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Recent content by Zumba

  1. Z

    If there was a SP Hall of Fame, who would be in it?

    The list starts and ends with Victoria Mini.
  2. Z

    Who is your favorite porn star?

    Sure it’s not Monica Lewinsky or Jennifer Flowers or Sharon Stone or Kathleen Willey?
  3. Z

    Who is your favorite porn star?

    Euro babe Athina Love has been driving me crazy lately. Killer body.
  4. Z


    Oh boy!!!! Could be fun. :)---
  5. Z

    Spiced up

    Oh how I love Unicorns !!!! The healing kind.
  6. Z

    Spiced up

    Hey Libtards, He won and Hillary lost. Get over it and STFU !!!!
  7. Z

    Joke Thread

    Why did the snowman take his pants off ???? He saw the snowblower coming.
  8. Z

    Curiousity: Men of The Lounge, Why are you Here?

    See. It already happened. I had to change my handle when the old one stopped working. I notified the mods. Been here for several years. But thanks for your concern
  9. Z

    Curiousity: Men of The Lounge, Why are you Here?

    For my 2 cents, men walk on eggshells here too. If you write anything negative about a SP you will get lots of pushback from certain people. I actually got a call from an agency !!!!! On my cell !!!! My review was tame. So many of the reviews on here are just plain bogus !!!!!! Lots of shills...
  10. Z

    Best reason to cross the canada border seeing a escort

    I'm curios about customs in Canada. Every time I fly there I actually clear customs at the U.S. Airport I leave from. There is an arrangement between U.S. and Canada. Why did you not clear Canadian Customs while still in the U.S. ?
  11. Z

    Happy Birthday Steely Dan!

    Have fun !!!! Happy 21st !!!!!!!
  12. Z

    Lets be Frank about vogue's Frank

    Not sure it's proper grammar but I 4th that !!!! Needs new photos.
  13. Z

    Classic/Non-Recent Movie Thread

    Cool Hand Luke (1967) Paul Newman George Kennedy Dennis Hopper Harry Dean Stanton
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