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It's finally frikin' summer!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
WOW...this is a hot one....just coming back home.....un SAMEDI inoubliable....faut en profiter :) .....ça va passer trop vite.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yesterday.....another great day in the was very pleasant....late in the afternoon again it was crazy dans le Vieux-Montréal/Old port.....rarely seen such traffic on the De La gens partout...amazing... :)

Later went to the CASINO----long long time been there BUT once a while i like to go---around midnight the place was all over the place ...crowdy crowdy....lovely/sexy girls....and people sur le party partout...

..and inflation you say?????

So une autre journée/soirée magnifique in the should b great one also.....enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
By this warm/humid day i just coming back from a breakfeast outside.....i love love walking around and having breakfeast outside----more than lunch or diner. :) So twice a week i go for...Comme je ne suis pas compliqué i go to TUTTI FRUTTI or..hum...AW.....and yes

it's still possible to have a full/complete traditional breakfest for less than 10,00.;).......bien sûr i don't go there for a special or exotic i enjoy each moment a lot......very convenient for me.

And btw this weekend le Stade M'Gill/ Alouettes....a établi un record d'assistance....,et le Stade Saputo /CF-Montréal débordait d'enthousiasme avec une victoire écrasante de

Yes i love MY CITY.:):):)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
...and i like to walk early in the City et voir la ville s'éveiller.....rencontrer des voir le personnel aux terrasses s'affairer à dresser leur table au soleil......beau is :) .Me considère privilégié de pouvoir vivre ici....

surtout l'été.......;) .


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
...and i like to walk early in the City et voir la ville s'éveiller.....rencontrer des voir le personnel aux terrasses s'affairer à dresser leur table au soleil......beau is :) .Me considère privilégié de pouvoir vivre ici....

surtout l'été.......;) .
J’aime ca quelqu’un qui voit le verre plein. Sur les réseaux sociaux ca ne fait que pester contre la mairesse, les pistes cyclables et les cônes oranges.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
...mais malheureusement la criminalité dans nos rues vient gâcher la fête :mad:... devient un réel problème....encore today deux attentats en plein jour /Centre Ville----Centre d'achat ROCKLAND et rue St-Denis----deux endroits avec bcp d'affluence .....un fléau....pas facile pour les forces de l'ordre vs le crime organisé/gangs de devient inquiétant.....faudrait resserrer l'étau sur ces bandits...big big challenge.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
Y'aura toujours un certain taux de crime... plus la ville est dense, plus y'a de crime... on est chanceux de ne pas être aussi dense que Paris, New York, Londres, etc... toutes des villes avec taux de crime plus élevé qu'ici

Faut pas laisser ces trucs te gâcher la vie... continue à jouir de ta ville, elle est magnifique


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
...oui. .et à bien y penser la criminalité de Cotroni---Rizzuto--Violi -Mom Boucher /motards.....a toujours été présente...sauf qu'à ces époques il y avait comme une hiérarchie établie avec laquelle les policiers pouvaient passer des les crimes

se déroulaient le plus souvent dans les domiciles---autos---bars....on réglait les comptes en famille.......MAIS aujourd'hui le phénomène des gangs de rue a changé la donne....ce semble le free for all.....l'improvisation.....les caids du crime organisé sont sûrement

mieux organisé que les policiers pour prendre en charge cette triste situation.....

Ça demeure un phénomène inquiétant MAIS marginal...qui ne doit pas nous empêcher d'apprécier et de jouir d'une qualité de vie exceptionnelle.

