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  1. S

    Mailbox is full :)

    Mailbox is full :)
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    Marketing Ploy? Viagra: See your MD if your erection last longer than 4 hours

    It's a known medical condition. If they can't fix it quick with drugs they have to drain you... I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
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    The Official MERB Favorite SP of the Year 2015 Poll

    Oh damn, forgot to vote in this one too. Oh well, would have voted for Zoe if that matters Handi, thanks either way for taking care of this.
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    Encouragement to post reviews

    I like how people are here complaining about lack of reviews, but most are nowhere to be seen when people harass the people who actually do review. I've seen, new reviewers get blasted as shills for posting a positive review of a lesser known girl. I've seen, less known reviewers (but not...
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    What are your thoughts on the CBJ issue.?

    Actually, well sorta... The new law actually forbids communication of sexual services. That being said, the government now sees services providers as victims (lol, I've met quite a few service providers, and victim is not a word I'd use to describe any of you) and consequently are immune from...
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    22 homes arrêtés pour avoir obtenus des service sexuels a toronto

    I don't think you can proclaim that the guys who ran were or weren't moral. Can you imagine trying to communicate this information to the police? That'd be a fun conversation to have... John: "Yeah, I'm calling about some underage prostitutes" Police: "How do you know they are underage?"...
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    Do you ever question yourself about the logistic differences between out/in?

    It never made sense to me how incall could be cheaper than outcall. Given the costs of renting a nice place, maintaining, utilities, etc etc But then again, I'm not really aware of how much the ladies pay the drivers for their services, so it may make sense.
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    Booker friendly sp's ? Are they more successful?

    These exchanges always bring a smile to my face... I don't know if it's done on purpose or not, but always good for a laugh.
  9. S 2nd MERB GT in March postponed

    I'm going to have to second this... now more than ever discretion is an important part of the hobby. I'm honestly a bit surprised to hear it wasn't like this all along...
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    After reading the GT friendship thread !Would you Out yourself to help such a Friend?

    I'm assuming by outing himself, he means as a John, yes BookerL?
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    is bell throttling (except when it comes to ookla and ?

    Can't say about Montreal or Quebec, but in NB they don't appear to be. I have Fiber and any torrents I run usually cap out at around my max theoretical speed.
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    What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened

    Honestly, that argument only works if she was upfront about what she did, which she wasn't. If you don't think that a guy not knowing about his girlfriend banging other dudes is a big deal, job or not, then I don't think we can have a discussion about it. As Laila herself noted, once she...
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    Does Bill C-36 make you lose any sleep?

    Big issue Mocha is that the bill's stated purpose is to eliminate prostitution and the selling of sexual services as a whole. I think you're right though, not everyone knows about the bill and even those who do, aren't fully aware of its contents. About the advertising, advertising your time is...
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    Beautée vs service

    C'est comme qu'on l'a déjà dit, à mesure qu'on évolue dans notre carrière de client, les goûts changent. Au début, d'habitude, c'est juste de la beauté. Mais pour moi, après une ou deux expériences ou j'ai été avec une belle fille et nos intérêts ne concordais pas, je commençais à porter plus...
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    Does Bill C-36 make you lose any sleep?

    I think for me there are three main items that concern me or caught me off-guard. 1. Customers are now breaking the law, while escorts are not. None of the provisions that were struck down even came close to this, but I guess that since the Tories were in there they figured that they'd muck...
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    Mood killers ?should their be a common blacklist ?

    I think the idea is a good one. I mean, who wouldn't want to make sure that the guys who waste the ladies' time are no longer able to pull their shenanigans. Looking at it from a lady's perspective it's a loss of income when this happens and from the gentleman's perspective it's a loss of...
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    How will Bill C-36 affect your hobbying?

    My understanding is that it went to Royal Assent around the 5th of this month (ironically enough) and after that there's a 30 day grace period.
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    Unlimited Posting for Escorts?

    Alright guys, I feel like an idiot for it taking me 5 pages to realize this, but this now obviously a troll... well done sir, well done...
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    Unlimited Posting for Escorts?

    Could you share any proof of that?
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