Montreal Escorts

Lack of talent?


Nov 12, 2005
Name one.

Well, name one that's not a 3rd world Asian country with only Asian SPs
LOL. You pose this as if it’s a challenge! Folks need to travel more…

I don’t do ghetto Asians or ladyboys, so no idea about 3rd world Asia - but you get better value pretty much everywhere in South America, Eastern Europe, Budapest which is more Central Europe, heck even Western Europe - German FKKs and Spain. Especially with the currency exchange rates in the last 2 years.

If I’m stuck with incalls anyways, Spanish brothels have superior facilities. I’ve never had issues getting everything I wanted in Germany for 100€, and with the German economy in the dumps in the last year, it’s even easier. And I get to check out the merchandise, and I can sauna and snack for a few leisurely hours of the day. Superior value. The only suck is it used to be 50€ only 5-6 years ago…

As for 3rd world - there’s always a 3rd world dynamic, even within countries. It’s that dynamic that enables hobbies like ours. Quebec was a 3rd world province for years relative to Ontario and BC, given the local government priorities - certainly wasn’t economic prosperity for all. I remember the OGs here on MERB telling stories about wild encounters on the South Shore, or a few hours outside of Montreal for a fraction of what we pay now. There used to be a steady stream of girls from Middle of nowhere, Quebec, basically 3rd world, who came to Montreal agencies, barely speaking English and were absolute legends in sessions. Montreal locals were never a large fraction of the supply. Hell, look at Miami, you’ve got 3rd world neighborhoods right next to million dollar mansions. It was and is a damn paradise. A country’s status as first world or third world has no bearing. Even the US, there are still places today that experienced punters know that are on par with Montreal, places that always existed and were competitive, and still are.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
LOL. You pose this as if it’s a challenge! Folks need to travel more…

I don’t do ghetto Asians or ladyboys, so no idea about 3rd world Asia - but you get better value pretty much everywhere in South America, Eastern Europe, Budapest which is more Central Europe, heck even Western Europe - German FKKs and Spain. Especially with the currency exchange rates in the last 2 years.

If I’m stuck with incalls anyways, Spanish brothels have superior facilities. I’ve never had issues getting everything I wanted in Germany for 100€, and with the German economy in the dumps in the last year, it’s even easier. And I get to check out the merchandise, and I can sauna and snack for a few leisurely hours of the day. Superior value. The only suck is it used to be 50€ only 5-6 years ago…

As for 3rd world - there’s always a 3rd world dynamic, even within countries. It’s that dynamic that enables hobbies like ours. Quebec was a 3rd world province for years relative to Ontario and BC, given the local government priorities - certainly wasn’t economic prosperity for all. I remember the OGs here on MERB telling stories about wild encounters on the South Shore, or a few hours outside of Montreal for a fraction of what we pay now. There used to be a steady stream of girls from Middle of nowhere, Quebec, basically 3rd world, who came to Montreal agencies, barely speaking English and were absolute legends in sessions. Montreal locals were never a large fraction of the supply. Hell, look at Miami, you’ve got 3rd world neighborhoods right next to million dollar mansions. It was and is a damn paradise. A country’s status as first world or third world has no bearing. Even the US, there are still places today that experienced punters know that are on par with Montreal, places that always existed and were competitive, and still are.

And you decided to respond with this to the wrong person

I have been to all of those places for the past several years. None of those are even close to Montreal.

I have been hobbying in Eastern Europe. Name actual places that are good?

Let's talk about Privats in Hungary? Most have shut down since 2020. Have you been recently? rosszlanyok? Have you dealt with rosszlanyok lately? Half of them are no-shows and the other half take 500 exchanges to set anything up. You're saying that's better than Montreal? When you find actual good ones, they're great, but you can get that in Montreal in 1 single phone call, without needing Google translate

German FKKs? German FKKs have been crap since 2018. 100 euros and upcharges for every basic thing. And again, wrong person to challenge on this, I worked in Frankfurt every 2 months for years. FKK Sharks and FKK Oasis were the top two rated FKKs for years. I have been to both every time I work in Frankfurt. It's all Romanian upchargers. 150, 300 euros even. You have to fight to get anything for 100 euros. When was the last time you were there? FKKs don't even come close to Montreal.

Spain? Where? Again, I work in Europe frequently. I am in Barcelona all the time. the sexomercado board is where I go. It's the same 4 agencies, and they never have talent. The top agency there are lasuite, vincinitas (spelling?), and teens. It's been the same roster for the past year.

As for the South America, don't be vague, name the places. I've done Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina. None come close to Montreal. If anyone has suggestions, I would love to hear!

If I were to name a place that actually offers great service, diversity, and probably even better than Montreal, is London. But London agencies charge 4x as much as Montreal. So Montreal still wins out.
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Nov 12, 2005
And you decided to respond with this to the wrong person

I have been to all of those places for the past several years. None of those are even close to Montreal.

I have been hobbying in Eastern Europe. Name actual places that are good?

