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Recent content by Ricky bonds

  1. R

    The crypto currency thread

    This was actually the perfect time to stock up..buy during drops, sell during spikes. We were very content this day! :) And since my last time here there have been some incredible success stories..sumokoin, spectrecoin, NEO, monero xmr, dash, bitcoincash bcc, ripple (xrp) (p.s dont get involved...
  2. R

    The crypto currency thread

    Qtum surpassed the 70$/usd mark. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/jessedamiani/2017/12/18/crypto-watch-qtum-price-leaps-189-in-8-hours-what-is-qtum-and-why-is-it-growing-so-fast/amp/ ..who took a chance when i mentioned it before the spike?.. dump now, don't risk anymore, you...
  3. R

    The crypto currency thread

    At the moment i wrote about qtum it was selling around 19$ usd. Today it reached the 48-50$/usd mark :) A 5000$ investment at the time i wrote it would be 12,000$ today..and every platform is buying in bulk.
  4. R

    The crypto currency thread

    You are right jalimon. To be fair, i am playing with 100% profit off of crypto currencys and i would not gamble any of my personal assets in this until i really understand what i am doing lol. But so far my trial and error based on logic and minimal research has served me well. P.s its...
  5. R

    The crypto currency thread

    I do not understand any of this either, but i would sell my house for bitcoin in a heartbeat at a 15% below stable market rate as a 'risk fee'
  6. R

    The crypto currency thread

    Ripple in constant increase. 0.209287 usd/ ripple coin was the price i purchased on nov.16.2017. 0.746299*USD/ ripple coin is todays price. This one is all over the news and the so called 'experts' are convinced it will reach 2.10$/usd by mid 2018 Tron is another hopeful that seems to be on...
  7. R

    The crypto currency thread

    It is wise to avoid if someone has no interest of course. It is fun if you can play with funds that were earned from crypto currencys and not risk any of your personal assets. (Then again i've seen a few people close to me go all in with capital on credit and come out winning in 60 days to...
  8. R

    The crypto currency thread

    Qtum is my hopefull golden egg.. and another meteoric rising coin since october. Qtum was a crypto currency i grabbed with no information or digging around about its potential, country or creators. I bought in at the very beginning for peanuts under the dollar and it was bouncing between...
  9. R

    The crypto currency thread

    Crypto currency, decentralized currency, block chains, bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, 3000 lesser known cryptocurrencys...hundreds of millions of dollars in play, people making huge and moderate profits off something they can barely understand in some cases lol, money lost and never to be found...
  10. R

    bitcoin worth investing into?

    i am hesitant to say yes, but i can give you a brief glimpse into my experience with bitcoins. I purchased 10 bitcoins when the market price was 310$ canadian.. i was in a hurry to sell when they reached 1000$, and sold all 10. I thought i made out like a bandit lol. When i saw the bitcoin value...
  11. R

    What`s the longest Penis that you`ve ever seen or heard of.

    I've heard of a member here on merb that has a guiness world record type of shlong that in circumference is almost the thickness of the bottom of a 1 litre perrier bottle and the length of a forearm. But apparently he warns ahead of this lol. The funniest is girls dont seem to ask for...
  12. R

    Newbie introduction with a few questions

    Hi. Its pretty straight forward stuff.. 1st rule of thumb in assuring the most successful chances at a great encounter is: see a merb advertiser before any other source of advertisement, that goes for independants and agencys. Merb advertisers are scrutinized and judged on authenticity of...
  13. R

    Help with receiving FedEx packages from US to Montreal,to residency with no one there

    Avez-vous reçu une note de fed ex sur ta porte que la personne de FedEx a laissée? Si oui, remplissez-la et vous pouvez dire la prendre au lieu le plus proche de FedEx ou la laisser avec un voisin ou une entreprise à côté. Assurez-vous de la signer Si vous ne voyez pas une étiquette de porte...
  14. R

    Cellphone anonymity (tips plz)

    You can go to a 'best buy mobile' store like the one in the eaton center. Choose a 'prepaid/pay as you' go phone kit like the koodo ones which includes a fairly functional phone, charger and sim card. Activate it online under any given name and receive a 25$ activation credit. Pick a basic plan...
  15. R

    Let it go guys!

    I try to milk the old johnson every 2nd day either with the help of the old misses or by my lonesome and a porn tube.. i guess i need to step it up lol, 15 times a month just won't cut it. Damn i miss the days when i'd have 3 sog's in a day :(
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