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Enforcement 14 day quarantine?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
just came back from a short stay just across the border in New York State and now have to quarantine for 14 days....i know i have not caught it from my trip as i came into contact with no one, so quarantine is silly for me, although I am doing it. Wondering about enforcement, anybody have experience with that?


Active Member
Dec 20, 2015
I have heard stories from some friends of mine receiving calls after they get back to Canada to ensure that they are respecting the isolation.
If I were you I'll be carefull especially now with the government trying to show people they are doing something and setting the example by giving big fine to any rule breaker.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2003
My neighbor got back from a business trip last week they already knocked at his door twice.
They check if his there and following the rules.

So stay safe


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
My neighbor got back from a business trip last week they already knocked at his door twice.
They check if his there and following the rules.

So stay safe
with thousands of people re-entering canada every day, it seems hard to beleive the can visit everybody, or even a fraction of people. Calling and emailing maybe. We will see. I'll report back.

Testingsite, take a pill, I'm just asking a question. Plus, this is a site where people are describing having sex with strangers on a regular basis, go 'angry face' those posts
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
With the calls unless they put you in a hotel with a landline it would do little good.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2003
with thousands of people re-entering canada every day, it seems hard to beleive the can visit everybody, or even a fraction of people. Calling and emailing maybe. We will see. I'll report back.

Testingsite, take a pill, I'm just asking a question. Plus, this is a site where people are describing having sex with strangers on a regular basis, go 'angry face' those posts
I just think my neighbor is on a list. It's not the first time that he gets the visit from a security agency... not always the police.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
i got a robocall on day 2 of the quarantine from Health Canada. You get a series of the usual questions...Plus you are strongly encouraged to sign up to an app called ArriveCan where you log info about your status...BigBrother

270/336 hours to go.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Are these calls on a cell phone or a land line?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
If you sign up they can probably trace your whereabout through your smart phone.
Unless you intend to abide by the law 100% I would be hesitant to sign up to anything or download anything they suggest onto my phone.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
this is on my cell phone, so i could of been anywhere....but i was home

i signed up for arrivecan on my laptop, so no geolocating there. But, i dont beleive they do geolocating on devices...that is not allowed in the quarantine act, plus the media would be all over that...

If that was the only check, in theory i am free of the confinement...but i will continue to respect it, just because i dont want to take a chance, plus everything is closed, especially my favourite mp.

I would love for someone from health canada to show up at my door, to give him or her a serious tongue lashing about the inflexible stupid rules
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I was forced to quarantine for 14 days after travelling from CT to Florida and back. I was required by law to report my trip to the Connecticut Department of Public Health. CT imposes a $1000 fine for violations of Quarantine but there are reasonable exceptions to quarantine: you can leave your house to go shopping, pick up needed prescription meds, or attend medical appointments, and you are excused if you obtain 2 negative tests on your return. But the negative tests accepted are only the dreaded "skull tickler" test and not the less invasive "nostril tickler" test.

2 Fast- I assume since you came into Canada you were automatically reported and put on the Quebec mandatory quarantine list? Do the same exceptions outlined above apply in Quebec? Did you get your 2 negative skull tickler tests?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
I was forced to quarantine for 14 days after travelling from CT to Florida and back. I was required by law to report my trip to the Connecticut Department of Public Health. CT imposes a $1000 fine for violations of Quarantine but there are reasonable exceptions to quarantine: you can leave your house to go shopping, pick up needed prescription meds, or attend medical appointments, and you are excused if you obtain 2 negative tests on your return. But the negative tests accepted are only the dreaded "skull tickler" test and not the less invasive "nostril tickler" test.

2 Fast- I assume since you came into Canada you were automatically reported and put on the Quebec mandatory quarantine list? Do the same exceptions outlined above apply in Quebec? Did you get your 2 negative skull tickler tests?
that's the wors part. you are not allowed to stop along the way have to go straight home. Plus you have to have a 'quarantine plan', i.e you have to have a place to stay where you can 'reasonably' social distance from others and have people buy you groceries and the are not allowed to leave your house for 14 days, not even go for awalk around the block! (let alone get groceries) You are not tested upon re-entering the country, and you are NOT ALLOWED to go get about stupid rules...I would gladly pay the cost of 1 covid test to regain my freedon for the remainder of the 2 weeks.

I consider this to be equivalent to an unreasonable 'house arrest'. Furthermore, us canadians are like fucking sheep, just obeying without questionning....

Like I said, I crossed over the border for a couple of days (to check on a property) and did not see anybody, so this is unreasonable in my case...


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2008
2fast2slow, did you sleep in your car for those couple of days you were in the US?, if not, you did come into contact with people at the hotel / restaurants / grocery store where you went. So thats not unreasonable to have you quarantine for 14 days. They dont want to risk any chance of you having caught covid and spreading it to other people. The contagion level is crazy in the US. And you can catch covid and be completely asymptomatic for 14 days and spread it to other people during that time. I am totally ok with the government forcing people to quarantine for 14 days when they come back to the country. If you dont want to quarantine, dont go out of the country.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
like i said, I came into contact with nobody. I went to check on a property 30 minutes across the border, that is in a secluded region in the woods. I did not go to a hotel or restaurants of grocery stores (I brought my food). What's more, I NEED to check on that property as it is a huge investement, so i am not going there 'for fun'....before the pandemic I was checking on this property every few weeks as it should be. But now I have gone for the first time in 9 months, and there were a lot of problems that I had to fix. Who is going to look after my property? Justin?? Now if I want to go back and check again, I have to quarantine for another 2 weeks?? If I want to check regularly I will have to quarantine for the rest of my life??

I made an official request to health Canada with the help my local mp (member of parliament, not massage parlour LOL) and got denied. So yeah, I'm pissed!
Our lazy federal governement could make accomodations for cross border property owners like me, but I guess they just dont care about the 'little guys'.

By the way, where I went in upstate New York, there are less cases per capita than here in Montreal. So, it is bullshit.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
I made an official request to health Canada with the help my local mp (member of parliament, not massage parlour LOL) and got denied. So yeah, I'm pissed!
Our lazy federal governement could make accomodations for cross border property owners like me, but I guess they just dont care about the 'little guys'.

Maybe you’d have better luck sending a member of your local MP to parliament to do your bidding!

But seriously, couldn’t you hire someone to check on the property?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
2fast2slow, can you not hire someone in the area to look at your property and report to you?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
people have been going to the property, but there is nothing like the owner's eye's seeing the place. I now have mice in the basement which I never had before, half of the light bulbs were burnt out, there was broken furniture, and the expansion water tank was blown ($1000 repair). There were wo many cobwebs inn the basement it looked like a haunted house.

It is not about lying or telling the truth, property owners can supply proof of ownership.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
got another robo-call this morning, at 9am, woke me up...

almost at the one week mark...i can see the light at the end of the tunnel
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Every air passenger coming to Canada should wear an electronic bracelet for 14 days like they did in Hong Kong.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The 14-day quarantine is the only way to decrease the spread after travel.

And I think that many will do it and many will not.

Why would they respect by the 14-day rules, when they didn't respect by any measures in the south.
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