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With or without the mask?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

U.S. federal judge's decision to strike down a national mask mandate was met with cheers on some airplanes but also concern about whether it's really time to end one of the most visible vestiges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The major airlines and many of the busiest airports rushed to drop their requirements on Monday after the Transportation Security Administration announced it wouldn’t enforce a January 2021 security directive that applied to airplanes, airports, taxis and other mass transit.

But the ruling still gave those entities the option to keep their mask rules in place, resulting in directives that could vary from city to city.

The White House said the mask order "is not in effect at this time" and called the court decision disappointing.

"Mizelle, an appointee of former President Donald Trump"


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The US is doing the right thing to end mask mandates while in Canada we move slowly to communism. Florida judge strikes down mask mandate. The Biden administration will no longer enforce mask mandates on public transportation including on flights. What is going on in Canada? Time to end all covid mandates and return to freedom and respect the constitution.



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

U.S. federal judge's decision to strike down a national mask mandate was met with cheers on some airplanes but also concern about whether it's really time to end one of the most visible vestiges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The major airlines and many of the busiest airports rushed to drop their requirements on Monday after the Transportation Security Administration announced it wouldn’t enforce a January 2021 security directive that applied to airplanes, airports, taxis and other mass transit.

But the ruling still gave those entities the option to keep their mask rules in place, resulting in directives that could vary from city to city.

The White House said the mask order "is not in effect at this time" and called the court decision disappointing.

"Mizelle, an appointee of former President Donald Trump"
You mean the judge rated non qualified by the American Bar Association.
You can read an article in the Washington Post on her motivations for her decision.
In short, it seems she is a non qualified judge named by a non qualified President.
Perhaps he had intentions of grabbing her by her p...y !


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The Justice Department has filed an appeal that seeks to reverse a judge's recent ruling that ended the nation's mask mandate on public transit.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had asked the department to appeal the decision, issuing a statement Wednesday that said the mandate "remains necessary for the public health."

"CDC continues to recommend that people wear masks in all indoor public transportation settings," the CDC's statement continued. "CDC's number one priority is protecting the public health of our nation.

As we have said before, wearing masks is most beneficial in crowded or poorly ventilated locations, such as the transportation corridor."

Most U.S. travelers support mask regulations on planes, trains and public transportation, poll finds.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Some peoples still do not understand that Covid hospitalizations are counted with just about anybody who end up in hospital and CARRY the virus, no matter if actually has symptoms or not or in other words if that was the reason of his visit. The Covid deaths are also boosted with just about everything there is. When you go look at the actual detailed stats, like age and conditions, you realize that this ain't much 30 years old peoples. Or if it is, and its peoples unvaccinated (wich i was for a very long time), THEY DECIDED to be this way and the world should not adapt to a choice they made.

What i mean is that it work both ways. I was always (and will always be) against vaccinal passeports or discrimination, but then if the peoples decide to not get the vaccine and contract it because they got to a bar or whatever and end up dying from it (or severly hospitalized), then its their decision. I decided to get vaccinated precisely because at this point its clear the virus is not going anywhere anytime soon, altough its less virulent. Its much more contagious too, so i had 3 choices, stay locked in my room for years and stay safe/unvaccinated, resume life unvaccinated and take a risk (wich could had been fine too.. i could had beat covid naturally, but its a gamble), or the last choice, wich i did, was to get the vaccine and resume life. Now im only 1 dose for the moment, so got to stay a bit cautious but once i got 2, honestly ... ill resume life. Like im not gonna live all my life in fear. If i end up getting covid vaccinated and dying from it, well too bad, my time had come...

So thats my point there. LIFE HAS TO CONTINUE. I am pretty sure comes summer with the stats dropping, with elections on the horizon, Legault will kinda feel forced to drop the mask (but i wouldn't be surprised one bit it comes back next fall once reelected), so for now he is still using "borrowed time", as we ain't quite in summer yet, its still a bit cold outside, it does not seem as ridiculous to keep them YET. But by mid May, when the heat crank up, i think a LOT of peoples will feel that they have MORE THAN ENOUGH of this after 2 almost full years. Could he extend it one more time to end of May? Possible. But if he pushes more than that, then its insanity.

