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Recent content by Passionate

  1. P

    Am I the only one strongly disliking the collagen lips?

    When facial lips are overdone, like with a few ladies posting in the Iny section lately, can't help but remininding me of rear end baboon lips...not attractive at all, and when meeting, the lady lips are so sensitive there is hardly any kissing allowed. Real beauty is with a wholesome natural...
  2. P

    How much enhancement do you prefer and the one's you hate ?

    I don't like enhancements either and I really, really dislike, Colagen boosted lips. Please Stop it !!! I recently saw a very well reviewed lady with a recent lips job....I could not get the picture off my mind, looked like Baboon ass whole. So sad.
  3. P

    What is you favorite site to find new occasional independent ladies ?

    As fa as I am concerned MERB is the most reliable source of references. I look occasionaly at Annonce 123. What are the other sites you have had success with ?
  4. P

    The GoodGirls booker...

    Unacceptable ! And this is why I meet almost exclusively independants.
  5. P

    Nominations for the Best GFE of 2010.

    Since we are allowed three votes, I would like to nominate also Gina, Indy in Granby, and Lily , Indy now with Our affair. And the winner is ...
  6. P

    Resource for an Indy subject to threat by a pimp ?

    Just as a curiosity... Any suggestion for an Indy Montreal Escort who is subject to violent threat by a Pimp ? What can an indy escort do when a guy wants to take significant amount of money for her "protection" ? Will she gets support by Law enforcement ? Any option other than quit the...
  7. P

    Nominations for the Best GFE of 2010.

    Sarah Bernard, Indy...not for long I guess...
  8. P

    How could a Bj queen make so much cash?

    Who was that ?
  9. P

    Sensual Maude - Thank You MERB Members!

    Toujours aussi charmante... Chère Maude, Tu es toujours aussi charmante et généreuse! C'est une bonne idée cette initiative. Même si on ne gagne pas, le ton du message et l'ambiance que tu décris, nous donnent envie de te revoir. Je te souhaites mes meilleurs voeux pour la prochaine année...
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