vote and then Mulclair, anybody but Harper, hec, I'd vote for a monkey before I'd vote for Harper and the conservatives, regardless Harper and that stupid Mr Bean Hair do is on his way out, thank god and good riddance!!!.


Mes amis de Merb, j'ose croire que vous ne voterez pas contre la culture. Les artistes ne sont pas des pelleteux de nuage. La culture rapporte beaucoup à l'économie du pays, mes tendres amis :)


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
eh ben, il y a près de 10% des membres qui vont appuyer un type qui les traitent de malades sexuels criminels. Il y a vraiment des membres qui manquent d'estime de leur personne.
Je tiens à préciser que dans ce dossier, les libéraux n'ont absolument rien dit et que le NPD s'est courageusement positionné pour la decriminalisation de la pratique.

Comme je le soulignais dans un autre fil, le NDP n'a pas vraiment pris de position sur la prostitution. Oui, comme les libéraux, ils ont voté contre C-36, mais ils n'ont rien proposé comme alternative.

That new prostitution bill? It’s still worse than the old law

The Globe and Mail
Published Tuesday, Jul. 15, 2014 7:30PM EDT

...But for all of its flaws, the Conservatives’ Bill C-36 at least attempts to fill the legal void left by the Supreme Court’s ruling. That is more than we can say for the Liberals’ or the NDP’s efforts. Both parties have been quick to criticize what’s on the table, and with good reason. But they have failed to offer a comprehensive counterproposal. The New Democrats have pushed a number of amendments to C-36; the Liberals have proposed none. Neither of the two main opposition parties has put forward an alternative bill, or much of an alternative philosophy.

Canadians should expect more from the opposition. Both the NDP and the Liberals claim to be a government-in-waiting. The former is the Official Opposition; the latter lead in many national polls. Both parties have had months to formulate alternatives to the government’s approach, though it’s hardly difficult to deduce why they haven’t: Prostitution is a lightning-rod issue. Polls show most Canadians support the government’s approach, even if it is likely to be unconstitutional.

But there are alternatives to what the Conservatives have proposed. In the Netherlands, prostitution is legal and regulated. In New Zealand, prostitution is legal, but the coercion of sex workers is a crime. Both models aim to reduce harm and deserve debate. Unfortunately, we’re having a debate that has so far been more noise than substance, and more politics than policy. And it’s not just the government that’s to blame.


Mar 20, 2012
as much as i really do not want to vote conservative ... i feel as now i have no choice, so conservative it is now for me.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Trying to chose my words carefully... Most of you are politically ignorant ( not saying you are stupid or not nice but you do not know politics ), from what I see a lot of you do not know the NDP policies but will vote for them to get rid of Harper. Why? Because your failed provincial leaders say so. The economy in Quebec in Ontario failed because of Bloc, Liberal and NDP policies, nothing to do with federal policies. I can give you a 100% guarantee that with a NDP or Liberal government times will be a lot tougher, taxes will be higher and unemployment will be higher.

I asked the NDP voters what good the NDP government will do and not one person gave a reason, hearing " Anyone but Harper " shows you do not follow politics and only listen to others. As I mentioned before, every political party sucks and anyone can pick any party apart but not many can say what good their party will do. The Conservatives will keep taxes low, they will keep unemployment high ( your own province in hindering that ), they have great relations with other countries. They weathered us very well through a worldwide recession and things are improving and would be better if our unions would not put us at a disadvantage with their low performance and high cost ( NDP and Liberals love unions and our costs will be higher so exports will stay flat ). Instead of being socialists and expecting handouts why not try and earn your own keep, contribute to Canada become a have province. Canada will move from a recession to a depression if the NDP get in power.
Look what they are doing in Alberta, after 3 months in power and many doing the revenge " anyone but conservative " vote we wish we could have a do over but it is too late, we will be suffering for 4 years, perhaps joining you as a have not province.
Educate yourself before you vote, see that the NDP has ruined every province that it has governed and try and find a good reason to vote for them.
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