-note....quand même depuis ces récents évènements.....quand je me déplace marche/voiture je suis plus attentif à mon entourage/environnement.....simple réflexe naturel de j'ai aussi une pensée pour mes proches....pas drôle
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
MAIS aujourd'hui le phénomène des gangs de rue a changé la donne....ce semble le free for all.....l'improvisation.....les caids du crime organisé sont sûrement mieux organisé que les policiers pour prendre en charge cette triste situation.....
Faut quand même comprendre que ce sont justement ces même caïds qui embauchent ces membres de gang de rue pour faire leur sale boulot. Le triste côté de ce phénomène est que, ce sont de plus en plus, des jeunes ados qui se retrouvent devant et derrière le pistolet!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Faut quand même comprendre que ce sont justement ces même caïds qui embauchent ces membres de gang de rue pour faire leur sale boulot. Le triste côté de ce phénomène est que, ce sont de plus en plus, des jeunes ados qui se retrouvent devant et derrière le pistolet!
Maintenant, ils peuvent imprimer en 3D l’armature des pistolets et faire venir légalement les pièces pour les faire fonctionner…


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Another gorgeous day in the City.....went out for a walk/breakfeast around 10....Place Jacques-Cartier and Old port......the weather---avec un léger vent--was amazing......avec la fin des vacances et le retour en classe more quiet.....quelques touristes...

....les restaurateurs se préparaient pour une autre journée busy qui s' enjoy this journée magnifique....l'été passe trop vite.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
sadly the season has changed and so has the clothing. now it is ocassionally, i might come across a young lady with just a bra top with cargo pants and a collared shirt but unbuttoned. But majoredly the women ar getting themselves covered until next season.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
today was a good day. I was going around town and the lovely ladies were out! I don’t understand the physics behind ”hot weather = hot girls”

btw, there was this creepy guy on the street oogling every (remotely cute) girl he would see, but with ZERO discretion or class. I love seeing nice looking women around, but i go out of my way to be discreet about it, this guy was gross
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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
With yesterday's snow I felt the door further closed. But last night I happened to be shopping for a quick few items at the dollar store beside the A&W on Mt Royal Ave. A line formed to pay while it was only 1 girl, a young latina, was there. I noticed she had a coworker in front of counter like the customers, she was bent over into the counter to reach for or help the latina girl with something. Whatever it was it didn't work. There were giggles and the latina would periodically look at the waiting customers to see if they had drawn our attention too much.

The coworker who was reaching into the counter decided to run to the end of the counter to be able to enter the counter and open up a register. She had neck length, wavy hair, possibly boyish. I wondered if they both knew each other too well, perhaps they were lesbos.

The latina got to service me. as I paced my items onto her counter I noticed her visage... all long glued on nails, eyelashes, I mean she was pretty, phew. Then she had to bend forward at her waist for something and as I was paying with my card I noticed her V neck blouse and beige bra with her gifted sized girls' was showing off inbetween that V neck plunging neckline. I coud not believe how pretty she was in this environment, to the point I was not concerned if she was going to catch me staring at her... too bad there was no problem with my check out machine, too bad I did not have 100 more items to buy.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
With yesterday's snow I felt the door further closed.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
With yesterday's snow I felt the door further closed. But last night I happened to be shopping for a quick few items at the dollar store beside the A&W on Mt Royal Ave. A line formed to pay while it was only 1 girl, a young latina, was there. I noticed she had a coworker in front of counter like the customers, she was bent over into the counter to reach for or help the latina girl with something. Whatever it was it didn't work. There were giggles and the latina would periodically look at the waiting customers to see if they had drawn our attention too much.

The coworker who was reaching into the counter decided to run to the end of the counter to be able to enter the counter and open up a register. She had neck length, wavy hair, possibly boyish. I wondered if they both knew each other too well, perhaps they were lesbos.

The latina got to service me. as I paced my items onto her counter I noticed her visage... all long glued on nails, eyelashes, I mean she was pretty, phew. Then she had to bend forward at her waist for something and as I was paying with my card I noticed her V neck blouse and beige bra with her gifted sized girls' was showing off inbetween that V neck plunging neckline. I coud not believe how pretty she was in this environment, to the point I was not concerned if she was going to catch me staring at her... too bad there was no problem with my check out machine, too bad I did not have 100 more items to buy.
i live around there i will gas up there next time lol

There are also 2 REALLY cute cashiers at PA these days. One that looks so much like the famous Kim from YPG (I get nervous when i use her cash) and another young arabic girl who is getting all the attention from the male staff at PA...ouf. They also have the lashes and nails, mid rifs, etc...makes my grocery shopping more enjoyable.
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