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Recent content by laid_back_alex

  1. L

    How to DFK

    And punctuation! My eyes are hurting!!!!
  2. L

    Have you ever canceled on the spot?

    Was it just the shape or did your little man look like it might have caught something? Lol
  3. L

    How much do you spend on hobby every year?

    WTF that's almost 2 encounters every single day for the entire month. You fucking rabbit!!!! :p:p
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    favorite current tv series...

    Glad you are getting around to watching HBO classics such as The Sopranos. If you haven’t seen it yet, you need to watch The Wire. Considered the best series in tv history by most people who get around watching it, including myself...
  5. L

    favorite current tv series...

    ZeroZeroZero Most underrated show that most people have not heard of. This show is flying under the radar. Easily the best show of 2020 and one of the best shows I've seen in the past decade. I was blown away. Way better than narcos. Love the story telling style also.
  6. L

    Famous people or celebs you would like to have sex with

    Dans son profil instagram elle écrit: Version ratée de Lady Gaga Je dirais plutot que c'est Lady Gaga la version ratée de Denyzee!
  7. L

    Question for Extremely Attractive Men

    It's not as straightforward as that. For some people, myself included it's sometimes because of convenience and instant access. Most of the times my sexual needs are fulfilled with women I meet organically, however this requires some planning, even if minimal. There are days where I need an...
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    Question for Extremely Attractive Men

    I’m confused by this statement and I’m having trouble with this logic. Of course you’re entitled to your opinion and if you truly feel that you’re not attracted to 98.5% of escorts here, that’s your prerogative. I’ve met Bentley when she was indy going by Amber and I can’t seem to understand...
  9. L

    Hot Take, Giving money to fellow Clients.

    Au cas ou tu te poses toujours la question, c'est l'équivalent d'un DEP ici mon frère.
  10. L

    COF & Cum on tits.....Why? "So, okay. As a woman who is super into having my boyfriend cum on my face, I've been told my interpretation of it is pretty right for a lot of men. It makes me feel like he wants me as his own, like...
  11. L

    Best Montreal pizza

    Pizza Il Focolaio (1223 Place Phillips)
  12. L

    What are your favorite video games of all times

    Mario Kart 64 (Nintento 64) Golden Eye 007 (Nintendo 64)
  13. L

    Rogers Sportsnet fires Don Cherry over controversial poppy comment

    It's not just immigrants who don't care about the poppy. The majorty of millenials and people up to the age of 40 don't wear the poppy. I didn't see a single person in University or at work wearing it including ''non-immigrants''. Had he spoken in a more general sense, his comment would have...
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    Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

    100% Some will want to stab me after saying this but I love adding mayo to my smoked meat sandwich!
  15. L

    Rogers Sportsnet fires Don Cherry over controversial poppy comment

    Agree with Doc. Glad he's gone. I'm actually surprised he lasted this long given all the stuff he's said over the past years
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