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Montreal Escorts

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    Television shop?

    Looking for a new smart television for connecting internet. Any suggestions will been appreciated !! Thanks

    Camille crimson

    She is Montreal's adult film director, editor and great erotic actrice, I like a lot her art of blowjob movie and decide to share it with you, hope you enjoy it. http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1369568868 http://www.youtube.com/user/CamilleCrimson

    How many times you've ejaculated on average per week ?

    Hi guys, I would like to know on average how many times you have ejaculated during a week,either by your own hand or with an SP, whatever ? ------------------------------------------------------------ Salut les gars, je voudrais savoir en moyenne combien de fois vous avez éjaculé au cours...

    Sp tight pussy

    Do you keep a good memory the name of the SPs you had experience with, in the past or present, who surprised you with her very tight pussy ? Start with my experience, I remember several years ago already, an agency Incall did its advertise in montreal`s newspaper, I went to see one of their...

    Help/aide svp !

    C'est d où je pourrais scanner mes photos pour les mettre dans mon ordi, quand je n'ai pas le scanneur ? --------------- where could I scan my photos to put in my computer when I have no scanner? Thx !

    Are you more voyeur in the summer than the winter ?


    sexuality between cousin/sexualite entre cousin

    I'm in love with my cousin, her mother is the sister of my father. Her family wanted me to marry her. My family has left my own choice but insisted that I reflect on the disease pathology risk, have an abnormal child. I'd like someone help me to get information and how we do to avoid it ...

    Stupid Redneck gets owned by Yuppie

    when you do not know with whom we are dealing, is better to shut up ! http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=qh2Jed20wLk&feature=related

    virginity for 1 million

    even if I had 1 million, I will not spend this way.... http://www.maxsbedroom.com/nataliedyan.html http://www.ninfosman.com/insolites/une-americaine-de-22-ans-vend-sa-virginite/ =========/=========/======== meme si j'avais 1 million, je vais pas depenser de cette facon... clavie
  10. CLAVIE

    Genie en informatique d'ici ?

    Je veux renouveller mon Ordi de bureau et j'ai trouvé ceci chez Best Bay. J'aimerais connaitre votre avis, si je ferais un bon affaire en achetant ceci ?! 699.99$ http://www.bestbuy.ca/catalog/dept.asp?logon=&langid=FR&catid=20213&test%5Fcookie=1 merci !
  11. CLAVIE


    There is already a website for people milionnairs and now made a website for beautiful people:rolleyes: http://ca.beautifulpeople.net/frontpage.asp a Canadian website reserved exclusively for beautiful people has been launched recently. The designers did not even interfere to say publicly...
  12. CLAVIE


    C est la troixieme fois que j ai pogne une escorte menstruee, elles etaient toutes mal a l aise a cause du sang, mais je les rassurais que ca ne me derangerais pas, etand donne que c est naturel une femme soit menstruee et je n ai pas peur du sang. Mais une question me rend insecure : y a...
  13. CLAVIE

    Anna Nikova's movie

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