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    Witch agency has the best improve roster since 2013 ?

    Shouldn't it say 2014 in the thread title?
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    Obama, the Post-Constitutional Emperor

    I've been too busy with work to confront you in real time, CS, but I'll be doing some catch-up this, about Obama's sinking approval ratings, you forgot to add the following: One has to love your total lack of context when making your overly-dramatic postings...Yes, Obama IS...
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    Obama, the Post-Constitutional Emperor

    What a shocker that you brag about such a thing because of course american-made means top quality all the time, right? not helping yourself look good when you insult your own president by calling him a narcissist, then less than 24 hours later show yourself to be just as filled with...
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    Obama, the Post-Constitutional Emperor

    Well, that's ironic coming from've been the master for the last 4 years at writing what I call the ''Frankenstein's monster'' brand of debating: ''!!'' And for your information, she IS right, there are many Republican senators such as John McCain...
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    Obama, the Post-Constitutional Emperor

    Quote '' poor manager'' and ''infantile personality'', and how exactly do you get these oh-so-incisive perceptions? because he's not completely going along with the suicidal republican congress right now? Why don't you explain to us lowly paeons what exactly you mean by these comments...
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    Obama, the Post-Constitutional Emperor

    Thanks Rumples....why do I bother? Jesus, I dunno... He went right back to his ignore when confronted mode, so I really , really don't know why I bother...
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    Obama, the Post-Constitutional Emperor

    By the way, I forced myself to read the article at the top of this thread, and all I can say is : ''so what?'' it's basically a piece by a FOX reporter who comments how some Isreali governmental ''source'' is whining and kvetching that Obama and the U.S. seems to no longer be Israel's bitch as...
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    Obama, the Post-Constitutional Emperor

    Obama? are you even following the conversation at all? Alyssa was talking about Fox News and how they constantly lie, to the point that No ONE in their right mind can qualify them as a legitimate NEWS outlet... Here you come in, questioning THAT assertion and I come in to back that up...
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    Obama, the Post-Constitutional Emperor

    Well well, look who is back... You want to take ME on, bubba? Here you go, about Fox News doing all they can to mislead the public, whether it be about historical events, or current ones:
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    Why Jacques Villeneuve ditched Quebec

    Is this same topic going on YET AGAIN??...I've been otherwise busy for the last little while and managed to slog through this monster, because... well, how can I resist? :D I'm going to concentrate for now on this post from Halloween Mike, because, DAMN, you've been asking for it, Mike...
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    Anyone knows what's going on with Montreal Sex City?

    Hi princea, As mentioned by rumpleforeskiin, yes Jessy is away for a short while on a long-awaited, well-deserved vacation. Due to unexpected technical difficulties, we won't be able to post Jessy's usual daily ads so we would appreciate your consulting the agency website or to contact by phone...
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    Rejection of the proposed amendments to the Charter of the French language (Bill 14)

    j'étais bien trop occupé avec le boulot ces derniers temps pour te répondre, Mike ,mais ne penses pas que bien de tes ...commentaires!...dans ce fil de discussion ont passés inapercus... Et de quel genre de crise d'identité veux-tu parler exactement, Mike? Il a été prouvé par multiples essais...
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    Rejection of the proposed amendments to the Charter of the French language (Bill 14)

    Évidemment.... soyons sérieux, si le PQ voulais sauvegarder la survie du francais au Québec, il financerait a l'exces le systeme éducatif au niveau primaire et secondaire plutôt que les misérables miettes qu'il recois en ce moment. Et les enseignants seraient beaucoup mieux formés, et ce depuis...
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    Rejection of the proposed amendments to the Charter of the French language (Bill 14)

    Le ''Francais prend trop de place au Quebec'', vraiment? completement pas la base de cette discussion, Edouard...
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    Rejection of the proposed amendments to the Charter of the French language (Bill 14)

    Reg, while this kind of thing may have happened (francophophones treated badly at retail outlets), all I have to say is GET OVER IT!! to the people who still bring this up!the early to mid part of the last century has many instances of specific ethnicities treating another with less than full...
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    Rejection of the proposed amendments to the Charter of the French language (Bill 14)

    Encore une fois, et comme d'habitude, le gros probleme avec toi, Mike et toutes les personnes qui sont d'accord avec la proposition de LA MAROIS (ce surnom dit avec mepris) est que tout comme les québecois qui persistent a dire que ''le Québec est différent du reste du Canada, respectez le...
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    Rejection of the proposed amendments to the Charter of the French language (Bill 14)

    Mike, je suis allé en Chine, et il n'y a pas que le cantonais dans l'usage regulier des habitants, il y a aussi le mandarin et bien d'autres dialectes. Le cantonais est le plus connu des nord-américains, certes, a cause de contact avec les habitants d'Hong Kong. Mais a l'interieur du pays, le...
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    Most famous ever Quebecer worldwide?

    Perhaps there hasn't been a new Shatner-starring movie in many years, Bonok, but the show itself is actually STILL being broadcast all over the world many times a week. They have conventions and tv marathons on a regular basis. Hence, Shatner is STILL being seen all over the world and gaining...
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    American Politics and Government -- the never-ending struggle

    Ex- CUSE me?!? you want to run that one by me again, mr ''do like I say, not like I do?''
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    What is the best recent movie you’ve seen.

    Criminally underseen, the recent DREDD was a happy surprise at how much I enjoyed it. This 35-year old, continuously-published British comics character had another kick at the movie can a couple decades ago when Sylvester Stallone played a much watered-down version of the character. This...
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