I was talking about this with someone today and its crazy how Legault take us for children. It remind me of when i was a kid and getting grounded for a week or 2 or whatever, imagine if your parents told you punishement is lets say 2 weeks without Nintendo, and even tough you behave perfectly during said 2 weeks, a couple days before its over they just decide, nah... gotta be another 2 weeks. How would you had reacted? Would it had made you feel like behaving nicely? No because your punishement is extended anyway.

Just to be clear, i do think there is an actual logic in keeping the mask in public transport. Where i am fed up with it and its completely illogical at this point, its the whole "EVERYWHERE". Im so sick of having to stop in front of the convenient or grocery store, remove my sunglasses (or gloves in winter), take out that thing from my pocket , but it on for a store with barely 3 peoples including cashiers (in case of convenient stores) and nothing completely unreasonable when it comes to grocery.

Or what about Restaurants? Guess the virus stay above 5 feet... cause when we sit down we are safe... Same for cinemas, gotta mask even if i barely meet any other peoples but then once in the room, fine, can remove it. I didn't got in a bar since mask mandates but this must be complete insanity. Put it on to go pee, remove it back, put it on to go order a beer, remove it again. And what about places where you can play pools or such? Put it on to play, put it off to take a gulp of beer? NON SENSE im telling you.

So wanna keep them for subway or city buses? Where everybody is jampacked? YES SURE, no issue with me. But elsewhere (beside Hospitals) , enough already...

Zabei Bolt

Feb 20, 2021

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Got to the store yesterday to buy beer and it felt so ... weird... yet amazing to finally walk in free... I mean it litteraly felt weird to see the clerk face, especially since in 2 years they got new employees and this was litteraly the first time i saw their face :p Every customers from young to old had no mask, and it truly felt for the first time the world is back to normal.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Got to the store yesterday to buy beer and it felt so ... weird... yet amazing to finally walk in free...
Today I brought my car to Canadian Tire to get my summer tires installed. Meanwhile, I stayed 30 minutes looking through the different aisles. I kept my mask when there were people around and push it downward when I was mostly alone. Around 25% of people I met wore a mask. With or without I felt I was free. I did the same at the grocery store. Freedom is a state of mind!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The mayor of Nice has announced that masks will once again be mandatory on all public transport in the area starting Monday (July 11).

Christian Estrosi, speaking on RTL this morning, said the decision had been taken with other mayors of the Nice métropole, which consists of 51 communes stretching along the Côte d'Azur and up into the mountainous region along the French-Italian border.

The decision means that Nice is going further than the national government, which has so far only recommended wearing masks on public transport and crowded places.

It comes as the seventh Covid wave hits France, with around 120,000 cases per day on average, including over 200,000 in the past 24 hours.

Mr Estrosi said: “We can clearly see that the seventh wave is soaring and is taking us towards a high-risk September when schools return.”
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
I think after the Grand Prix week Montreal has been infected with a new "Grand Prix" variant, most likely vaccine resistant brought in by international tourists, since many people in my circle of contact, including myself, got sick with positive covid tests despite vaccination the past two weeks. In the past few weeks I hear A LOT of people coughing unmasked in the Montreal metro. Not simple dusty air or choking on water cough but deep mucus coughs. It seems to be accelerating fast.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011

The mayor of Nice has announced that masks will once again be mandatory on all public transport in the area starting Monday (July 11).

Christian Estrosi, speaking on RTL this morning, said the decision had been taken with other mayors of the Nice métropole, which consists of 51 communes stretching along the Côte d'Azur and up into the mountainous region along the French-Italian border.

The decision means that Nice is going further than the national government, which has so far only recommended wearing masks on public transport and crowded places.

It comes as the seventh Covid wave hits France, with around 120,000 cases per day on average, including over 200,000 in the past 24 hours.

Mr Estrosi said: “We can clearly see that the seventh wave is soaring and is taking us towards a high-risk September when schools return.”
Malheureusement un tribunal local a renversé cette décision affirmant qu'il n'y avait aucune urgence et se basant surtout sur le fait qu'effectivement cela allait à l'encontre de la politique NATIONALE.....MAIS avec le virus qui sévit à nouveau en FRANCE avec une augmentation /explosion des cas et des hospitalisations.....ont aussi un réseau/santé ébranlé avec beaucoup de personnel manquant.....alors sûrement une question de temps avant que le NATIONAL revoit ses décisions.
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