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This time, the UFO conspiracy might have legs....


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

Grusch has stated that he provided a wealth of highly classified evidence to the powerful internal investigative agencies overseeing the Department of Defense and the U.S intelligence community, but he has not presented any such evidence publicly.

However, the officials and lawmakers who have reviewed Grusch’s classified evidence are taking his extraordinary allegations seriously.

The inspector general of the intelligence community deemed Grusch’s allegations that UFO-related information was inappropriately concealed from Congress “credible and urgent.” Senate Intelligence Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) confirmed the inspector general’s finding.

Charles McCullough, III, the intelligence community’s first inspector general and now an attorney in private practice, represents Grusch and sat directly behind him during a July 26 congressional hearing. It is extremely unlikely that such a high-profile lawyer and former top federal official would represent anyone making the kinds of extraordinary claims that Grusch is without robust evidence.

When asked during the July 26 congressional hearing whether he believes that the U.S. government possesses UFOs, Grusch stated, “Absolutely, based on interviewing over 40 witnesses over four years.” Grusch continued, “I know the exact locations [of retrieved UFOs], and those locations were provided to the inspector general and…to the [congressional] intelligence committees.” Critically, Grusch stated, “I actually had the people with the first-hand knowledge provide a protected disclosure to the inspector general.”

It is unlikely that Grusch, speaking to Congress under oath, would perjure himself so brazenly over such specific, falsifiable facts, particularly with his high-profile attorney sitting directly behind him.

To that end, it is safe to assume that more than three dozen individuals did indeed tell Grusch of a decades-long UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering program, and that those with “first-hand knowledge” provided corroborating information to the intelligence community inspector general.


Oct 24, 2008

Grusch has stated that he provided a wealth of highly classified evidence to the powerful internal investigative agencies overseeing the Department of Defense and the U.S intelligence community, but he has not presented any such evidence publicly.

However, the officials and lawmakers who have reviewed Grusch’s classified evidence are taking his extraordinary allegations seriously.

The inspector general of the intelligence community deemed Grusch’s allegations that UFO-related information was inappropriately concealed from Congress “credible and urgent.” Senate Intelligence Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) confirmed the inspector general’s finding.

Charles McCullough, III, the intelligence community’s first inspector general and now an attorney in private practice, represents Grusch and sat directly behind him during a July 26 congressional hearing. It is extremely unlikely that such a high-profile lawyer and former top federal official would represent anyone making the kinds of extraordinary claims that Grusch is without robust evidence.

When asked during the July 26 congressional hearing whether he believes that the U.S. government possesses UFOs, Grusch stated, “Absolutely, based on interviewing over 40 witnesses over four years.” Grusch continued, “I know the exact locations [of retrieved UFOs], and those locations were provided to the inspector general and…to the [congressional] intelligence committees.” Critically, Grusch stated, “I actually had the people with the first-hand knowledge provide a protected disclosure to the inspector general.”

It is unlikely that Grusch, speaking to Congress under oath, would perjure himself so brazenly over such specific, falsifiable facts, particularly with his high-profile attorney sitting directly behind him.

To that end, it is safe to assume that more than three dozen individuals did indeed tell Grusch of a decades-long UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering program, and that those with “first-hand knowledge” provided corroborating information to the intelligence community inspector general.
as I mentioned in a previous thread on this subject the recent sightings are not objects and thats why you never see photos or videos and thats why they changed the name to UAP's . They are Holograms part of a highly sensitive program being tested by the us military to confuse our enemys in the event of a war so their missiles fly harmlessly toward the holograms.,
as far as the decades old suspicions that government has any alien bodies or spacecraft in their possession , it is absurd to think they could keep that a secret.
just like the lead seal team guy that shot and killed Benladen was supposed to be classified but we all know who he is.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
It is unlikely that Grusch, speaking to Congress under oath, would perjure himself so brazenly over such specific, falsifiable facts, particularly with his high-profile attorney sitting directly behind him.
No one really know, but it wouldn't be the first time someone lied under oath...

In April 1994, seven top tobacco CEOs testified to Congress that they didn't believe nicotine was addictive. Two years later, they were all under federal investigation for potentially lying under oath and no longer leading their embattled cigarette companies...


