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  1. Q

    A & C TO get a website petition

    You can have a website for 50$ per year for hosting, and 2 people email me saying they'd be willing to do a site just for the sake of it for them. Also, they could offer a client to do a site in exchange of a session with a girl... You gotta be kidding me, expenses? lol... 100$ max and they...
  2. Q

    A & C TO get a website petition

    Well, If they're anything like business people, they always want more money, and this would be a fairly easy way to make more money. I havent been there in a couple weeks now since my last bad experience with nathaly. Which would have been avoid by seeing pics before. THis said, the...
  3. Q

    A & C TO get a website petition

    Alright, I have been going to A & C or RDV or SVp or whatever they are now called for a couple months, seen a couple of girls. I find that its always a gamble as their descriptions tend to be a little off, for example, saying Nathalie is 30, when she is 40 and looking OVER 40, or saying girls...
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