Montreal Escorts

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    Happy Valentine's Day!

    The times, they are changing: According to Pew Research, America - About 63% of men under 30 are single, compared to 34% for women. 50% of Single men (all age groups) are now looking for a commited relationship, down from 61% 4 years ago...
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    Have kids? They can write to Santa...and get a reply!

    Courtesy of Canada Post....
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    This time, the UFO conspiracy might have legs.... Grusch has stated that he provided a wealth of highly classified evidence to the powerful internal investigative agencies overseeing the Department of Defense and the U.S intelligence community, but he has not...
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    Syphilis back in the 1600s

    WTF, it'd eat away your nose. The treatment was WILD
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    Human progress - view from 20,000 feet Despite all the crap going on, this is the best time to be living in, as a human being. Advances in medicine, trade, governance and science have lifted all boats. The past 200...
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    4 year old girl desperately needs stem cell donor

    URGENTLY Looking for stem cell donors with asian/caucasian heritage:
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    Warning from experts after Bob Saget's death: take head injuries seriously Hopefully this will help someone in the future - don't screw around with substantial head injuries. I once knew a guy whose girlfriend died after a skiing incident. She wasn't wearing a...
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