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Recent content by Anna Bijou

  1. Anna Bijou

    Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

    A bit random but my favorite since I was a kid is Daou. Lebanese. There are 2 of them. The best one is the original one Faillon/Lajeunesse and the other one is in VSL on Marcel Laurin. Every single birthday I ask to go there (Going this weekend, my birthday is on Tuesday haha) It's not a fancy...
  2. Anna Bijou

    A useful little hack

    It doesn't work anymore. It stopped working a few months ago. Use or and enter the URL to bypass paywall ;)
  3. Anna Bijou

    Hamas & Israel

    Ooook I think you're confused. It's not the propaganda. It's the reality in front of our open eyes that has destroyed the propaganda and the ready made narrative it supports. Personally, nothing's changed as I saw this from 2008 Operation Cast Lead and when the reports for all the...
  4. Anna Bijou

    Hamas & Israel

    Yes, because they really care about the hostages, right? Did you hear the audio of a released hostage ripping into Netanyahu? She's livid. They know the government doesn't care. They were shot at from above by the idf when they were being brought into Gaza. They were terrified, she says. Because...
  5. Anna Bijou

    Hamas & Israel

    Eeek. You're so very bad at this. I'm sorry, there's more but I was kind of done, I stopped reading. Your video is literally posted by the IDF propaganda PR account (same one that has been posting the most cringe attempts at producing "evidence" - did get some good parody videos out...
  6. Anna Bijou

    Hamas & Israel

    . . .But if we go to the argument I'm assuming you think you're making. And you want to keep saying the Palestinians didn't try non violent protest? Met with guns. Political resolution? Sabotaged by Israel and the US. And definitely not the first time. Just as recently as 2021: Israeli...
  7. Anna Bijou

    Hamas & Israel

    Part 1: Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says Part 2: Israeli teen ”burned completely” by Israeli tank fire at kibbutz "Mass Hannibal" — We killed Israelis on 7 October, says Israeli air force colonel We also know many of the claims are lies, and have been...
  8. Anna Bijou

    Hamas & Israel

    Gross. Seriously, wtf is this. Especially while people are watching, in horror, Israel committing genocide. Like, have some decency. Your stupid, long debunked crap is of no use to anyone. It's literally so stupid it's not worth anyone watching. You have to be some kind of sociopath to blame...
  9. Anna Bijou

    Hamas & Israel

    What's really stupid is changing the definition of words to claim anyone is claiming the genocide of Jews. Imagine being so weak in justifications for your beliefs, you make people who don't agree criminals! It's depraved to do this to distract from the fact that Israel IS committing one...
  10. Anna Bijou

    Hamas & Israel

    Sounds amazing, man! Well, I guess....? Maybe as quick google search before posting would help avoid posting something verifiably false. But thank you for bringing up a great point. It's a perfect example to highlight the core issue: Palestinians have no rights, certainly not equal...
  11. Anna Bijou

    Using code in post

    Thank you! I'll try it out.
  12. Anna Bijou

    Using code in post

    A long time ago, I remember being able to use HTML code in posts (on Perb, I have no idea if it was the same on Merb). I've tried all kinds of ways to embed content and haven't been able to get anything to work. I've tried pasting directly "as is" in the text box, never works. I just decided...
  13. Anna Bijou

    Être contacté par une TDS sans sollicitation

    Yes but I did not capitalize mine :p But I get what you're saying..
  14. Anna Bijou

    Hamas & Israel

    Ghouls. You are incapable of looking outside of your superiority bubble. Go watch the scenes Fox isn't showing, or none of the corporate media does. It's your work, you should see all of it. Israel is a criminal, terrorist state in the process of committing genocide.
  15. Anna Bijou

    Hamas & Israel

    Oh yeah, silly me. I forgot about the well known trend of people going from anti Zionist to Zionist after the age of 30! Lmao Right. Kidding aside, we both know the opposite is what actually occurs, and it is happening much more as it becomes very hard to hold the cognitive dissonance required...
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