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Recent content by Like_It_Hot

  1. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    I did a short research on this Tim Moen... Impressively unefficient guy... In 2015 that was his score... behind the Green Party. He got only 1% of the vote and spent $41,000 for that. What a failure.
  2. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Out of subject. Poilièvre conducted himself as a Pure Idiot. You may try to diverge attention toward someone else. being Fergus, the King or Joe Blow. It is not relevant to this thread about poilièvre. if you want to discuss Fergus, create an other thread. Simple as that. Think about it...
  3. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    You miss the point replying to my question. The question was Do you wants this silly guy? This guy being Poilièvre You did not answer to the question. You just said Canadian in vast majority reject Trudeau. You are right on this one. But is it an excuse to vote for a Pure Idiot, right wing...
  4. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    You can say whatever you want. You are on a Forum part of an Escort Review Board. Can't you see the difference between what is said here and what is decent to say at a Parlement? I guess you don't make the difference. Think about it.
  5. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Pourquoi changer de sujet? À court d'argument sur l'attitude enfantine et stupide de Poilièvre? Ce thread est sur Poilièvre qui se prétend capable de mener un pays. Il n'est même pas capable de se contrôler et de se comporter dignement à la Chambre des Communes. Il se comporte comme un ado...
  6. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Thousands of people dying from fentanyl. Nothing to do with what you pretend. I never voted liberal. You did vote Liberal for twenty years... Time to question yourself on what you make your mind. You are opening your eyes but you are looking on the bad direction. By the way I saw what...
  7. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Want this guy as a Canada PM? Being himself a Wacko some may claim he knows what he is talking about... Not so sure..
  8. Like_It_Hot

    The Trudeau Crime Family

    An other assumption without any bases. Pure demagogy and populism. So childish to call names or changing it, which is pure disinformation and lie. The PM is Justin Trudeau it's about time you acknowledge it. Nobody is stealing the money. Liberal Party was elected and it governs. If the...
  9. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    But Poilièvre is a politician. He never did anything else than politic...
  10. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Oublie les ours polaires. Notre santé est peut-être menacée par ces plastiques. La désinvolture de Poilièvre prouve qu'il n'a pas l'étoffe d'un chef d'État. À quel point les microplastiques sont-ils nocifs pour notre santé ? La communauté scientifique ne s'accorde pas quant à la nocivité des...
  11. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    N'importe quoi! Tout est mélangé. Si tu t'es appauvri, désolé pour toi mais ce n'est pas la situation du Canadien moyen. Je t'invite à t'informer et à visiter un pays du tiers-monde, tu vas revenir à toute vitesse. Parmi les pays du G7, le Canada est celui avec la situation économique la...
  12. Like_It_Hot

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Polilièvre, l'environnement... Une caricature qui révèle sa vision très limitée...
  13. Like_It_Hot

    Addressing Unacceptable Behavior

    I probably misinterpreted what you meant in writing: "I am not alone in feeling that I have been unfairly attacked by fellow members ". For the rest of your post I have only one word "AMEN". Stay safe!
  14. Like_It_Hot

    The Trudeau Crime Family

    You are all right... but it is not criminal t o be arrogant or just plain idiot.
  15. Like_It_Hot

    The Trudeau Crime Family

    Free Trade Agreement: There are no duties on goods made in USA, Canada or Mexico. If you buy Adidas sneaker from USA, you will pay duties because they are imported by USA and not made in USA. If it is too expensive for you, buy what you can afford and don't blame measures protecting Canadian...
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