Let's talk about Privats in Hungary? Most have shut down since 2020. Have you been recently? rosszlanyok? Have you dealt with rosszlanyok lately? Half of them are no-shows and the other half take 500 exchanges to set anything up. You're saying that's better than Montreal? When you find actual good ones, they're great, but you can get that in Montreal in 1 single phone call, without needing Google translate

German FKKs? German FKKs have been crap since 2018. 100 euros and upcharges for every basic thing. And again, wrong person to challenge on this, I worked in Frankfurt every 2 months for years. FKK Sharks and FKK Oasis were the top two rated FKKs for years. I have been to both every time I work in Frankfurt. It's all Romanian upchargers. 150, 300 euros even. You have to fight to get anything for 100 euros. When was the last time you were there? FKKs don't even come close to Montreal.

Spain? Where? Again, I work in Europe frequently. I am in Barcelona all the time. the sexomercado board is where I go. It's the same 4 agencies, and they never have talent. The top agency there are lasuite, vincinitas (spelling?), and teens. It's been the same roster for the past year.

As for the South America, don't be vague, name the places. I've done Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina. None come close to Montreal. If anyone has suggestions, I would love to hear!

If I were to name a place that actually offers great service, diversity, and probably even better than Montreal, is London. But London agencies charge 4x as much as Montreal. So Montreal still wins out.


So many nuggets to react to in this post and its previous version!!

Though it seems like you edited out some of the funniest bits! Like when you trotted out your bona fides - that you’re a globetrotting consultant (oh my, then surely you must be genius and be all knowing! :p …Unless, God forbid, you’re Accenture! :eek:), that you’re a Sharks VIP (does the different color robe bring out the gorgeous color in your eyes?… Or your wallet? :D), that you think London is a deal (noticed you re-worked that wording ha). We got it. We got it! You’re a jetsetter who is flush with cash and smarter than the rest of us! Wooohooo! Congrats!

The fact that you pay 150-300€ for German FKK sessions and that you put London anywhere within a country mile of a sentence about ”a good deal” - immediately disqualifies you from any discussion regarding value! Immediately, zero credibility. I’m no consultant - so I’m not smart enough to come up with 3 points. But these 2 should be enough…

Yes, you travel. But surely you don’t travel “like a local.” Or with any interest in cost optimization. The Germans have a name for people like you who distort pricing for the locals. And it’s not flattering… Which is fine. To each his own. But that wasn’t the point of my post. My post was about value.

A post I made, in fact, while sitting in the sun room in Oase, killing time and recovering for my next session. Sitting in FRA now after wrapping up a week in Frankfurt. So yes, I’ve been to Germany, recently and often. I spend half my year in Europe, and visit Germany every quarter.

No idea what you’re referring to about Romanian orphanages. Yes, German FKK’s are populated by mostly Romanians. It’s always been that way. Since my first visit to Artemis 13 years ago to today. I have no issues with Romanians. Some are pushy and not very attractive. But many are hot af with few inhibitions. Though, I’ve never payed 200€, let alone 300€, for a session. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve paid 150€, and those were for the hottest girls and a hankering for Greek. That you overpay so grossly means you’re a mark. Plain and simple. Only a schmuck would pay that. And the locals hate you for it. And if you look down on and don’t appreciate Romanians - all the better for me and the Germans. Leave them to us! Lol.

Same with South America and all that sketchiness your dainty self felt. I’m not alone, even on this board, in knowing there are great experiences and bargains to be had all over South America.

People like you are exactly why many don’t share. What’s there to gain? So you can go spoil previously unspoiled bargains all around the world? I’d be a moron to write a how-to for people like you. So yeah, Budapest, Germany, Spain, South America - they’re awful. All soooo awful! Please please stay away! :D
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Nov 12, 2005
Look, all joking and teasing aside, good for @envelopes that he finds Montreal such a paradise for him at the moment. To all of us who have hobbied for a while, we’re all been there, where we’re in bliss and oblivious to cost and objective comparisons. To each his own.

If you’ve got the financial wherewithal to not care a lick about rates, good for you. Enjoy it. My point was not meant for you.

And I’m not saying Montreal is awful and horrible and a wasteland. You’re not getting gouged like Vegas, for example. Montreal is fine. It’s still OK. I’m just not going out of my way to over-index on my time here.

My point was more for the guys who experienced Eleganza and Montreal 10-15-20 years ago what a paradise it was. And yes, objectively compared to then, rates are higher and quality lower today. If you define quality as pretty, slim, white women in their 20’s who provided GFE. If you didn’t experience that back then, you have no idea what I’m talking about, so ignore my post.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Lack of talent or lack of funds?

My understanding is that you feel like there’s a lack of talent because all rates went up and it’s hard to find what you’re looking for for a price that fits your budget.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
There’s a lack of talent because there are minimal amounts of new girls entering the business. Back in the Eleganza days there were new girls all the time with all of the different agencies. Now girls stick around for a lot longer and make careers out of this. Jumping from agency to agency and achieving “legendary” status. Because of this, there is no real need for agencies to get out there and recruit and you can’t blame them for going after the low hanging fruit. Also, there are so many other ways for someone to make a buck these days without escorting. Years ago this town was absolutely hands down the best for new talent. It’s still way more better than NYC IMHO, so I’ll be ok with this for now until somewhere better comes along.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024
Lack of talent or lack of funds?

