Montreal Escorts

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  1. R

    Can someone recommend a safe and effective diet for weight loss?

    One important thing to remember is that weight loss faclity is also related to age and metabolism. Two persons weighting the same and beginning the same diet and the same exercises won't get identical results. For example, if you're in your 40s or 50s, you'll find that losing weight is generally...
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    Can someone recommend a safe and effective diet for weight loss?

    All this stuff (diets) is for naught unless you can maintain your weight AFTER the diet. Usually, with any type of diet, you just can't because, obviously, the diet ENDS. So the solution consist of a combination of actions: 1) Exercise (thumbs up, you're in, but add some others) 2) Cut...
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    the meaning of GFE is changing

    GFE is like any other success story. Once the "product" (pardon the analogy, ladies) wasknown to be good, everyone else hopped in. But trademarks have al most stopped the phenomenon. Should we add a little copyright symbol to GFE? Or...maybe we should require something like ISO 9000 for SPs...
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    Harper Encore Et Encore

    Le micro-altermondialisme, quoi.
  5. R

    More Dangerous than BBFS!! Much more dangerous.

    Bolivia Just try the Trans-Bolivian "Highway". Mountains one side, precipitous fall the other side, just one lane width and even not everywhere. Oh, traffic going both ways. Just too bad I cannot attach the pps on that one. RR
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    enough with the office de francaise

    Uniligual threads? Well, I read a lot in this thread about supposedly "English-only" threads or even "French-only" threads. What is that stupid notion? Arrogance is around the corner here. A thread is unilingual until someone posts in the other language. If that person chooses to be ignored...
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    Has anyone had an experience with catching sometime from an escort?

    What kind of asshole would do that? Disgusting! The right way to call that is RAPE.
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    When does the holiday season end for you?

    The mood It depends on your feelings and for me it varies from year to year. Usually, it's when I return to work (Jan. 7 this year) but I remember some years when it was after the last party, or even just after Xmas. Last year, there wasn't even holidays for me. RR
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    Security in Massage Parlours

    Best to follow the example of wilko26 and make it hard for anyone to peek at your belongings. Personnally, I've never left my wallet and keys unattended in the room. When I go to the shower, I bring them with me. When I get back to the room, I put both in somewhat difficult places to extract in...
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    What do you do immediately after an encounter?

    Absolutely nothing except remember it and , when applicable, expect the next encounter... Some time later, usually the same day if possible, I post the review. RR
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    Merb running extremely slow....

    2:23 PM and everything back to normal, after a few seconds shutdown...
  12. R

    Merb running extremely slow....

    2 pm and still the samething. Never been like that.
  13. R

    Etes vous intelligent? Faire l'amour sans condom

    Tu viens d`ouvrir une boîte de Pandore...Toutes les filles faisant des vont se sentir visées. Pour ma part, c`est l`expérience inverse qui m`est arrivée. Il y a bien bien des années, une SP a voulu, dans le feu de l`action, que je la prenne sans condom. J`étais pas mal jeune, la tentation...
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    Rate The Clients!

    Cpain37, se moquer d'un client en raison de ses croyances, de ses infirmités ou de ses attributs physiques n'est pas très gratifiant. Mais considère aussi toutes les choses qui sont dites au sujet des escortes sur ce site lorsque l'expérience n'a pas été bonne et on s'en reparlera. Par...
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    Is "The Game" Addictive?

    The word "better" is quite subjective, IMHO. For most of them, it is probably true that "better" is the right word when they live to see other things. But some of them really like what they do. They don't touch drugs, they stay sober and yet they like it. They are fully conscious that in some...
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    une heures ou deux heures?

    Je ne les connais pas celles-là mais je prends les référence pour mon prochain trip à Montréal. J'avais d'autres noms en tête mais faut se fier aux autres! RR
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    une heures ou deux heures?

    Je pense qu'à l'avenir je prendrai 2 heures avec mes favorites. Pour une première rencontre, c'est plus safe de prendre une heure. Mais en déplacement je me risquerai peut-être à 2 heures avec une fille dont les reviews dont unanimement positives. Il y a quelques-une de ces filles dans chaque...
  18. R

    How do you "older guys" feel about booking 18 y/o girls?

    My first experience with an SP, I was only 21. At the time I think she didn't enjoy it very much. I sincerely think SPs prefer older men, at least SPs with a certain experience. But the attitude is always the most important factor. Attitude, always... RR
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    Hotel booking

    Some ready-to-say answers I was thinking about that too because I would like to get an outcall in my own city but not at home. So I have devised some answers for that particular question: "Why are u booking in the same city?" None of yr business Exterminators are at home My hardwood...
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    do escorts kiss in public generally

    First, I do not find this subject silly. Second, before having a three-hour date (or more) with a lady and thinking about having dinner or going to a bar, I would have met her on an earlier occasion. At that time, I can ask what she does/does not in public. Third, if I really want to meet...
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