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  1. PSEfreak

    I'm becoming a 1 SOG guy ** Sad Face **

    I'm 55, relatively fit, but the drive is slowing and the refractory period is stretching out. A few years back I started booking 90 min sessions to get a 2nd SOG in, and even that is getting harder now. I have become expertly proficient at choosing my moment of the 1st SOG. I can make it go...
  2. PSEfreak

    How often have you had to cancel a scheduled appointment?

    I'm wondering how often real life rears its ugly head and forces you to cancel a SP appointment? is it 1 in 5 ? 1 in 20 ? For me it happens about 10% of the time. For sure it all depends on your type of work, kids etc.... I'm just curious because i feel terrible each time i have to
  3. PSEfreak

    Tattoos - Getting out of hand ?

    Before I begin I would like to acknowledge that this issue comes down to personal taste and preferences. Now that that is outta the way, my last 4 appointments I've had I was shocked at the sheer volume of Ink and coverage these young ladies had done to their bodies. Huge surfaces of their...
  4. PSEfreak

    Annonce123 Blackmailing

    I received a text this morning from someone trying to blackmail me for money. In their initial text they claimed to have a photo of me with a "mineur" along with my licence plate, text messages and money exchanging hands. Wow, quite a lot! they threatened to go to the police unless I pay...
  5. PSEfreak


    Well....not quite, but almost. Every so often I peruse the ads on 123 and I come across something that looks real and interesting. Lots of the ads ask for text inquiries and when I do find something that's what I do. I've got my list (short) of questions I always ask, like, are pics real...
  6. PSEfreak

    Why not a Official 2013 PSE thread?

    As the title says, why not. I know a lot of members here like or even prefer the PSE experience. Thoughts?
  7. PSEfreak

    Hey Rumpleforeskiin !!
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