My understanding is that you feel like there’s a lack of talent because all rates went up and it’s hard to find what you’re looking for for a price that fits your budget.

The price can have nothing to do with the quality. I find the agency workers for $250 more than satisfactory ( do your research ), would rather book 2 agency girls 3 hours apart than a $500 girl.
But that's me.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
The price can have nothing to do with the quality. I find the agency workers for $250 more than satisfactory ( do your research ), would rather book 2 agency girls 3 hours apart than a $500 girl.
But that's me.

$250 is already more than what some people on this website seem to want to spend.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024
$250 is already more than what some people on this website seem to want to spend.

Slim pickings below that IMO unless you really know what you are doing ( I gave up on Ann, LL, BP a long time ago, rather spend the extra ). Been reading about that econolodge place, could be some gems there for under $200.

marky mark

Active Member
Aug 30, 2014
As I mentioned on another thread, 250$ strikes me as being an SPs "minimum wage" (and please let's not forget that, other than indies, agencies get a cut of that. And Indies have their own list of overhead costs to deal with).
Expecting full-service for anything less is just unreasonable.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
$250 is a lot of money but since everything went up; food, housing, taxes.

It’s only normal that we also raise our rates and I am sorry if it doesn’t make everyone happy but it is what it is.

I don’t know what reminiscing about the old days is going to achieve. I don’t think SPs are going to collectively lower their rates.

Believe me, we also miss the days where charging $160/h was a lot.

marky mark

Active Member
Aug 30, 2014
$250 is a lot of money but since everything went up; food, housing, taxes.

It’s only normal that we also raise our rates and I am sorry if it doesn’t make everyone happy but it is what it is.

I don’t know what reminiscing about the old days is going to achieve. I don’t think SPs are going to collectively lower their rates.

Believe me, we also miss the days where charging $160/h was a lot.
Seriously. This "I remember when..." is starting to get old.
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Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
Seriously. This "I remember when..." is starting to get old.
Especially since our memory is not that good. We always tweak our souvenirs in some ways, therefore we often overestimate how good our past was. We also always forget the aspect that we didn't have the experience we have right now, that we were different. Something might seem like the best experience, but we would relive it today and realize we were just young and stupid at the time and it was not that good.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Seriously. This "I remember when..." is starting to get old.
I think it’s important to talk about the past as a reference or a comparison to the lack of talent that’s out there today. The good old days weren’t just how we remembered it, it was the way it really was here in Montreal. So much more to choose from. Many continue to bring up price. My comments have nothing to do with price, not sure why many continue to bring it up. I did notice over the past few months that the agencies have been bringing in more new talent. Let’s hope this trend continue.
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Yeah for sure if you only want to visit agencies you’ll find there’s a lack of talent. More and more women just go straight to being indy.

Mostly people that have friends already in the business but also people that spend a lot of time online and have been influenced.

Maybe expand your horizons a little and you’ll find the abundance of talent you’re hoping for.
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Dec 31, 2018
Yeah for sure if you only want to visit agencies you’ll find there’s a lack of talent. More and more women just go straight to being indy.

Mostly people that have friends already in the business but also people that spend a lot of time online and have been influenced.

Maybe expand your horizons a little and you’ll find the abundance of talent you’re hoping for.

Respectfully, the majority of the independents that I see advertising are well over 30, borderline overweight if not obese, heavily tattooed, or has some type of "alternative" appearance. Like Wolfie7, I'm bemused by how some people have such a hard time understanding what most men are attracted to. Most men prefer women like Olivia Dunne, not Lena Dunham. Sadly, due to the lack of talent and epidemic of simps, there are many men who consider themselves "fortunate" and even "privileged" to be able to pay $400+ an hour for the companionship of the latter


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
lmao I don’t know where you guys are looking. We must not have the same kind of internet. I see many young athletic women advertising. There will never be a shortage of that


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
lmao I don’t know where you guys are looking. We must not have the same kind of internet. I see many young athletic women advertising. There will never be a shortage of that
I agree with @HDarrow0. Maybe I am looking at the wrong places, but no, I do not find a lot of young athletic women advertising. I can count on 2 hands spinners with a similar figure like yourself, Lena, who offer incall GFE.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I agree with @HDarrow0. Maybe I am looking at the wrong places, but no, I do not find a lot of young athletic women advertising. I can count on 2 hands spinners with a similar figure like yourself, Lena, who offer incall GFE.

Ok maybe not athletic but at least slim or on the slimmer side. Or maybe we just don’t have the same definition.

But I have seen a few women as small as I am. Now, were they real? I don’t know maybe they’re just using someone else’s photo.

Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
I agree with @HDarrow0. Maybe I am looking at the wrong places, but no, I do not find a lot of young athletic women advertising. I can count on 2 hands spinners with a similar figure like yourself, Lena, who offer incall GFE.
To me, athletic is very different than thin and slender. Maybe you can't find short and skinny women when you search for athletic, indeed.
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