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Recent content by Stranger

  1. S

    Do agencys test their SPs for STD`s/HIV?

    Correct and perfectly logical, but look at the porn industry. Porn stars are having sex with ppl left and right and the majority of them never catch a single thing.
  2. S

    MTLC No show

    I wonder if they'll ever fix the images on that site. Practically every image is a broken link.
  3. S

    Saudi judge refuses to annul marriage between 8-year girl & 47-year old pedophile

    This is beyond immoral!! Everyone knows age 9 should be the limit!!
  4. S

    Stick with someone your own age!

    Yeah, you geezers out there stick with other seniors! :)
  5. S

    turned away at the border

    The US doesn't want canadian terrorists in their country.
  6. S

    turned away at the border

    This is the result of a new initiative by the US to get Canada to help prevent the spread of terrorism after 911. People will be turned back even if you were caught shoplifting 30 years ago. It's not about dui. It's any crime at all no matter how long ago it was.
  7. S

    Traveling from NYC to Montreal

    How long is it by air if you include the ride to the airport and the usual delays theret? I'm guessing 4 hours but I'm not sure. Amtrak schedule says it takes 10 hours is that correct??
  8. S

    Traveling from NYC to Montreal

    According to the amtrak website it's only $64 to montreal from penn station in nyc so I have no idea where you're getting $300 from.
  9. S

    I'm yours - for just $5,000 a month

    If you have a net worth of only 1 million it is pretty extravagant to shell out $20,000 a month to your girlfriend. That's just idiotic and wasteful.
  10. S

    I will need some advices as a newbie

    She's going to slap you?? Is she an SP or your girlfriend? I don't see anything wrong with asking. I'm sure she would like to know when was the last time you were tested. Lordzeager, I'm not sure if Herpes is avoidable if you plan on having sex with anyone unless you use a condom ALL the...
  11. S, What the hell is wrong with this site?

    Their pictures are completely screwed up. When you click on one either nothing pops up or it's a completely different girl. They're even adding new pictures/girls without fixing the problems with the older ones. What a total screwup. If you can't even fix a simple thing like the pictures on...
  12. S

    Passports and crossing the border

    I never said that was all I was going to bring. I simply stated that since my driver's license had already expired I thought maybe my birth certificate might be more valid as a form of secondary id. Ck, thanks for the link
  13. S

    Passports and crossing the border

    Thanks for the advice everyone. It just so happens my driver's license has expired as well. I don't exactly need to drive where I am so I forgot to renew that too. I guess if push comes to shove my birth certificate should do when I'm going back into the states right?
  14. S

    Passports and crossing the border

    My passport expired 6 months ago. Does anyone have any idea if I'll have any trouble getting into Canada from the US and back home again? It's still a valid id.
  15. S

    Dual Canadian-US Citizenship Not Permitted????

    We don't like sharing.
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