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  1. W

    The Trump Crime Family

    Now ol' Donny says he didn't say "Lock her up" in his 2016 campaign...:oops:
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    Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent, BBC reports

    Ah yes, the latest innovation in mobility from the so-called 2nd best military in the world (currently on day 830 of 3 day special military operation)
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    Dick pills Montreal

    ??? Go see a doctor and tell them you have "performance issues" (yes, that's the code word) and get a prescription for V or C. Why put your health in some shady Chinese "supplement" manufacturer???? They don't regulate shit over there. Back in 2008, 54,000 kids had to be hospitalized due to...
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    Everything about the Republican Party.

    Democrats should introduce a bill disqualifying felons from holding office (because for sure felons can't vote)... Then watch the party of "law and order" try to argue against it. :p
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    Everything about the Republican Party.

    Party of Law and Order now has a felon for its Presidential nominee.... :rolleyes:
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    Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent, BBC reports

    If you have an hour to spare on the weekends, then check out this program to help Ukrainians with learning English: They currently have 44,000 participants.
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    Everything about the Republican Party.

    And yet another outrageous proposal from the party of limited government: “According to the GOP, America needs a national registry for pregnant women along with the federal...
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    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    More monkey-see-monkey-do from the Con party, taking inspiration from the Republican party Speaking for ALL Conservatives, MP Cathay Wagantall states the Conservative Party of Canada believes that abortion should be outlawed from the instant of conception: “And we in the House, as...
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    Hot stocks to buy? suggestions, recommendations

    My vote goes to AMZN, GOOG, & NVDA. They have such a technological edge that it's damn near impossible to compete with them. Just buy and forget, and check back again in 5 years.
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    Interview with sexual health doctor

    VERY detailed interview with board certified urologist Dr Rena Malik Some interesting how often you should ejaculate to lower risk of prostate cancer, pain during sex, sperm counts, etc
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    Towards the presidential run of 2024

    Who needs voters anyway ... when you have "election observers"... “Having the right people to count the ballots is just as important as turning out voters on Election Day,” Trump said in a statement...
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    Towards the presidential run of 2024

    Nikky Haley dropped out of the race on March 6, but yesterday, 155,000 Republican voters still preferred her over the Orange.
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    Joe Biden a good President

    LOL, scary good how AI is getting now...
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    Towards the presidential run of 2024

    Nearly May and 6 months before the election and guess what - Biden has setup a total 94 field offices in battleground states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, North Carolina. Trump? 0. ZERO. Biden's campaign fundraising? $187M Trump? $99M ... and a lot of it is NOT going...
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    The Trump Crime Family

    Wakey wakey, Sleepy Don
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    Joe Biden a good President

    Oooh, sick burn...
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    Everything about the Republican Party.

    Joseph McCarthy ( probably spinning in his grave, knowing what happened to the Republican party
  18. W

    Everything about the Republican Party.

    Republican family values - cheat, lie, frame
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