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  1. hpcamper

    Hire sugar baby on company payroll

    The old adage is still valid: never f**k the payroll. It would be setting oneself up for a lot of trouble, with the Me too movement and sexual harassment regulations, she would be in a position to use blackmail. Potential job loss, tainted reputation, end up in court if it's a civil lawsuit or...
  2. hpcamper

    I'm a rooster, I naturally dig chicks

    I'm a rooster, I naturally dig chicks
  3. hpcamper

    Possible curfew?

    This is going too far, we're in Quebec and it's like minus 2000 degrees at night, so who's going out for fun when everything's closed anyway? The curfew is useless and simply adds to the feeling of being confined and imprisoned, not good for mental health. Also a pain for those who have to work...
  4. hpcamper

    Penis extender

    I would say about 3-6 months to see some results. It's like very slow masturbating with more pressure, so not entirely boring and it's worth the effort. Be sure to apply some lube or liquid vaseline.
  5. hpcamper

    Penis extender

    I've tried a few penis extenders, but with no success. I got a slight elongation when flaccid, but not when erect. However, what did work well for me were jelqing exercises, my girth circumference increased by a whole inch, and that's a lot. Most women complimented me on the fact I was "quite...
  6. hpcamper

    June 1st Reopening

    From what I can see, some massage parlours are registered as massotherapy while others are registered as spas. The lucky ones will surely reopen on june 1, while the others will certainly be tempted to follow suit, but the latter ones will possibly be watched closely by police and neighbors...
  7. hpcamper

    Massage Parlor owner question !

    You're right, Cloud 500, I certainly hope so and wish them all the best of luck to find ways to survive this difficult period.
  8. hpcamper

    Massage Parlor owner question !

    Perhaps we can agree that in the long term, things will go back to normal. Some SPs will exit the business and some MPs will close, but new ones will take their place. After all, this is the oldest profession in human history and it has survived so many pandemics. Covid-19 is certainly not the...
  9. hpcamper

    Massage Parlor owner question !

    This virus is here to stay and we have to live with it. Just like STDs, the flu and all other diseases. And a vaccine is not guaranteed to work either. So it boils down to your own individual decision and judgment of risk. Do we wait another month? SIx months? One year? Two years? Nobody knows...
  10. hpcamper

    Massage Parlor owner question !

    My guess is it will still be some time before they allow personal care businesses to re-open: barbers, dentists, etc... where the provider can wear gloves and a facemask. So it will take even longer before they allow spas and massage salons to re-open, my guess is not before mid-2021, so I...
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