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    Photograph chart of height/weight I figured this might come in handy for some of you when booking someone who doesn't have any photos up... assuming that the height and weight posted are accurate!
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    Montreal Mirror's Survival Guide

    You don't have to be a student to find use in this resource the Montreal Mirror compiled: Enjoy
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    The Vice Guide to Becoming a Whore in 2004

    THE VICE GUIDE TO BECOMING A WHORE IN 2004 (1/2) from by KASANDRA MARIN Ok, let's cut the shit here. Working in the "sex industry" fucking blows. Suicide Girls get to have hairy armpits, and it's fun to put your picture up on...
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    The Vice Guide To Being Totally Crushed Out!

    This brought back some memories and was entertaining so I thought I'd share:THE VICE GUIDE TO BEING TOTALLY CRUSHED OUT! by CHRISTI BRADNOX, LESLEY ARFIN & DARREN ALBERTY From Vice V.10 N.3 Being “crushed out” is not the ethereal world of magic not-knowingness that people often think it is...
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    Testosterone: Rx vs XXX

    Rx vs. XXX By Tony Dokoupil From Newsweek The makers of a testosterone supplement are launching a national campaign touting the youth-enhancing benefits of their product. But there may be a cheaper, less clinical solution to low hormone levels. Porn or prescriptions? It hardly sounds...
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    Wealthy men give women more orgasms

    Wealthy men give women more orgasms From The Sunday Times January 18, 2009 Jonathan Leake, Science and Environment Editor Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance. They found that the wealthier...
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    Ten Things Science Says Will Make You Happy

    Ten Things Science Says Will Make You Happy from: In the last few years, psychologists and researchers have been digging up hard data on a question previously left to philosophers: What...
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    50 facts...

    The average Japanese woman can expect to live to be 84. The average Botswanan will reach just 39. A third of the world's obese people live in the developing world. The US and Britain have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the developed world. China has 44 million missing women. Brazil has...
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    How to golddig...

    From: Cash advance By Josey Vogels C'mon admit it, you've thought about it. Find yourself a nice rich guy, settle down, never cook again... Well, if you think marrying rich is the easy way...
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    Sex, violence and justice

    From the Montreal Mirror - November 20, 2008 Sex, violence and justice by Matt Jones This Wednesday, Nov. 26, the Montreal courthouse will be hearing the case of Giovanni D’Amico, who is alleged to have assaulted several sex workers on the streets of Montreal between 2001 and 2008. And...
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    Democracy: fair share

    I had the opportunity to attend a fascinating symposium recently and wanted to share one of the interesting ideas discussed with you. It was explained to me that in Athens, to mark the occasion religious festivals, hundreds of cattle were slaughtered at one time. Not only as a sacrificial...
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    Attempted citizen's arrest of Karl Rove

    View the footage here: Everyone knows that Karl Rove is one of the sketchiest figures in U.S. politics (ever?). His 'arguments' during the 'debate' are a farce that aren't even worth addressing. That protesters showed up is no surprise... but this...
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    Who are Republicans?

    Why is it that the Republican party seems to consist solely of the top 5% of America's wealth holders and the lower third of the IQ spectrum with no one in between?
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    What really makes us attractive to the opposite sex?

    There's nothing radically new to my eys contained in the following article, but I still thought I'd share. It combines and condences stuff I've read in various sources into a relatively short article! from: Sex, science and the art of seduction: What really...
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    Register your number - National Do Not Call List

    I don't think I need to say anything about telemarketers... Register your number on the National Do Not Call List here: And if the situation arises, file a complaint here:
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    CBC Radio: Between You and Me

    Some of you may remember Josey Vogels as the author of the informative 'My Messy Bedroom' sex column in the Hour (at least compared to the current 'V for Vixen' by Laura Roberts) and various articles in the Gazette. Vogels continues to branch out into various media (she used to have (still has?)...
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    An interesting read
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    The Long Emergency

    Wouldn't you say that the mad rush of events in the last 6,000 years starring the human race has been action packed? Everything from Mesopotamia, through the Roman Empire, through the Enlightenment to the Twin Towers, with a cast of billions--emperors, slaves, saviours, kinds, queens, armies...
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    What do you do immediately after an encounter?

    What do you do immediately after an encounter? I'd take a nap and extend the encounter in my dreams. ;)
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    SP pictures and privacy

    Just an observation I'd like to share, and maybe start a discussion: I much prefer artful photos that manage to obscure an SP's face 'naturally' than the the heavy-handed re-touched ones. Don't you find a picture of the SP craning her neck and highlighting her clavicle while simply twisting...
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