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Seeking a French Canadian history lesson about SPs

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Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
I know identity politics is a third rail in Montreal, so please forgive my ignorance in asking this question.

I recently learned about Quebec sovereignty leader Pierre Vallières and his book "White Niggers of America" and how French Canadians were for the longest time the oppressed and marginalized underclass subordinate to an Anglophone ruling class, and that many French Canadian neighborhoods suffer from generational poverty today.

In the U.S., black, asian and latina SPs are more common (especially at the low end) than white ones because they're the oppressed and marginalized underclass suffering from generational poverty.

A lot of people go to Montreal for the pretty white girls, but are the forces that bring French Canadian girls into the SP life the same forces that work on black, asian and latina SPs in the U.S.? If so, that would make a lot of sense.

In the U.S., for some people, sharing a bed with a member of a marginalized racial minority might be an embarrassment or imply sex work.

These dynamics are somewhat similar in Germany, where the SP community is also full of pretty white girls, not blacks, asians and Latinas. But in Germany, the SPs are primarily from Romania and Bulgaria, a marginalized minority, and for native Germans, sharing a bed with them could similarly be an embarrassment or imply sex work.

I joke to Americans who go to FKKs that by patronizing that pretty Romanian girl, you may be thinking you're getting a shot at high-status ass, the blonde cheerleader who was too cool for you in high school because she's white and blonde ... but Germans have implied she's low-status ass, the equivalent of a girl from the ghetto in the U.S.

I've heard such is the case in London too. Polish SPs in London aren't worth of the pedestal that an American might put them on. They're more like Mexicans, a poorer minority of migrant laborers.

In Montreal, French Canadians aren't exactly a minority, but is there a similar taboo over associating with them for fear of embarrassment or implications of sex work?
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
> Most studies involve the lower-end of the scene which disproportionately consists of poorer, minority and immigrant sex workers. Most of the time she can’t avoid being studied. Sometimes she is caged, and other times she works in a public club, FKK or street scene where she can’t easily get away from those who insist on studying her.

Thanks for the thoughtful answer. I was trying to reconcile the idea that French Canadians are "white niggers" in the words of one of their most prominent advocates with the unusual concentration of white sex workers in the capital of French Canada.

What I hear you saying is that Montreal's sex industry is not due to the presence of an oppressed French Canadian population.
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