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  1. L

    This is why you should never ask for help on the internet (thanks to davey jones )
  2. L

    A Funny Blast From The Past

    This is so funny....... Are you a female high school dropout, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five? Are you tired of lying around in bed all day with nothing to do? Well. you never need get up again, because in six short weeks, I can train you to be high paying ho... Just...
  3. L

    Great Video of Crazy Chick

    Check this video out. Way too funny.
  4. L

    News Item

    The following news item was taken from . I found it amusing, I hope the rest of you do as well. Brothel bid bags Germany's flag German MPs are furious that a flag from the Reichstag parliament building has been sold... to a brothel. The...
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