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Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

Thor Jr

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2008
Asgard Or North America
On my mind today, okay, ladies, i would like to know if you ever have erotic dreams about your clients? Need not answer if you don't want to.

Also, for everyone, when you do have erotic dreams, do you if you can remember, have safe sex? I had a dream the other night(sorry LC, you were not in this one) and for some reason when i woke up, i thought about it, cause it was a good dream and i remember that neither one of us even thought about a condom. It was just beautiful and raw sex. It was a dream where those beautiful words come out of her lips" I want you inside me now, I'm so wet". Remember, i said this was a dream. lol.

David Sel et Poivre

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
The other men really just said: I will book you soon enjoy your day
There is a saying in French that should be sent to those who send messages like that...''Les bottines doivent suivre les babines''... in English ''Walk the talk''


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Yep, most girls that are good with a blow job are Mossad agents. They have a very special training to suck your brains out.
Avec toutes les confidences que je fais a ma favorite, si elle serait Mata Hari, je crois que je serais cuit…


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2023
Hopefully, there is nothing wrong with either of them.
They are both very involved on Merb in different capacities so maybe there are both just taking a break.
Maybe they are here https://hedonism.com/ or maybe they have become workout partners in the gym to prepare for their future escapades.;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Fantasme d'été

Par une de ces chaudes journées, nous nous rencontrerons par « hasard » sur la plage
Mine de rien, on fera semblant de faire connaissance
On profitera du soleil et de l’eau avec une intensité ô combien renouvelée.
J’apercevrai quelques têtes se retourner pour admirer à quel point tu es sublime dans ta légèreté vestimentaire.
Je plongerai tête première dans une rafraîchissante eau cristalline,
C'est tellement bon de goûter à l'été, de goûter à la vie.

Et quand nous serons repu du soleil, ce sera le signal de notre plan pas vraiment machiavélique
À l’insu d’amis et de vacanciers trop préoccupés par leur bonheur, nous nous retrouverons subrepticement dans l’intimité de la caravane
Ca fait si longtemps que je n’ai pas vu une ravissante femme se dévoiler de son maillot de bain.
De redécouvrir ces belles lignes rosées sur une peau printanière presque trop blanche
Je plongerai tête première dans la chaleur humide de ton entrecuisse.
C'est tellement bon de goûter à l'été, de goûter à la vie

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Where are @AirBo and @https://merb.cc/xenforo/members/kingronsanders.95126/ ?
I haven't seen any interaction from either of them on the board since April 13th !
I hope that they are both ok !

Was wondering the same about airbo! KRS on the other hand will be back in 2 weeks. I talked with him :)

Rosie Sparkles

Sep 14, 2016
Today I fantasize about a cunnilingus with a touch of dominant or top energy. Nothing sexier than someone that knows what they want and take it (within my boundaries, ofc)
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David Sel et Poivre

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
Was wondering the same about airbo! KRS on the other hand will be back in 2 weeks. I talked with him :)
Oh good, I'm relieved to read that at least one has given sign that they will be back
I was hoping nothing happened to either of them.
I have grown fond of them and seeing / reading their interactions on this board.
Hope that we have news from AirBo soon too.

Thor Jr

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2008
Asgard Or North America
Random thought : the merb smiley looks stupid in a way I can't explain lmao :)
I don't think he looks stupid, I believe he is happy and content, and I believe he is this way because he watches over you Ms. Julia Sky as you sleep and I can assume you sleep in the nude, please say yes, please, please. :) From the look on his face, ill go with yes on this . lol
  • Haha
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