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    Photograph chart of height/weight I figured this might come in handy for some of you when booking someone who doesn't have any photos up... assuming that the height and weight posted are accurate!
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    Joke Thread

    An 80 year old man was having his annual checkup and the doctor asked him how he was feeling. "I've never been better!" he boasted. "I've got an eighteen year old bride who's pregnant and having my child! What do you think about that?" The doctor considered this for a moment, then said, "Let...
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    Joke Thread

    The Five Secrets to a Perfect Relationship It is important to have a woman who helps at home, cooks, cleans, and has a job. It is important to have a woman who can make you laugh. It is important to have a woman who you can trust and doesn't lie. It is important to have a woman who is good in...
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    Montreal Mirror's Survival Guide

    You don't have to be a student to find use in this resource the Montreal Mirror compiled: Enjoy
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    Escorts not accepting "locals"

    A blowhard has pronounced himself on the internet. How about copying? The fact that someone took speech lessons to master an accent means that it can be learnt. Look, you can learn an accent if you want to--it just requires practice. The thing is, if you put that much effort into mastering...
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    Joke Thread

    Some are good, some are bad...
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    What music do you love?

    Amanda Blank Amanda Blank is opening for Peaches tomorrow night (Tuesday, November 17) at the Metropolis; don't miss it! If you can't make it then check out her album I Love You; something makes me believe that board members will enjoy it. ;)
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    The Vice Guide to Becoming a Whore in 2004

    The Vice Guide to Becoming a Whore in 2004 (Part 2) THE VICE GUIDE TO BECOMING A WHORE IN 2004 (2/2) MAMMARY GLANDS Even though it meant having your nipples removed and placed next to you in a bowl of ice for a few hours, getting fake tits used to be a great way to make more money. Then...
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    The Vice Guide to Becoming a Whore in 2004

    THE VICE GUIDE TO BECOMING A WHORE IN 2004 (1/2) from by KASANDRA MARIN Ok, let's cut the shit here. Working in the "sex industry" fucking blows. Suicide Girls get to have hairy armpits, and it's fun to put your picture up on...
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    Depuis quand/How many years...

    first posts I just went to the oldest thread there is: and got an error message (that thread has probably been deleted) so I tried the next one and got a thread dated from March 11, 2003. Furthermore...
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    How much would you pay for Megan Fox if she was an Indy

    Not sure what I'd pay, though I do find her attractive... Until I read this :D somewhere on the interweb... and thought, "No, you aren't!" Now I'm worried... :eek:
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    New Montreal Restaurant Thread

    Basha I think Basha one of the better places to get Lebanese food in Montreal. The location I always go to is the one on Ste-Catherine near McGill College (across from Place Montreal Trust). Because of the high volume of traffic at that location, it appears to me that new food is constantly...
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    New Montreal Restaurant Thread

    Yeah, all it was was bad timing, shame on me. Not shame on the guy who worked around 3am some random night and had a moustache and was bald who served me... funny that this sounds like a description of the owner. Whatever; it's your problem if you want to poison yourself on contaminated food...
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    New Montreal Restaurant Thread

    Boustan... blech! I'm surprised Boustan hasn't been shut down by health inspectors. Stopped going there two or three years ago when I ordered a shawarma and saw the chef/cook/cashier pound all the ingredients with his bare hands into the pita and then take my $20 with the same bare hands... and...
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    New Montreal Restaurant Thread

    I doubt you'll be treated to nyotaimori outside of a private party.
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    Woman fined $1.9 million for downloading songs

    Loudness wars A short and informative video that elaborates on Techman's point:
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    Woman fined $1.9 million for downloading songs

    Copyleft I don't have the time to clearly lay-out my position, but I will recommend this Canadian made documentary: RiP: A remix manifesto. Copyright as we know it is an outdated concept. Instead of lengthening the term of a copyright, gouvernments should should have shortened it. Look up...
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    "Spectacle: Elvis Costello With..."

    Thanks for pointing this out Techman! I saw the episode featuring Herbie Hancock on Friday; though it was not awesome and it was too short, it was still nice to see a musician of his caliber talk about his trade!
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    The Vice Guide To Being Totally Crushed Out!

    The Vice Guide To Being Totally Crushed Out! Pt 3 [cont'd] V: VAGINA GETTING WET WHEN HE SHOWS UP When I was about 16, I went to Jamaica with all my friends (I got a ton of money from an eye accident and spent it within a year) and we dressed like sluts and went to dancehall clubs. We were...
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    The Vice Guide To Being Totally Crushed Out!

    The Vice Guide To Being Totally Crushed Out! Pt 2 [cont'd] M: MIX TAPE ALERT! Do not make a mix tape for someone you have not fooled around with yet (said in an “emergency, emergency” robot voice). If she has a boyfriend and you are just courting her, she will put on the tape and they will...
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