Oct 24, 2008
Do you actually think the governments have a open door policy.
for something which does not exist the devulgence of ufo classified documents carried a long prison term and 6 diget fine and any militarty person would lose their pension and get thrown into a hole in Leavenworth ( Kansas the only maximum-security prison in the United States Department of Defense.) i worked with a retired lieutenant colonel who prior to working in our global corperation dealing with military aspects was based at Groom lake navada at a facality called area 51 .he told me.its real he has seen with his own eyes and if he devuldged details of this he would be sent to Leavenworth
if a civilization advanced enough to get here from many light years away, there would not be beings in them maybe androids or most likely remote controlled or the spacecraft itself might be an android/smart spacecraft.
our own planet is rapidly heading in that direction. within 500 yrs, no more marriages. within 500 yrs men and women will be able to purchase an android with real human bodily fluids and flesh that will not only sleep with you but cook, cut the lawn shovel snow etc and within 1500 yrs two androids will be able to have sex and produce a human like baby. this provided we dont blow ourselves up in a war or some natural disaster. one of those two things is what most likely will send us back to caveman days.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
if a civilization advanced enough to get here from many light years away, there would not be beings in them maybe androids or most likely remote controlled or the spacecraft itself might be an android/smart spacecraft.
our own planet is rapidly heading in that direction. within 500 yrs, no more marriages. within 500 yrs men and women will be able to purchase an android with real human bodily fluids and flesh that will not only sleep with you but cook, cut the lawn shovel snow etc and within 1500 yrs two androids will be able to have sex and produce a human like baby. this provided we dont blow ourselves up in a war or some natural disaster. one of those two things is what most likely will send us back to caveman days.
I guess you don’t read the other thread on climate change lol.
What 500 hundred years, our doomsday posters think we will all be dead within the next 50 unless of course Trudeau increases the carbon tax by 500% and saves us all.
Seriously I think there have been far too many sightings by commercial pilots and other credible people that all of this is not a hoax and that there are UFOs. I doubt we are the only intelligent beings in the universe capable of space travel. The last people you can trust are politicians and the military.
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Oct 24, 2008
You have quite the imagination.
who is to say they would not utilize wormholes where space could fold over and its not a straight line from a to b.
You cant rule out Doors to Interdimensional Travel
or time travel while we are in the good spirit of Hallucinations
you give too much credit for the human race surviving another 500 years with climate change and mass extinctions and the doomsday clock at 1 minute to midnight
i mean that guy with the bad haircut in korea he has nukes to play with...
i dont think you understood me. i did not suggest the human race would survive another 500 years. quite the contrary. I followed up with that most likely we will blow ourselves up in a war or a natural disaster. i am only predicting the future IF we have a future


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

While Luna and Burchett may be true believers, Eghighian said some of the other politicians may have a different agenda that isn't necessarily related to alien beings, but a way to make other government branches more transparent.

Since 9/11, Eghigian says the executive branch of the U.S. government and the intelligence community has accrued a great deal more power that has eroded congressional oversight.

He said politicians on both sides of the aisle may see this as an opportunity to regain some of that power.


Oct 24, 2008
what i dont understand is how how you equate advanced civilizations - light years of travel-(no proof they dont use wormholes or othar means) and androids instead of aliens.
not sure what your field of work or expertise is but i worked for 1 of the top corperations in north ameria and because of our work on usa military.we had military people on site 1 of whom was Lieutenant colonel whom had conversations of his experince to the level he could and he worked at area 51 prior to with us.
even though in this field my opinions are no better than yours as im not a pilot or astronaut but people i worked with were.

1980 i had the honour of attending a gala where Neil Armstong was the guest speaker and i had dinner with i cant say for sure but people ive met possably have more experiance in this than you or your circle of friends and its with these conversations i have with my own beliefs formed an opinion.Im not the smartest but im street smart i love chemistry and quantum physics
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I read a lot, listen a lot and try to use my common sense. I am most likely a lot older than you ( I dont want to say my age in case any of the ladies read it LOL) and I have been curiously observing human nature for many years and I think it is absurd to think if anyone had possession of an alien body or spacecraft , that the secret wouldnt get out regardless of the penalty. imagine the monetary gain if someone got a photo. regardless of how they got here wormhole or even time travel they would have to be far more advanced than us unless thy just stumbled on something. Back in the late 60's early 70's I read an article in a science magazine that gave an example of traveling at a certain speed out to a certain planet orbiting once continuing the speed on way back to earth and when you arrive back on earth the time would be a few minutes earlier than the time on your watch. I didnt save the article so the example I just gave is not exact but similar. I believe anything you can imagine is possible. I would love it if we could communicate with an advanced civilization somewhere many light years away and I think that may happen someday.
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