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Recent content by Stringcroc

  1. S

    It's only 2 hours...

    That's a very profound message. I absolutely understand it, harwell. I had a fairly close relationship with my favorite SP. She became a friend and knew me well and picked up on sides of me I did not even suspect. I tried to do the same. I always made it a point of enjoying every moment I had...
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    Asking girls for BBFS

    Well I suspected there were some weird and unhinged clients out there; some clearly don't know where to draw the line... stalking is never a good thing. I hope this story ended well.
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    Beau travail de RC Acadie

    Indeed A by far, much better work than the cheap loud trash reporting job on the subject by TVA recently. With quality and objective reporting like RC Acadie, the escorting biz would get a much better reputation, or a the very least a less controversial one.
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    A interesting ruling on consent

    I believe this little video sums it up nicely. :) One lump or two?
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    The So Called Double Standard by Women

    I would date a women taller than me, because I already have. It did not bother me in any way. Weeeeeel maybe later in bed... :D
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    Income Source

    Ezekiel 18:4 English Standard Version Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die. That's my standard PR right there. Just add the "tm" afterwards. :)
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    Income Source

    I am a soul day trader. I buy and sell human souls. You would amazed at what I pull in yearly. :)
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    Social Time, To be or not to be?

    Social time is something that is very enjoyable and very negotiable when available. Some SP will name a specific price for "out of bedroom time". So you may enjoy a person's company for an hour or more and typically it reflects on the relationship you have with that person, IMHO. Obviously if...
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    Robot lawyers..

    Something to remember: In the 1950s, Henry Ford II, the CEO of Ford, and Walter Reuther, the head of the United Auto Workers union, were touring a new engine plant in Cleveland. Ford gestured to a fleet of machines and said, “Walter, how are you going to get these robots to pay union dues?” The...
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    presents from/for your favourite sp?

    "At the end of the evening, she ended up taking the super-sized one home and left the regular-sized one behind. " Remember -its not the size that counts, its how you you use it" :)
  11. S

    Sanders or Clinton?

    In related politics - Trudeau's recent visit in Washington is something else. You haven't seen that many Canadians cheering on the White House's front lawn since 1812...when we burned it down! :)
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    War on cash

    Too bad they retired the pinky (1000$ CDN Bill) in 2000. I remember having ONE in my secret stash way back then... But if you look around you see there is an alarming trend to try to limit and eventually kill of cash altogether. Right now its happening in the euro zone. And why? the familiar...
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    War on cash

    >tinman140869: Thanks for pointing out a procedure in banks I was not aware of. Its silly really. It's not like I walked in and asked for ten grand in 100$ bills. I actually dread the day that one day society will became cashless. Cash allows us to remain anonymous during day-to-day...
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    War on cash

    GentlemanJon - I know the girls don't have a problem counting the money -its a courtesy on my part. Also when you book someone for several hours (or a night in some case) it can be a LOT of bills -that is what I meant. Its just that lately its been a hassle MORE than usual. No all bank...
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    War on cash

    I was wondering if anyone has had problems getting cash from banks lately. Especially when asking for one hundred dollar bills. Since ATM will not dish out brown bill you have to go to the counter and ask for them. A few times lately when going to pick up cash for encounters, I was given...
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