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  1. E

    SP Friendly List

    For the Centre Sheraton, the answer is no.
  2. E

    Feedback on my website please!

    Not bad at all. The online booking is a good option.
  3. E

    Herpes: the good news, the bad news, and the really bad news

    Thank you for this useful informations. ""It can be passed from one partner to another and from one part of the body to another. Brief skin-to-skin contact is all that’s needed to pass the virus."" : SCARRY !
  4. E

    SP Friendly List

    Excellent thread. Those are expensive hotels. A cheaper option would be great too ;) Let's say hotels in the 60-90 range. Thanks.
  5. E

    Salut. je suis aussi fan des pieds feminins. On pourrait echanger nos experiences et nos bons...

    Salut. je suis aussi fan des pieds feminins. On pourrait echanger nos experiences et nos bons contacts, histoire de ne pas se fair avoir et perdre son cash à tout bout de champs. Je trouve Julya assez intriguante. Comment sont ses pieds ? Pales, rugueux, doux ? Merci de l'avis
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